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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. I missed it....just reading comments now. I'd like to hear management's view before making any judgment. I'd like to see both Jack and Management to put on their big boy pants and figure out how to resolve their differences vs. some kind of public divorce where we the fans get screwed. I still want him on this team.
  2. I appreciate your optimism, but IMHO the Sabre's went from BUTT ugly under HCRK to putting lipstick on a pig under HCDG. GMKA still has a lot of work to do.
  3. Jack will be back as GMKA will find that he won't get much better than an ROR-type return and he's not stupid enough to repeat the worst trade in franchise history as did his predecessor.
  4. Nothing worse than a bad injury in a meaningless game loss. EDIT - looks like he's back out there!!! Good news
  5. Sorry, but disagree. He's played 36 games this season and is a +1 before tonight. No other D-man with > 30 games is even close to that.
  6. Have any of our defensemen done their jobs tonight? Feels like it's just a question of who sucked the least this game.
  7. Did Donny tell them to shoot more between periods?!?! Geez!
  8. Perhaps, but I wonder if he has not seen this kind of speed and movement (Pittsburgh) before....and still trying to adjust. Meanwhile the Sabres look slow tonight.
  9. Tenacious as well....stay's engaged on the puck vs. spinning away....seems like an GMKA kind of guy.
  10. Looks to me that Kaapanen fell by himself....no way that love tap on his toe caused him to fall.
  11. I'll like him even more if he plays "Yuuuuuge"! How about a nice clean body check on Sid the kid.
  12. Love Rick, always have and will be sad once he decides he's done. That said, I really am not looking forward to years and years of Dan D. calling the play. Nice guy, but his play-by-play leaves a lot to be desired. He may be the heir-apparent, but would like to see the Sabres find somebody else.
  13. Pittsburgh is fighting to win the division. Houser may play well, but I don't see Buffalo sweeping 2 games. Whether it's tonight or Saturday, one of these games will be either an overtime loss or regulation loss.....as Darth would say, then their "failure is complete".
  14. The Houser story takes yet another interesting twist on Thursday and Saturday....playing in front of Mom & Dad in Pittsburgh. Gotta be emotional for him to do so. That said, maybe his age and hard road to the NHL are helping him cope with all the feelings he's going through right now. Can't wait to see him play on Thurs.
  15. Tage looked pretty strong in the 3rd and OT....he's growing on me as well.
  16. This has turned into a good hockey game!
  17. Yes....and I would also recommend NOT putting Dahlin and Joker on the first shift after we score a goal.
  18. I've only seen that movie about seven hundred times....and never once thought about your question (until this evening)! I wonder what else I've missed.
  19. Sabres' passing this period is FUGLY. Maybe the worst period I've seen since Ralphie days.
  20. I kinda like Houser's form....sort of reminds me of old school goaltending.
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