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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Why was that not icing?
  2. Holy Schmoly, can't miss that if you the caps
  3. Weak goal from Holtby
  4. Hope Eichel gets the same treatment from the refs as OVie in the playoffs
  5. Guess that why Glenncross sat for 3 games.
  6. Well, not instant stream like Netflix as for some reason I hardly ever watch. Series I enjoy now on TV TURN AMC SILICON Valley. HBO Veep. HBO American Experience PBS Frontline. PBS Vice HBO Nazi Mega Weapons PBS. Charlie Rose PBS.
  7. Very cool, so it's not just me being a loon. But seems he drops it too( not when broken).
  8. Miserable out today, so watching hockey instead of playing golf Just me, or does Tavares drop/lose his stick a lot?
  9. That building is special, no doubt. The fans are smart, enthusiastic, funny...and just seem to be having a great time....at every game. I think it is the best atmosphere game in game out in the NHL, and last night was just nuts. And yes, I think it is better than the FNS. Having said that, they are still in honeymoon phase....I don't remember thinking the atmosphere in Winnipeg was all that great in say 1992, or 1996...but maybe I just did not see all that many games from there back in the dark ages.
  10. Before they won the lottery....all changed now.
  11. If Peery gets hurt, does Byfuglein get suspended? That hit just reminded me so much of Hunters hit, just lucky he was further from the boards. Or, as some thought in the Suban hit,, do you think Perry was embellishing?
  12. I agree. I was shocked the announcers kept going on that was not a major cause Stones arm was not cracked in two...only league in the world where injury dictates the penalty. Can you see the NFL saying not roughing the passer unless the guy needs to come out of the game and miss the next 5. Two handed overhand whack....if that is not a major with intent i dont know what is.
  13. Wow, this may be the most amazing post I have ever read on TBD/SS.
  14. I sure hope so...been missing me some GoDD picks on the Derby Prep trail and the Derby is just a few weeks away.
  15. I am split on that Joe, I really am. I guess maybe it's the first time I have.ever wanted a result different than the players. Just seems Gianta raised his game and his "compete" level when he got pissed at a small section of the fans....the celebrations etc.
  16. I think just the opposite...the fans were cheering for the crest to better for a long time, the players only cared about the name on the back How many times did we hear" fighting for jobs " , " pride" etc. that is 100% playing for name on the back. And I know we supposed to let it go, but some guys just seemed to enjoy screwing the fans more than they enjoyed competing. Gionta 6 multi point games in last 9...hmmmm
  17. I have never rooted for another per se, only against teams. But both my son and I have adopted the Jets from the beginning of the season. Love their fans, enjoy watching them play. Hope they go deep.
  18. I feel like I felt after the comeback. So excited, but wiped emotionally. This has been the longest game 7 in history. I am mentally exhausted. Wife left start of 3rd cause she said she only sees Sabres goals.....I have infected her with my nutjob thinking. But, it worked so maybe I nuts after all.
  19. Fire Nolan and cut Gianto tonight
  20. If a sabre scores, they should be cut tonight Nolan could sit Gionta and Ennis now so they will not be hated. But he is too freakin proud to do that. Still hate Gionta no matter what, want him gone
  21. I hated your comment. No need for that chit , have a real strong feeling you ain't letting that opinion known in a bar of Sabre fans, but Internet tough guy you will here.
  22. I know, but let's not forget what happened to Leodis after the fumble.
  23. Not to be a jerk but even saying that ain't cooll. He is just the guy enjoying this way to much. Selfish prick
  24. Gionta has to go. That little fugger has been the ringleader on getting back at the fans. He is dead to me. I have never , ever booed a Buffalo player. I will boo him every time he touches the puck at every game I am at next year.
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