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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. I think they outplayed Colorado though...
  2. I agree 11, no hurt in the ticket department...and I like everyone else on here will be rooting like crazy for them to win, and win big next year, no matter who is on the team...front vs back ya know? And I think that is why so many of us a little fired up , the STH and loyal fans like yourself(99% of crowd at non Canadian games) continue to support these guys, but at least the optics point to them wanting to "stick" it to the fans. I am not a STH, but that would bother me a bit, and I think it should bother them too.
  3. Am I to understand that you believe an entitled fan is one who who expects a return...and by return I think you mean the happiness that comes from winning consistently. I see you have not defined " entitled fan yet" so if I am off, please do define.
  4. Can you tell me what is an entitled fan? I see it is your new favorite phrase....please explain for us slower posters.
  5. Haha, PHam must be the crumpiest person on earth...that dude is The male Debbie Downer. And your right, I do need to remember who they played. And I know they lost, but in my mind they outplayed Colorado as well. Just listened to Ted on GR, and he even said the team is competing and working harder in the last while. To be fair, he said it is a learning process, so maybe they are just figuring out what it takes to win. I think like most, I am just pissed at the optics of the last week, the celebration in Arizona, how truly happy they were in the locker room last night....it all just feels like they ratcheted up their game to screw the fans.
  6. Can you answer the question of why you deem everyone a " moron" who does not agree with you. And, yes they are playing harder, and have had players, and yes even their coach, say so. Did you listen to Teddy's press conference last two games? Did you listen the other 74 games? Even in the loss to the Yotes a week ago, he was bitching about guys not working and not competing.....but you are right, they worked their ass off every game, only their coach didn't see it.
  7. I get you have a different opinion on this , and I can respect that. But why do you and your ilk( Buffalo News Writers) insist, yes insist, that anyone who disagrees with you , is in your words"morons" or in the Gleasons words "losers" .....and you assume the only way us lemmings could form an opinion is when they are fed to us by "idiots" on the radio. it absolutely galls me these guys are suddenly playing harder and better because they are pissed at the fans. Many people like you somehow find that trait endearing and think that somehow shows strong character...Hmmm , professional players not playing their absolute hardest game in and game out.....yep...I agree, that is character revealing. Like K-9 pointed out, they have admitted they are working harder. Do you honestly believe that is laying the foundation for a successful future.. McEichel or no? This team for years was questioned about the core character ,now we have players openly admitting they are playing harder cause their feelings were hurt in game 74,not when they were losing 14 in a row, getting out worked and out classed on a nightly basis....and you find that to be character to build on? So Mr.Genius, please tell us how to root next year. Do we boo the players and root for the other team to get them to play harder, or do we root for them and then they don't playbas hard cause they are not pissed?... And you call us morons. Okay
  8. Not sure what this means...Calgary?
  9. Yep, getting fugly now. The Oakland loss this year took me 2 hours to get over....this is just a slow painful bandaid pull that will last for 15 years. but the players in 15 years will be able to hold their head up high and say " I was on the 29th place team in 2015...we kicked ass and got more points than one other team to screw Our fans and owner". Course, no mention of the fact they mailed in efforts for 73 previous games As the youngins say...100
  10. I don't think it is Claude, and this is why. This team is going to go down as the most hated team ever in Bluffalo sports. As I said on TBD, it's not cause they don't finish 30, it's because they appear to have gotten motivated at the thought of screwing the Buffalo fan base. I said there and I will say here...there are some bridges getting burned that will will never see the bridge repaired....and some good players are going to have to leave cause they decided 29th is a badge of glory and a giant FU TO the fans who have packed that palace for two years .....while they could not find professional pride until their fans booed them.... Not successful in my mind....and going to take a Cup win or McEichel flameout to be forgotten
  11. Birthday Drugs? I agree, but because no injury, lighter suspension. Have never figured that out...why outcome matters so much more than intent.
  12. Thank you for this...maybe I missed it but was there a diagnosis of what happened ? Prognosis for recovery/ therapy?
  13. Hackets knee no good? That would be my guess.
  14. Is this the right place for this ? Yotes up 1-0 12minutes left. Nope tied now and Pens all over the goal on PP Now2-1. Game over Pens just all over the Yotes after they fell behind1-0.
  15. I get that, and i don't blame him one iota for what he said and don't hold it against him either. If he is on the team next year, will root as hard for him as i do any other Sabre. But he needs to understand the fan side a bit as well.
  16. i would never have been one of the people either cheering Coyotes goals(outside the overtime winner) or booing Sabres. But i cannot agree with the 10 times worse statement. Not saying those guys don't try hard, or give their all. But both are marginal NHL talents, and on a better team may be playing in the AHL...that would be 10X worse.And i love Kaleta, my kid has signed Kaleta right above his bed from my brothers benefit, special special place in my heart for that guy. But Weber needs to listen to Teddy after every single game point out he had 5-6 guys not going, not competing to the fullest...even last night he said that. Get pissed at those guys too, and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
  17. And I am the exact opposite.I like Petey, he makes me laugh. But today,he kept repeating that his problem was not with the fans, but with the media, specifically the morning and afternoon guys at GR. Kept implying the fans were being told when to to celebrate the goals of other teams etc, that how would the fans know what to feel and how to think until they received direction from the "media".Same with the tome Gleason has had this year...that fans are are all idiots who can only get direction from the "media" Hey FU Peters and Gleason...i am not an idiot, I have been a die hard Sabre fan for 40 years, and was all in on getting to the bottom way before the guys on GR started toting it. As were the good majority of fans on this board. Friggen Andrew Peters saying hockey was "his game, any joe shmoe could play basketball, football or baseball in his backyard, but this is my game" as if none of us played hockey growing up, and that somehow the only person with a worthy opinion on the subject is an ex-plyer with 200 some game played. He sounded like the local news people who give out instructions like the populace is 5 years old on weather days. I make up my own mind Peters, and just cause they agree with a media host other than you does not mean i was brainwashed into that position. Man, that dude had me pissed today...condescending prince acting like i am the uneducated one.
  18. good point..i never saw it that way
  19. Awesome, cant wait to listen in a bit. I posted on OTW as well, i am one of the idots that actually pays for digital access, just cause i do. Cancelled this morning, told them i can come here to get insulted for free :w00t: HAHA. Remind me to stay away from your fanbase! ..i look at this like a football team letting the other team score a touchdown so they can get the ball back and hopefully tie the score up. Seems un-natural, but its just the way it is.
  20. Wow, you mean we are "rebuilding" or tanking or whatever. I think we , everybody, everywhere knew that. I am sure they have done a segment on the 76s, the Bucs pulling their starters in the their last game last year , Indy sitting players in their last two games in their "suck for Luck" campaign. Again, I don't mean this personally, but i can't recall one time in the last three years anyone saying Indy as an organization, or that their fan base, is somehow dirty. I know I sure as chit did not hear anything in the AFC Championship game they played in last year. Let them blast away, nothing but talk show fodder
  21. I don't mean this personally, but why in the world would you care some hack like Vogl or Harringtom or Gleason from another city are writing? I am 100% confident you have more hockey knowledge in your pinky than all 3 of them combined. I think as Buffalonians, and Buffalo sports fans, we have always had such an inferiority complex, worried about what the "big boys " think about us as a fan base and a city. Think Boston fans care we , or some goofball writer,think that they are pompous pricks or are they more concerned with counting rings in that city. Screw em, we got us a " big boy" owner now, the city is coming back, screw everyone else. I am not a season ticket holder, but I can't be prouder to be a Sabre fan than after these last two years. That building has been packed for 3 years of awful hockey, packed, and I mean truly awful hockey. Those fans going night in and night out are to be commended. And correct me if I am wrong, their coach has preached all year about he has had"passengers" , even said post game last night he had some guys who were not "ready to Play". And if it was the "other" fans, only there for last night, then You know they are not the heart of the fan base, so don't sweat what hear or read. I am 52, never ever rooted against a Buffalo team or booed a Buffalo team, and I am pretty damn sure I would have let out a hearty cheer when that OT goal went in.
  22. Wonder if we will see Risto get some flu like conditions on Wednesday evening, Thursday morning...and i am not being facetious. I can't believe Hackett is "sore" after the game and is sitting...dude you want to be an NHL goalie, your getting your shot...and you are too sore to play even with a days rest? I mean, this is not a back to back.
  23. I don't want Hackett, I want that ECHL dude Fullerton up here. 28 year old deserves a shot at the NHL, and we need to see him over an extended period of games....like 12! If Girgs sees the ice again, i really don't know what i would do. Not only are you needlessly exposing him to injury....you are admitting you stole money from your season tickets holders for 2 years
  24. I will pay his salary , even double it, through end of season is ole Vinz would play
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