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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. And a cell phone. I've seen videos of war rooms before and generally the GM isn't the guy on a computer. Just has a phone.

    Probably because he'll take a call and hear a few names, then mention them out loud for those on the computers to look up.


    Also note that there is a PC projected on the big screen. Someone is driving it for him.

  2. Weber is a nice guy, but his instincts suck.


    That's while he will be gone either by the deadline or in the offseason: No hockey sense. Scott is a better Dman.


    Terrible PK. Sabres didnt once get it out of their zone


    Just before they scored, I remarked at how tired the PKers looked. Poor bastages.


    I just can't imagine how bad they would be if Nolan couldn't squeeze some effort out of them.


    I can. We saw that under Rolston.


    Love when Darryl Reaugh said Ville Leino is getting paid by the shot!


    The Stars are my home market (ugh, I know) but I really like Reaugh as a color commentator. For as charmingly oafish as Rob Ray is, Darryl Reaugh equally as clever.

  3. I can't see ANY coach signing up to a deliberate tank.


    Two words: Ron Rolston.



    Heck, even Nolan may have bought into the tank. He's made the team much more competitive game for game, but until the recent win streak, his W-L isn't that great either. He was brought in to build an attitutude and a work ethic, not a contender, at least not yet.

  4. TN has done a reasonable job for sure but he is replaceable. Without sounding like TM I agree that you are in or you are out. If he hasn't made a decision by the end of the week I would be making the decision for him.


    No reason to be that abrupt. Let him work through the rest of the season. If you can come to terms by then, great. If not, then it's time to look for a new coach between seasons. There's no reason to "make the decision for him" and kick him off the island this late into what's already a pointless season.


    Who's turned on Nolan?


    If he's too unprofessional to deal with a friend's seperation from the organization, then why would a Sabres fan want him to stay? If he's just frustrated and needs a couple of days to sort it out and signs the contract, then it's all good.


    Not everyone sees this situation to be as melodramatic as you do.


    This is exactly where I'm at.

  5. And now Ted Nolan is hemming and hawing. TPegs screwed the pooch on this one letting Murray go around Lafontaine. As I said before if the Sabres lose Nolan, this is more than a P.R. blunder. It is a major screw up. Nuts this is very disappointing.


    Not true. If Nolan was only here because of PLF, then he needs to go. If he's here because he's the coach of the future, then he can stay. It sounds like it really is up to him. I totally accept GMTM's words: He wants a coach that wants to be here. If TN's loyalties are conflicted because of PLF's departure, TN needs to go too. I personally thing TN at this point in his career is more professional than that and will stay. I don't care if he is being low-balled, this is still the NHL and you don't walk away from that. Negotiations are still ongoing supposedly, so let TN put some performance clauses in. If it turns out he really can turn this thing around, reward him for it.


    They're big boys, they'll work it out. But I'm not going to cry over someone who is butt-hurt because his friend left (or got fired from) the team. GMTM can't either. You're on board or you're not, Teddy. You choose. Love ya either way.


    TN doesn't think he did anything wrong and feels the team slighted him.


    I think it's TN is just disappointed as hell that his buddy left, no matter what TN knows about it or how it went down.

  6. It's easy to root for them. They wear blue & gold. They share other things with the Sabres as well. They are the only two teams coached by Scotty Bowman that weren't Cup winners, they've both been to the finals multiple times and lost, etc. In short, they're perennial underdogs, just like us.

  7. I am really starting to like Murray. Just ruthless, no BS personality.


    "I'm not begging someone to be here, I want players that want to be here and coaches that want to be here"


    "I appreciate him hiring me but I can't make choice for him, everyone makes their own choices and this doesn't change anything"


    This dude is EXACTLY what we need as our GM...ruthless, calculating, "Your only as good as your last season" GM...


    He's ruthless but he doesn't strike me as an ######. Just a blunt guy. Here it is, like it or not, but here it is. Watching his comments about Nolan and watching Nolan's presser, I think both men have spoken their mind, and Nolan wisely didn't quite speak his heart (which is kind of messed up at the moment).


    I hate the current path because it's as if the braintrust thinks that we are all dumb enough to believe the spin. But let's be serious. There will be more trades, the team will have huge turnover. We will all move on and continue watching because we don't pay money or post on this message board for a management team. All this does is make us skeptical every time they speak.


    I like the current path just fine. They announced it. They talked about it. Now it's past history and let's run a team here. It's not so much "Nothing to see here, move along," but more of a "There was a bump in the road but we're not going to let it derail this team."




    There is something they are not telling us.


    And I don't wanna know. It could be something personal. Just let it go.

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