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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. How freaking weird to be on a contract call up in my office while the Sabres game is on and my kid is downstairs watching the game.
  2. Not sure if you are being sarcastic X, but this is juicy to me. I know crazy early, but will be rooting for the Canes like crazy tonight. BTW, i am sure this was on here, but Grabner out indefinitely with sports hernia...i think that hurts the Isles more than just a bit.
  3. Just to make it more interesting, i got both offences sucking tonight. i got $25 to win $72.50 that neither team scores 3 goals in regulation.
  4. you and me both brother
  5. Wow, thats early. Never thought i would be all in for the tank, but i am. Funny, watched NHL Tonight this morning , and instead of thinking about which teams won , i was watching to see who lost. Specifically thinking of the Canucks-Flames games, where i was ever so hoping the Flames won. It was weird, but guess i have to get used to it. I will most likely watch many an Islander game early in the season, hoping like hell they lose every one.
  6. The thing that really sucks is the beer stores take the summer beers of the shelves in late July and in goes all the Pumpkin and Octoberfest beers. Just what I want in the dog days of summer! And I like the occasional pumpkin. I now have in the fridge a 12 of Shipwreck Pumpkin in the can, will last me through November. Linkinghole Creek here in Richmond does pumpkin beer right, they grow the pumpkins on their farm, harvest them early fall, pumpkin beer comes out around first week of November, limited release, gone in about 2 weeks. Perfect! BTW, just had the Stone Saison , not a huge fan.
  7. Thats what i was afraid of...i will give it a good 24 hr dry brine i guess, with a rub with no salt. I usually always cook and do the grocery shopping...oh well! BTW, i do always buy my chickens at Whole Foods specifically to make sure i get the organic air chilled birds....i am telling you it is a noticeable difference on the air chilled birds
  8. Quick question for you all...having trouble finding anything on the google machine. I like center cut pork lion roasts on the Egg, usually brine them for quite a while with a heavy emphasis on Rosemary and chicken stock along with the salt. However, my wife bought one the other day and it is one of those "enhanced with up to 12% sodium solution" things, not the natural pork I always buy. So, I am not really sure here....I am pretty sure don't want to brine with salt, but if I put it only in the other ingredients will it take the salt that was injected out? I am just very confused.....why do they do this chit to pork and chicken!
  9. I am lost on this one...I don't remember Slater at all....either being drafted ,traded, not signed.....just anything Hockey reference has him drafted by Atlanta in pick 30....did the sabers trade the pick or how did that work. I usually remember first round picks , I am just at a total blank on this. (Edit). Okay, I found a ten year old thread on another board about this trade. We traded the pick, ended up with Paille Here is from the thread #10 lecherous Registered User Join Date: Apr 2002 Location: Rochester, NY Country: Posts: 3,186 vCash: 500 We more or less indirectly got Paille + Hecht + a pick that later became John Adams + for Hasek + Pandolfo + a pick that later became Jarrett Stoll + a pick that later became Joakim Lindstrom. I don't know, I'm pretty happy to have Paille and Hecht for the next 10-12 years rather than Hasek for 1-2 years.
  10. Peters makes me laugh sometimes...like almost all day today. Sylvester is just plain annoying, might be the biggest shill for a team i have ever heard, and that includes Jack Edwards
  11. Oh my, what a finish to the game...
  12. what to watch????
  13. This has to be Teddy's move all the way no?
  14. This is the weirdest FA period as a fan i can remember, i am curious who they sign, but pretty ambivalent who that turns out to be. Is there anyone they would sign that will see a postseason game wearing a Sabre sweater??
  15. Yes, but one could do that for every purchase, let alone every entertainment purchase.
  16. As stated by TrueBlue right above you, the only thing that prevented a trade was the cap recapture. The Hoffs deal is "only"$1M per the last three as i understand it, so GMTM envisons Hoff not playing for that sum and retiring, forcing a $10M cap hit if in last year, right when he sees us in the middle of a being a contender for multiple Cups. Pretty easy to understand why he was not tradeable
  17. PA, thank you for the question, it is appreciated. I don't think anyone does it intentionally, as seen by the thoughtful replays in this and the other thread. It is just more of a general sense that unless one has posted on the board for several years and knows how a kid that plays for the Barrie Colts will fit with the Sabres, your opinion will be dismissed. Again, I don't think it's intentional, but my gut would be very few new posters are here over a year...and of that I could be dead wrong. I think this a great thread, and if know the folks on here want a great and welcoming board, so kudos for this dialogue taking place. Your prolly right eleven! I guess I am a regular there I don't notice it! Flows both ways as you say, but I only notice on the other end. Like I said I learn a ton of hockey here, read every day, just don't post much in any hockey thread as think it will get either looked over or criticized. Thank you for the kind words...
  18. Ink, only thing i will say here is i always feel like an outsider on this board, even though i have been posting since at least 2006. Not wanting to start an argument here, but the sense i get, and it could be wrong, is that if you are not part of the "core" here, your opinion is not welcome, nor are you. Again, i am not saying that is gospel, but that is the sense one gets not being in the "core". To me, makes for a much less interesting board...as i can pretty much open open any thread and know exactly t who will say what and who will argue what side of the question at hand... I love reading the opinions of people on this board, i grant the majority of posters are way more knowledgeable about hockey than I, but a little more accommodating stance prolly brings greater numbers of posters and much more interesting threads. As they say my opinion, just liket an areshole, we all have one and they all stink
  19. Not saying TBD is the paragon of sanity,but I say PTRs point is valid about the board looks dead and if you are not in the twelve or so posters who dominate, you are pretty much viewed as a moron. I get y'all think this is a "smarter" board, i don't agree, as there is such a paucity of opinion. For the few that dominate, i get its a great board.For us others, not so much!
  20. I am drinking luke warm Dos Equis , on a plane bouncing all over the place in a storm, with smells like someone pooped their pants, after sitting through 3 hours delay at DFW....and longing for more Luke warm Dos Equis to help me forget that I think I am going to die over Louisiana somewhere. Cheers!
  21. Say a pryer folks...sitting in DFW waiting out a thunderstorm, playing on Twinspires, horrific spill in the 8th at Belmont. Dont think much hope for the horse, lets keep the jocks in our thoughts
  22. Hit my first signer in like 88 at Pimlico. God that place was/is a pit. But it was my pit, and I had plenty a good day there, then hopping in the car to drive to Charlestown for the night races. That was awesome cause in the 9th at CT, they had a cool bet called a superfecta. Would drive 90 minutes just so we could play that one bet LOL. OH how the times have changed
  23. i was at a party so did not see...i will look for it now. In terms of your suggestion...for me i would say keep it the way it is. There is a reason being a Triple Crown winner is so special..and part of it is beating all comers at all times. Rough day for me at the windows....but there will be more days and more races. GoDD, promise not to bother you to Breeders Cup ...then i need another breakdown. I am sure the end of this thread, and again thank you!
  24. I just find it so hard to bet something that Bostonians will claim again as a win...but i think you are right Millbank. I am betting lots of small triples without Chrome, biggest ones keying the 9. could be betting a lot if the 5 and 8 figure into the 8th race. Guys on TVG sloppering all over the 10, so i am taking the 5-8 that GoDD suggests with lots behind them.Also, one bet with the 10/5-8 both exacta and triple Also taking a small stab at the pick 4 using GoDD picks.... my pick 4 5-8/1-2-9/6-10-5/2-4-9 And officially out of money Frigg Dwight....does he win???????? please tell me he has the BOB Yes he does!!!!alive in the Pick 4..and the win gives me $100 back to bet! off to the graduation party..will not be posting till after the Belmont...Will have to take peeks at the phone so everyone does not think i am a total degenerate .Good Luck All.
  25. I missed the race..hate to admit had a little snooze. Sorry you lost..hated to see my 5-4 come in for $220/$1 exacta and i was sleeping. Not a great sign LOL. Hope you had a few on the nose of Bayern..i was sleeping that race too LOL. I am going to try and beat Beholden for second..betting a 6-all-1..with a small 6-5 to cover. Wow, what a great race that was..sucks i lost by just a great race
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