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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Friggen Welker, hate that little fugger. 5 never stood a chance after the check. Lets of card left :clapping: :death:
  2. Thank GoDD, i really do appreciate you taking the time to analyse the whole card day in advance, and then the time and effort to post them !!!!!!Awesome Forgot i have to attend a graduation party this afternoon, but no worries, have the Twinspires App on the phone and that thing works great! god i love technology when it works! as you know, i will be pounding all of your turf picks, and love the fact you feel strong on the 12th..something to do after the big race is over. My Dad was a big fan of the ponies, and he and my Mom whiled away plenty of days at the track just watching the horses and having fun spending time together.Today would have been their 60th Anniversary, so i know they are watching and hoping for good day for all of us !
  3. we hit a pick six, tickets on ME!!!!
  4. hate that slashing call..friggen sticks break so easy
  5. GoDD...wife going away on Saturday, so have some time to pay attention and actual bet a card. I have had a decent/good run in the casinos last couple of weeks and have a few extra shcekles for the race on Saturday. Thinking with the crowds at Belmont you can steer me to some winners with a price on the turf and help relieve a bunch of drunk New Yorkers of their cash. Thank you in advance...beers on me if you are at the Bills opener or first Sabre game on a doubleheader weekend
  6. I am the exact opposite..love Doc and was so disappointing when i tuned in and no Doc. Like bum holes as they say. all they said was death in the family...and i am not saying you were disrespectful.
  7. is that it for Crawford? Not that that goal his fault, just a a change for change sakes
  8. Lordy, i like Engblom so much more than McQuire..And i will take Michellti(sp) all day over Olzcck. Hate this game starting so late, will watch the 2nd and 3rd in the early AM, been a long weekend.
  9. if your a steer or a ??? BTW, seared duck breast with spicy udon noodles last night. Beef ribs(first time for me) on the egg today...lets just say i need some practice with those bad boys
  10. Thermapens are great,have had one for several years. An accurate grill thermometer essential as well for low/cooks..ones that come with your unit most likely suck. BTW, don't worry about the amount of slat you use on foods you prepare. Only worry is eating prepared foods...soup from the can 600 milligrams , soup you make at home and think you nurse a ton of salt, prolly 150.
  11. Coulkd not help myself, played $31.50...only have the trifecta for $1...wont get my money back. (edit) made $6.50 LOL) BTW,i love the owner Chrome. Dude has what looks like a nice bourbon in a plastic cup as his horse is coming across the finish line...AWESOME!!!!!!
  12. Hate this litlle pric.. http://www.tmz.com/2014/05/16/wes-welker-churchill-down-kentucky-derby-overpayment-15k/ So, give me something of the card in the next couple of hours GoDD...any turf races coming up? BTW, not betting Preakness..just see no value in it at all..but will watch
  13. I was married 35, babies started at at 37...wife two years younger. Still think sometimes was married a few years to soon. Now my trivial complaints about spring Having to cut the grass twice a week. Magnolia tress droping leaves now, those things are heavy as well and a pain in da arse to bag up(too big for mower to mulch)
  14. That is Perfect for me as well!
  15. Two reasons for my post 1) had Goose Island Matilda on draft last night. Bartender said was a Farmhouse Ale, and I figured was guan be light in color and taste similar to a Saison. Came out darker in color, tasted like a very nice saison, and I really liked it, and lets just say had more than one but less than 10. 2) when I googled it, this Beer Advocate page came up. Do people really drink beer and taste all this stuff? Do these guys even enjoy a beer or are they just trying to sound cool? Read like the first 6 reviews, just crazy http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1146/4318/ Musty blanket ..bruised golden apple...I mean WTF do those even taste like?
  16. That is my true session beer, and love it in the cans. $13.99 a twelve at Total Wine is a damn fine price as well. I always prefer cans , easier in so many ways than bottles. I believe Bells canning line should be up and running soon Two Hearted and Oberon i believe
  17. I love, love , love the HOP Sun. The Kolsh from Goose Island i enjoy as well..evn though Bud owns them i think they have left them alone. Also, for the session beers, i disliked both the Founders and the Terrapin I do like this though http://schlafly.com/...s/sessions-ipa/
  18. WOO HOO Nice hit in the 4th! Played with the 7 in the exactas(my number plays always add up to 9)...$19 to win and $133 exacta!!!!!!!! Back to positive territory, lots o money to play with in the derby. Off to golf now, so cant lose in all back this afternoon
  19. Thank you GoDD. so if I read correctly, you like race 4 the best. Any horses with Cozzene in bloodlines still running? Man , I used to bet that bloodline heavy on turf, always profitable.
  20. So why in the world do they have the Habs- ruins game on at 12:30? Who is gunna inside when the est coast finally has decent weather on a Saturday. Must be aWiggles concert or something in the Garden this evening. Hope the highlights are good, will watch after golf and before the derby.
  21. so i cant wait till our expectations are such that we booing a powerplay on home ice in the first period, in the first game, of round 2. I know it seems weird, but i truly mean that! And then the Bronx cheer for Fleury.. now 2-0. Not Fleurys fault, and i keep calling for it, but no way i just cant see this guy being a goalie who can lead a team to a cup. And quite crying about a blown offside call ...for christs sake the faceoff was still down deep in the Rangers zone.
  22. I have never seen that. I chit you not, i think the 9 having a poop in the gate freaked that 10 out!. I know bad day today, but if you like some of the other races would be greatly appreciated..especially your turf picks :worthy: BTW, got your deuce in the 12th
  23. well, good thing for me then is i only played the 6th and this one coming up. Kinda like Trotter..I didn't lose!!!!..when he gets shut out BTW,Let it Ride is one of the best sports/gambling movies EVER, does not get the recognition it deserves.
  24. K in on the Oaks..took your Tri and Super keys for $2(protected a bit with$ .50 tri and ..$.10 Super with 13 on top). $5 Exacta Box 11/7-4 Put a good bit on the nose # 11 to win and a smidge to place. Hit this, and dont need to make a deposit tomorrow morning...and that would make wifey poo happy!
  25. was that really Welkers horse..My language not so pretty right now...i swear to god that city and anything associated with it only in existence to make me miserable
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