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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Good for him. 2007 or so all I drank was hoppy IPA's. Back then the Two Hearted, Racer 5 and Various Troega were all that were available for the most part. I still love a great hoppy IPA, but also drink a ton off Saisons, Sours, lighter pales like Brooklyn Summer , Southern Tier Hop Sun.... So much besides just heavy hops in my rotation now. Just picked up a four pack of Ommega glimmerglass saison and and another 4 of their summer ale.... Both outstanding
  2. You funny. Sabres did Teddy so wrong...gave him a job in the NHL when no one else would touch him, paid him 3 years salary for one year worth of work, and i know little reported , but the real coaching sweepstakes was not BabWatch, but Nolanwatch to see what what WHL team Nolan will land with. Jesus, Pegs basically pays this guy for the wrong did to him 20 years ago, and you say they did him wrong.
  3. I think the perception thing is the key . Even 10 years ago, we would not have had all the leaks on Tuesday, and no huge disappointment on Wednesday. And I know been said already, but I just don't buy the argument that verbal agreements are broken all the time in "business" . That being said, If one is to believe Hamiltons article, the Sabres beloved they had the deal done, what it does not say is that Babcock gave them a verbal acceptance. In software sales we call that having happy ears. Hearing what they want to hear and not asking the tough, commitment questions. BTW, I have been in software sales for 25 years now. Must my deals now are into 7 figures annual spend. I have never had a decision maker/ check signer back out of a verbal agreement or shop my offer. Now, have had deals go south when the verbal was coming from someone other than the check signer who thought they had more power than they did, but never once with the guy who has final signing authority. Babcock had final signing authority. if, and it's a big if, he gave them a verbal, that's very unethical. If he said looks good, but still have some questions and some details to work, than that is fine to me he shopped to Toronto.
  4. Think ya nailed it!
  5. Business is predicated on trust. If Babcock gave them a verbal, or said get to this number/ structure and i'll sign...and they did and he didn't ...that is not business. I am not saying that happened, I have no clue.
  6. I really dislike Hamilton....he is so small market.
  7. Unless they are unemployed and need a job LOL.
  8. Ghost....who like the mud? That chit coming down hard. BTW, I gotta bet the the winner of the frederico teaseo. I am thinking Parhoah would be fine...if that track still had same bias as past years...speed on the lead in mud was almost impossible to overcome Boys got me to put a bunch on 3 last second That horse is the best I have seen in 20 years. What a perfect race.
  9. Damn. Friggen 2. Sets a course record, what'tya gunna do? Had the 4 behind him LOL. Off to the beer store, come back and watch the Preakness. Down to my last $36 from the derby day.
  10. Like the odds on the 3, $10 across. So like the 5 just cause of the Cozzene connection. Hate the odds, playing hard anyway. Keying boxing the 5 with 3,4,6,9 in exact as and tris Btw, could not pay me enough to be in that infield. And not just cause I old. Went to one and only Preakness in 89, hated in then too!
  11. That's too funny! Let's just say I not up $3.40. That's alright get the back yard cut and some trimming done before the 11th. That's when the beers come out. Thought the 9 was in good shape when Rodman said 47 and 3, and yep no one beating the 8 today.
  12. Back in house. Glad I missed the 8th LOL. The guys on TVG too funny bitching bout an ice cream stuck in back of them. Same song relating for 53 minutes. So heavy on the 11, like the 9 as well as I justice Motion horses on turf in MD. Also threw the 6 in as Prado knows that turf course as well as he knows he any track. Tempted to throw 1 in there with Julien on board, but think of that as more of a NY bias. Oh well, the favorite ran a great race, the 11 ran great as well just up against it there. Had a few sheckles in the show pool.
  13. So just got a few minutes in fro t of TV. So is it good or bad the TVG guys love your 6 and 7 GoDD? Btw, threw the 9 in there as well for the exotics.
  14. If ya liking anything anywhere today GoDD, I am all ears. Be out for a while, prolly get in front of the TV BOUT 4. But the twinspires mobile site pretty damn easy to use, so can make a bet when out and about. Rooting for Pharoah, looks like a horse capable of winning the three
  15. Sad, and a tough time for the Sens and their fans.
  16. That is great observation, and I agree 100%
  17. He is a wonder...nothing to go off but others opinions, but they say he is a better prospect than Kane. Duby, though has been horrendous, and that goal sucked.
  18. Had the exacta and tri, $1 and $.50 respectively , was still a net loser on the race LOL. But cam out a winner on the day thanks to the 11 in the 6th. Preciate it GoDD.
  19. GREAT HIT on the 11. Looks like 9-1 instaed of 20, but had $20 on his nose! Now let's go # 1. Great to look in the account on the turn and see more money ! Edit...1 got smoked Now onto to the 7-11 winner!
  20. Thank you sir. Here's to the start of a long, long day.
  21. Got caught up today and just getting to TV. Olcuk liked the 11 horse in the Oaks, threw $20 on her nose and an exacta box with the 5 and 13
  22. Not sharing this year? Say it ain't so!
  23. Mr. Ghost....I have not watched one prep this year...not a one. Only thing I have done is read Beyer columns. That said , I will be watching the Oaks today. If you like anything,me specially on the grass, I am all ears. Playing golf in the AM tomorrow, will start to watch around 3.30 I am guessing. Again, any picks ya like I am all ears. BTW, Beyer likes Upstart and Dortmund...I figure he has to hit a Derby sometime...he has missed like the last 16 in a row I think
  24. I agree. Maquire and his love of all things Detroit is getting old.
  25. You calling that now?
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