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Prospect (1/8)



  1. I'm on vacation in Arizona, and I get two fraud reports from my credit cards.. for $8,000! Luckily the companies caught it in time, but still worth complaining about. :angry:
  2. Looking for 10 tickets to take a friend coming back from overseas and family to a game. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
  3. Have to work til 8 tonight, so I'll miss the first two periods. I'm counting on the message board to keep me posted for the highlights tonight!! :thumbsup: Thanks in advance guys!
  4. I remember this team... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. WooHooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
  6. Now how cant you call that a deliberate offsides? :blink:
  7. Exactly :D
  8. That makes sense, after all, the pucks didnt go into the net or anything :lol:
  9. I'm at work, was our last goal a PP goal?
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. That, and a big smile from Danny after the game is payback enough for me! :thumbsup:
  12. KOTALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!! Lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Come on boys, lets get going!
  14. End of the period sounded ugly... stuck at work so I cant see.
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