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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. and wear a toque with a suit as well.


    Yeah.... what was up with that? :doh:


    I send you PM's asking you what the hell your problem is, out of respect for the rest of the people that don't want to hear it.


    I don't care that you tell me that my opinion is BS. I care that you tell me I can't have an opinion.


    Sounds like you're the one getting all bent out of shape, little boy. Nobody wants to hear this, if you like we can continue this elsewhere.


    Don't most forums have rules about discussing PM junk out in the forum? Really guys, no one wants to hear it.


    While I wouldn't of whined about him using #30; it was honorable of him to change his number. Maybe it'll be lucky since Miller was forced to switch his number due to Hasek's feats

    My eyes are bleeding! :huh:


    And yet it would've sounded fine with text reading software.


    Everyone is set for Microsoft Sam. Except Dudacek, who is voiced by James Earl Jones.


    Really? In my head he sounds like David Sedaris.

  2. Hey, not to be a party pooper at the McDavid adulation club, but I'm old enough to recall the hype surrounding the last first overall pick the Sabres had. There was even a big article in Sports Illustrated (I think) long before the Sabres picked him, about how he was the next great thing and a can't miss Superstar in the mold of Mario.


    I don't even remember who that was. Who was it?


    I'm of the mindset that we need to build a solid TEAM of talent, and if we are lucky enough to get him in the process, then hooray for us. But if we don't get him, it should not be a reason not to contend for the Cup within five years.

    Bottom line for me is this:


    The Red Wings have been a mark of consistency and elite play for a very long time in the NHL (not so much lately but they are still good)


    I don't recall them having high draft picks to build with to build the team they had, and as well use FA to their advantage when need be.


    Tim Murray needs to draft well, regardless of where he picks, and Pegula needs to spend the right way when needed.


    #1 picks don't guarantee anything. Just ask Edmonton.


    Yes. All of that.

  3. But a more incremental, broad-based approach can take into account changes in players, not getting the players you want, etc. If you purposely lose for years to get a single player and then you don't get him, you're left with a bunch of players that don't know how to win. Start building now, tank be damned.

  4. Sure, he could get hurt. Anybody could get hurt. Pretty weak statement. He could bust, but if he's healthy then there's very little chance he doesn't become a star. Top draft picks in the NHL don't have a high bust rate, at all. And he is an unbelievable talent, so please leave TC's name out of this.


    Your argument seems to be that we need more than one player so we shouldn't target this one. Do you think we should sign Callahan? If so, I say we need more than one player so we shouldn't go after him.


    No, we shouldn't *sign* Callahan; we should acquire/make a whole team full of Callahans- good work ethic, lots of hustle, respectable talent. At the beginning of the season we had none of those. Now we have a team that works and hustles but you can coach someone to be talented if it isn't inherently there. My point is that focusing on the tank is not the right way. Building up the *whole* team is the right way.


    Let's look at it differently: Tyler Myers. Great rookie season, a superstar in the making. Then he loses his mojo and becomes hovers around mediocrity for a few years. Now he's maturing and busing out of it. A year or two ago we said he needed to go, now he's playing out of is mind crazy franchise good.


    Let's say we get McDavid. You guys seem so obsessed with the guy. When we get him, he will be a boy among men. There will be a lot of pressure on him and on the organization to move him up. With all that pressure we don't know how he'll handle it. Will he be a star? Maybe in four or five years. Maybe until then he will go through lots of ups and downs. All I'm saying is don't take it as a sure thing that if we draft the guy, a competitive team is inevitable. It might take years. It might never happen.


    Or what if the team tanks and McDavid goes to someone else anyway due to the lottery? The tank is like buying lottery tickets for your retirement.

  5. Those don't come around often and they don't end up being busts.


    Incorrect. First of all, even if we tank, it's not 100% we get him. Secondly, even if we get him, he could totally bust. If he gets hit hard in his third game as a Sabre and gets a concussion, he could be the next Tim Connolly- never the same once the concussions started. No guarantees. And if I've learned one thing in Buffalo sports it's this: There's no such thing as a sure thing.


    So I'm not hanging my hat on McDavid. I'd love to have him, sure, and I hope we get him, but what the team really needs besides him is good chemistry, a work ethic, a better overall talent level, and a front office that can adjust to the available player market to best address the holes and issues as they arise. All that is coming regardless of McDavid. If we get him, it will help, but the Sabres need a better team, not a single savior.

  6. He'll sign, of that I'm sure. I don't even see an issue with waiting until the end of the season. If he says no, it's not like they're going to try to find someone before the end of the season anyway. No urgency whatsoever until the last game is played.

  7. You're not serious, right?




    I just think it's not a good policy to base your whole team on one or two great players. Sure it's nice to have the great players, but there's a lot more to building a winner than that one player.


    And there are lots of cases where a player was all-everything at lower levels of play but doesn't make the jump to the bigs. And even if he does, he could blow out a knee or run into concussion problems and never be able to play up to his level of potential.


    I don't know. I have the feeling that if the Sabres get McDavid he will never be the franchise savior you're all making him out to be. Maybe it's just my Buffalo Sports Fan Fatalism, but I don't think he's the answer.

  8. A position created specifically for LaFontaine really makes it sound like he was intended to be a figurehead.


    You figured that out, but PLF didn't. Once GMTM was hired PLF was shocked, shocked I say, that his role diminished. So he took his ball and went home.


    I'm okay with that really, if that's how it went down. The Sabres needed a stabilizing influence, a fan favorite that would placate the fan base, and someone who could find the next GM. PLF was entirely successful at that, or so it appears at this point. I'd much rather that, once he realized he had no further duties of any significance, he decided to leave instead of staying on and trying to influence Murray. Now *that* would have been dysfunctional. The professional thing to do was to leave and let GMTM get on with the rebuild.

  9. Every game I watch, I pull for a Sabres win and I'm happy when they do. To me, the tank (and resulting 1st pick) is something hypothetical I use to look at as a silver lining when they lose. But I can honestly say I root for a win every game.


    That said, Enroth is not Hasek or Miller. He will have some bad games to go with these gems. And Neuvirth won't be Hasek Miller *or* Enroth. The tank resides in the the goaltending tandem at this point. I want and hope to see the rest of the team steadily improve. This year is the locker room chemistry; down the road it will be improvement in the talent level. The final piece will be top-shelf goaltending. If you have a decent team but weak goaltending, you're not going to win a lot of games.


    Next year they can manipulate the tank by overplaying Neuvirth. Playing him 50-50 for a while, saying you're letting him compete for the job, will put the lesser of two goalies off the ice for more games, and also will keep the better goalie off his game. (Think about it- no wins this year until he was "the guy". The last time he showed anything like this was a while back when Miller was out injured.)

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