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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. What the hell was Dahlin aiming at/
  2. Puck movement is slow as molasses in winter
  3. It’s like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry can’t get rid of the smell in his Saab. The only thing left to do is replace this whole team
  4. Somewhere Don Granato is sitting back with a smile and a paycheck
  5. Our defense group really blows
  6. Jeez, Muel almost got burned again there
  7. Geordie Howe Hattie for Zuck!
  8. JJP Cozens and Quinn reunited?
  9. Ok GMKA, I think you need to ADD something URGENTLY!!!
  10. No energy in the building….this is when you need a line that hits and creates some energy
  11. I absolutely hate the music or whatever on stoppages in play. Please bring back the organ.
  12. Muel on the ice for all 3 GA’s. I don’t care if he’s an alternate, he needs to sit.
  13. Our zone entries are terrible, but we don’t have somebody who can bring it in with speed and control
  14. That’s a pretty sad statement for our defense…..since Gilbert isn’t dressed tonight.
  15. I wish we had more than 1 line that hit people
  16. GMKA needs to make a trade soon or lose his job later, but I worry even beyond that. If they fall too far behind by December 1, then they can't realistically make it up later. If fans fail to show up to see yet another failing team, then I fear pressure will mount for the team to move.
  17. Trade? There’s not enough room on our 4th line for another addition….but then GMKA will just promote everybody up a line.
  18. Part of me hopes they don’t make it….I cannot stand the thought of GMKA in charge of this team any longer.
  19. Until Quinn shows like he cares, he should sit. If he was still working his a$$ off, I’d feel differently but no scoring combined with no effort means no ice time.
  20. No, too many missing pieces still.
  21. No offense, but I’ve heard the “we have to learn…” crap from the team for the last 10 years
  22. Boy Dylan really took thr lumber to the Panther on the ice there (pure sarcasm)
  23. Maybe, but the season may be lost by the time that happens
  24. Simply not enough firepower on this team to compete with the big boys!
  25. I’m not sure what’s worse, Quinn playing like crap or being hurt. Regardless it is a top 6 void that Adam’s needs to address.
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