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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. I wonder if Ted knows details about this that even Murray doesn't yet know? If so, that could cause further problems - let's say the "Inner Circle" gave Murray the spin-rinsed version ala the presser today. What if Murray finds out from Ted Nolan or from PLF that it wasn't voluntary and that the public story is a crock of crap? Will Murray lose faith in the owner and the owner's boys?


    For these and other juicy details, tune in weekdays at 2 pm on MSG Network for "Days of our Sabres"

  2. If the Teddy is really the coach most of us think he is, why does he need Patty as cover ? Why not just let your performance speak for you ? If TP really cares about a Cup and Teddy produces toward that end, that should be enough. I think Teddy is more concerned at this point with the well being of his good friend.


    Because Teddy's a relationship guy. When the relationships get upset, his mojo is shaken.

  3. I am totally behind the Blues. My thought is this: Ott and/or Miller will chase the Cup in free agency.... unless they win it this year. Then there is the chance they will be willing to sign with the Sabres and bring that Cup experience to the Sabres to help them build to the Cup. (Maybe wishful thinking, but to me it's the most plausible scenario for them coming back.) And even if they don't return the Sabres, they're both good players that deserve a Cup.


    These St. Louis announcers have man-crushes on Ott & Miller.




    Just like the rest of us. :flirt:


    Just like watchin' the Sabres.... lots of missed shots from the blue & gold.

  4. I think this tweet well represents why I am concerned.


    John Vogl@BuffNewsVogl 54m

    1. If Pat LaFontaine willingly resigned to go back to NHL, why would Ted Nolan be so bummed about his friend and decline to talk contract?


    Because as long as buddy Patty is in the front office, he know's he's got someone pulling for him and doesn't worry about what the rest of the staff thinks; he knows Patty's got his back. Now Patty's gone and he has to seriously consider whether he can really trust GMTM and the rest. Nolan is all about relationships, I think, and it will bear on his decision to stay or go.

  5. that TN presser didn't help me feel any warmer or fuzzier about this mess. I got the feeling he's not sure he wants to accept a contract offer.


    WTF is going on?


    Again, PLF and TN are besties. They go back a long time. I think Ted knows exactly what's going on, and probably takes PLF's side, but he's a professional and knows first and foremost that he's got his job to do. You can see in the presser how torn he is, and I totally get it. He's gotta decide if the Sabres without PLF is the club he wants to coach for. I totally respect that he doesn't want to make a decision while he's still feeling the emotions of PLF's departure.


    On a positive note, he mentioned Drew Stafford as a leader of the club. If he gets the C, I think we all know that that means..... he'll be the next guy traded. :w00t:


    In all seriousness, I think Staff may really emerge as a leader of this club and may be the only member of the Old Core that moves forward with the Sabres.

  6. that TN presser didn't help me feel any warmer or fuzzier about this mess. I got the feeling he's not sure he wants to accept a contract offer.


    WTF is going on?


    He and PLF are besties.


    I had a boss at work that I got along great with, who pulled me along behind him not once but twice, both times giving me pretty cool assignments. Then he just left the company. It gave me pause, but here it is about five years later and I'm still with the company.


    I'm sure with the departure of PLF, Teddy is doubling down on his decision, making sure it's the right way to go. His career so far has been greatly affected (positively and negatively) by personal relationships, but he's also good enough for his coaching to stand on its own merits. His hesitance probably has to do with him doing a gut check, convincing himself he can really do the job. It was an easy decision when PLF was there pulling for him, but with Patty gone, he's doing some soul searching to make sure he wants to work with the personalities left. I think he will, but there's no real reason why he has to say yes or no right this minute.


    I like to think he'll be successful as a coach for the Sabres going forward, but if he decides the situation isn't right for him, I think GMTM will be able to find and bring in a capable replacement. Who knows, maybe this whole interim tag thing was Nolan's preference, not wanting to commit to the job until he was sure it was the right thing for him to do at this point in his life.

  7. Sixteen pages of posts asking "why" in less than 18 hours, and headlines throughout the hockey world, suggests to me that it's not sufficient to your core audience.


    A handful of posters on a sausage-fest fanboi forum does not constitute a "core audience." There are 16 pages of yapping here because the people here like to yap when their inferiority complexes are tweaked.


    And I'm not seeing much notice in the hockey world. More of a "Hey. This happened. Meh."


    Replace him? Why? We already have too many VP's of this and that.


    I think that was his point.

  8. Yes. Just read that Battista also told Ryan Vinz to get his pads and come with him. Battista is everywhere! There's some serious ball-swinging taking place!


    Maybe GMTM was (and is) still working the phones and asked Battista to handle this stuff for him. Lots of plausible scenarios that don't involve conflict (outside of an ass-hurt PLF).

  9. If PLF is leaving in mutual agreement, why no press conference to announce it?


    You don't do a presser when someone who's only been with the organization a few months leaves. We got this, it's all that was required.



    The Buffalo Sabres have announced Pat LaFontaine has resigned as President of Hockey Operations.


    Both Sabres Owner Terry Pegula and Pat LaFontaine have issued statments through the team.

    "I would like to thank Pat for all he has done for the organization. Pat joined us at a very difficult time and helped transition the organization down a new path. Tim Murray will continue as GM & Craig Patrick will continue as Senior Hockey Advisor. As has been the case since I bought the team, we’ll continue to do whatever is needed to rebuild the organization & keep it on path towards our ultimate goal of winning the Stanley Cup.” – Sabres Owner Terry Pegula

    "Terry Pegula hired me in Nov. and my primary objective was to lead the Sabres organization through a time of transition. I'm proud of what we've been able to accomplish in a short period of time and want to thank Terry and Kim Pegula for the opportunity and their support during my time with the Sabres. I also want to convey my best wishes to all of the players in the Sabres organization and to wish them the best of success in the future. Most importantly, I want to convey my heartfelt appreciation to the great fans of the Sabres for the way I have been treated here as a player and as an executive." - Pat LaFontaine



    That is sufficient.

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