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Everything posted by IKnowPhysics

  1. I wore my Sabres jersey proudly and without resistance at the Wachovia Center while I watched Tampa Bay spank them into obilvion last week. The non-sellout crowd was pitifully boring. I can't imagine what they're like 6 losses later. I still maintain: #%^$#! Philly in their stupid . Let them drown at the bottom of the league. They can go winless until May of 2008, and I still wouldn't be satisfied.
  2. Yeah, I might as well idle in there as well, as I'm on IRC about 98% of the time anyways. That being said, it wouldn't be a half bad idea to operator me.
  3. Do the addition of Gratton + 4th round pick for Briere + 3rd pick, you get: Wayne Primeau + Holzinger + Sarich + 3rd rd pick + 4th rd pick = 2nd rd pick + Briere + 3rd rd pick This equation reduces to: Primeau + Holzinger +Sarich + 4th = Briere + 2nd Figure Sarich + Holzinger might be enough to cover talented Briere, and you still get a 2nd rd pick for mere Primeau and a 4th rd pick. Net gain for Sabres. Other notable chain-deal for Regier: March 23,1999 Mike Wilson to Florida for Rhett Warrener and a 1999 5th round draft pick (Ryan Miller) July 03,2003 Sabres send Keith Ballard to Colorado for Steve Reinprecht. Sabres then trade Rhett Warrener and Steve Reinprecht to Calgary for Chris Drury and Steve Begin Wilson + Ballard = Drury + Begin + 5th rd Evolved in time... Wilson + Ballard = Drury + Miller
  4. January 18, 2006 For the first time since the dawn of man, the Buffalo Sabres receive national fan recognition in an obscure online poll conducted by si.com. The Sabres were rewarded with the most votes, 35%, for "who is more underrated." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/hockey/nhl/ (Center, bottom of page)
  5. Don't dare forget the time we routed those fukcers in Game 6, 8-0, for the series. I saw many a Flyers jersey in the trash cans around HSBC, I can tell you. We gave Philly the hurt in the playoffs almost as much as we gave it to Ottawa.
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