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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. Dumb question....why is this the last game where fans can be present???
  2. After 2 games, I'm convinced that Caggiula is an improvement over Eakin.....no hurry to see #20 back in the lineup.
  3. Amazed at how many different ways Sam can score a goal via deflection!!!
  4. UPL is a big boy! Sabres must avoid playing prevent defense and keep going after B's to win this one!
  5. Not liking anything I see on the list other than Linus. GMKA is going to have to trade for at least one....hopefully Ulmark returns as well.
  6. Rough game for the Dahlin/Joki tandem. Boston really exploited them tonight. Meanwhile, Borgen and Bryson were 0 on the +/-....good game for them. Welcome back Will Borgen.
  7. Dammit....Hall may have a helper there. Was hoping to keep him off the sheet tonight.
  8. One man's trash is another man's treasure?
  9. Costco frozen meatballs work pretty good for those of us not naturally talented in the kitchen. I'm partial to the chili sauce & grape jelly combo as an appetizer.
  10. Will, I like you.....but play the MAN, not the puck!
  11. The first line as a whole has been invisible tonight.
  12. At times during the Sabres PP, I thought I was watching an old college basketball game with the Tar Heels playing the ol' 4-corners offense. Ugh!
  13. Sorry, but I'm starting to think Donny doesn't have an answer to improve the PP. Too much standing around relying on perfectly threaded passes between defenders....they have to MOVE or else they're too easy to defend against.
  14. Not enough movement on the PP...common guys, use your legs.
  15. Yet Ruff had him in and out of the lineup as a healthy scratch...sure he was never going to be a shutdown guy, but I always felt Ruff wasted some of Soupy's time here by keeping him out of the lineup.
  16. Sorry I missed something....why are people calling him "Meatballs"??? He doesn't remind me of Bill Murray, so it must be something else...a little help appreciated.
  17. Win lose or draw, they have to get one past Rask before he get's into their heads.
  18. Quite an acting job by Charlie there.....
  19. At least it's not a rookie or backup goalie that is being made to look "all world" tonight by the Sabres.
  20. Casey has made several nice feeds tonight....too bad nothing got cashed in.
  21. WTF - "Extra curricular activity!" Anybody could see that Sam was concerned about the Boston player...nothing cheap was going to happen....Kendall needs to stop saying stupid things....personally, I think she talks too much for providing commentary.
  22. Geez, cheap call....that only happens dozens of times every game!
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