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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. The post game pressers offer little satisfaction for fans who want blood. DG answers keep painting a picture of "we'll address it", but we know it does not happen. Questions are still too timid. Somebody needs to ask questions like sitting specific players and also bluntly ask DG why fans should have any confidence in him and his staff when they have nothing to prove they know what they're doing. IMHO - he sounded more defensive tonight than usual though.
  2. Don't know about Punch, but yes, I am! It's darkest before the dawn....
  3. Interesting...TNT and Tuch were -4, but Benson was only -1....thought they played on the same line tonight?!?!
  4. They wore out the Blue Jackets in the first 2 periods to the point CBJ was too exhausted to attack in the 3rd. Scoring goals is hard work you know and CBJ had no gas left for the 3rd period.
  5. Next game against the Leafs....would not be surprised if Leaf fans end up outnumbering Sabre fans in the building.
  6. Meanwhile, Ottawa is winning 3-0 in the first against the Yotes....Working our way to the bottom of the division.
  7. I was thinking at my church's confessional myself. "Forgive me father for I have sinned....."
  8. Common Jackets...have a little pride...try to get to 10 tonight!!!
  9. PP passing, shooting, skating, goaltending, coaching, defending, emotions.....everything is slow, except maybe traffic leaving Key Bank arena tonight.
  10. Out of mercy, please turn off the lights NOW to end this....Key Bank is a compassionate kill animal shelter Common DG, pull the goalie now!!!
  11. Out of respect for RJ, the Sabres should remove the RJ patches from their jerseys.....RJ deserves so much better than to have his name associated with this absolute crap sandwich of a team tonight (or this season). Next game....I may hold my nose and wish for a Leafs rout in hopes that it may be the final straw that breaks the back of management.
  12. So my question is WHY can't they play like this in the 1st period....when it matters?
  13. Feel like CBJ have dialed back the throttle....no SOG's so far
  14. TNT cannon there....was wondering when we would see that again....nice!
  15. So basically a 5-on-3 there....and how many passes before they shot? I think I counted 7 or 8. Way to go Matty Ellis!!!
  16. Part of me wishes this was a TNT network game....as much as I hate Biz, it may be cathartic to hear him blast this team.
  17. Ha-ha......Big Johnson and Victor O. are both +1 so far....I must be drunk....but unfortunately stone sober for this crap sandwich.
  18. Wonder if Eric Robinson is asking to be traded back to CBJ...."Please take me back, I don't care if I sit the rest of the season with you all, just get me outta here!"
  19. Craig Rivet @craigrivet52 Β· 17m Don’t worry!! No panic!!! This will be another learning experience
  20. I'd consider what the Sabres are doing to their fanbase as "rape"!
  21. Well Tage and Tuch taking some puck shots to the body....who knows if either will make it to the end of the game.
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