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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. No Dahlin....put Comrie in net and spare Levi the $hitstorm that he is about to face tonight.
  2. Ellis might be over his head even if he was in Rochester, let alone Buffalo.
  3. "Eventually" there may be enough for 3 good lines, but not today (too young). 4th line is a definite NO...what we need for the 4th line are players who are currently not in the organization anywhere and need to be acquired.
  4. Trade Skinner? Not likely with his contract....unless the Sabres are willing to eat a significant portion of it (which won't happen either).
  5. Listened to DG's latest presser today. I've reached the point that I can no longer tolerate his "word salad" gibberish. His answers never address the point and his tone is so "blah". I've tuned him out as a fan and I could only imagine the players have tuned him out as well (if he speaks to them the same way). It's like listening to Mister Rogers or Bob Ross....he makes me want to take a nap.
  6. GMKA is now kicking back thinking....OK, I've done something now, so I can rest and enjoy the holidays!
  7. Muel yes....and combine that with an absolutely horrible Power this year, them BOOM....half your top 4 are out to lunch this season. Add the fact that we don't have a legit #4 (it's not Joki, Cliffy or Big Johnson) and we have a defense corp that is substandard vs. the teams we are trying to beat.
  8. Speaking for myself....watching this team has gotten me to the point to where I multi-task during games....because I'm not entertained. I figure, why not be productive then and get some work done....which includes an occasional Powerpoint presentation.
  9. Why does this team sleepwalk the first half of every game? If they came out hard, it would make their 3rd periods so much easier
  10. I'd add that his postgame presser "word salad" gibberish sounds more Kreuger-like with each game. Just a bunch of empty words and he never admits any personal responsibility for the team's performance. What doesn't help are the constant "softballs" that he gets from the Buffalo media.
  11. Anybody have a feel for how many games Pegula see's in person, either at home or away? If not in person, does he see the vast majority of the games? Just wondering to myself how aware he is of his team's performance (beyond just stats).
  12. So we can draft another talented, but weak/non-gritty prospect, right? πŸ™ƒ
  13. I don't really. I think he mis-managed the start of the season by not playing the regulars enough during preseason and instead used it as an evaluation of our prospect talent (foolish decision). He had everybody but Quinn, so he had an almost full roster and little change from the previous season. In other words, the injuries are not an excuse to me.
  14. IDK, according to Peters, ownership is the reason we still have Skinner on our roster with a multi-year $9 million contract. I thought the podcast seemed to imply JBOT did not want to resign me, but Pegula made him do it. I myself hold the opinion that GMKA is a "yes" man and took the job because Pegula had nobody else to turn to when he fired JBOT.
  15. Agree, but once again this was another poor decision by the team. Bringing him back is debatable, but giving him the C was a poor decision in light of the expectation that KO is gone after this year. If I am on a team, I want a leader that I think is going to be around, not a lame duck 4th liner. Tuch should have a letter on his sweater, whether it be an A or a C even (personally I think he would have flourished as our "C").
  16. I hope that Dahlin can somehow survive the rest of this month.....DG will use and abuse him to help keep the team competitive in games where we are short-handed, which worries me about how he will hold up over time.
  17. I wish I could call Detroit the β€œchicken” wings, but unfortunately that probably applies more to the Sabres fragile nature.
  18. Pretty much all of it, just insert the 2023 version of names over the long drought. I find myself in agreement with a lot of their assessment. Ownership and GM's have failed to build the right mix of talent and hire proven NHL caliber coaching.
  19. of 2025 maybe....and I'll happily eat some crow if you are actually right! 😊
  20. Did I miss the player injury update (Tuch, TNT, Girgs, etc.) that DG mentioned yesterday? If I did miss it, then my apologies for not looking in the right place. If there has not been an update, then I think it's just another nail in DG's coffin....in this case his credibility. I feel we have been deceived by this AHL caliber coach and staff.
  21. Hockey Hell is blazing!!! It's too bad we can't somehow harness all that "heat" being generated by the Sabres (and Bills) and convert that into energy that can heat the city of Buffalo during the cold weather.
  22. Which is why team management will NOT do anything. No coach firing, no trades to improve, etc. They believe they have the pieces and just need a little luck and injury recovery to be right back in contention. I don't believe it at all, but that's where I think their heads are. No help coming on the horizon.
  23. And like some who do this....they get sick and die within their first year of retirement. In GMKA's case, he will "die" (get fired) before ever seeing his vision become reality.
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