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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. 27 Matt D’Agostini – 23 Ville Leino – 44 Nicolas Deslauriers


    Ack. That line would look better with ANYONE ELSE at center besides Leino. Can John Scott take a faceoff?


    Plus idk who their goalies even are,


    McDonald was the backup to Jimmy Howard in Detroit. Perpetually on the AHL-NHL bubble. The other guy I don't know either.

  2. The captain disappearing act isn't something unexplainable. We're a team that has been in sell mode for a few years. Captains are generally talented and valuable players. Ergo teams would give good offers to acquire them.


    So if we put a C on Staff, it will tell the rest of the league how valuable he is. Right? Right?

  3. If I let fear of corporate cronyism prevent me from consuming I'd be living under some pine branches in the woods wearing the pelts of the animals I've killed for food.


    Is this a feasible option? Because if it is, I'm in.


    I agree, but you think they would want to bust their humps so that they may be part of this team going forward.


    Why? Seriously, better to get waived and try with another, more successful, franchise.


    I think much of what I read here is the byproduct of The Tank. People say they want the Sabres to stink it up for the #1 pick but the reality makes us crazy.


    ...as foretold by the prophecy.

  4. I will just say this: The officiating last night was very pro-Original-6. There were countless infractions committed by the Habs that the refs just totally disregarded, while they called a lot of iffy stuff against the Sabres. When they did the replay of one of the penalties, Rob Ray was saying, "oh here it is, no wait, it must be that...or..." In other words, there was no infraction committed by a Sabre, but the penalty was called anyway. Then Deslauriers (or however you spell it) gets smacked in the face with a stick and no call. Come on.


    Deslauriers is a keeper. I like his effort, I like his skill set. He's not first line material, but he can chip in and isn't afraid to lay the body on the other team. He seems to know how to use his size without drawing the penalty (something Myers has struggled with).


    I root for wins, but at this point I'm just trying to get to know the Sabres team for next year. A lot of these names will be with us until all these draft picks and prospects are ready for the bigs.

  5. Another "bottom 6" forward for an entire team of "bottom 6" fowards. I'm so excited...



    Let's grab Martins Karsums while we're at it...and Roberts Lipsbergs is draft eligible this year too!


    Grab all the Latvians! :-)


    I'm buying stock in the company that makes all the Ss for jersey names.





    LMAO, or the Johnny Cash song……..One piece at a time




    So are we saying Nolan is building a tank one piece at a time?

  6. Nashville is my favorite western conference team for an unknown reason, I just like them.


    You got the hots for Trotz!


    Apparently we are in a full scale rebuild... who knew?



    It contains this rather accurate quote: "Seriously, look at that stats box above - the Sabres are a simmering pile of garbage these days."


    Well at least they might not be "spinning their wheels in an Edmonton-like morass." (i.e., the Sabres aren't the standard in futility. Yet.)

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