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Sabre Dance

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Everything posted by Sabre Dance

  1. Those selfish, selfish players! How dare they think of their own careers and families? Don't they know that there's an important draft pick to secure? A player that will likely take one of their places next season? How can they play horribly all season (which is what all those tankers out there really wanted) and now that other teams have caught on and are trying to out-suck the Sabres, they go out and win a game? Don't they get it? They're not supposed to think or play like the professionals they are being paid to be; they should just act like pawns in a fantasy hockey scenario which allows feverish fans to live their lives vicariously and DEMAND that the team lose so they can POSSIBLY secure the highest draft pick so that the team can POSSIBLY select a junior player who may POSSIBLY be one player on a team which still needs to be rebuilt. Ridiculous!
  2. I hope to God I never have to do business with you....
  3. I don't know - I think that's one of those deals where you make the first letter of a proper noun lower-case and then it becomes generic. For example, Kleenex is a brand of face tissues made by Kimberly-Clark, but if you write it as kleenex, it's just a tissue. :blink:
  4. I too have AT&T and just recently got the iPhone 6 Plus. All my other smart phones have been Android - I did try an iPhone 5 back when they first came out and I hated it. It was returned in less than a week. Since then Apple has added or modified a number of things on the 6 (and in iOS 8.x) that are more "Android-like". After using both operating systems, I've found that Android phones do some things better than iPhones (and iPhones do some things better than Androids). Much to my chagrin, I've found that the iPhone 6 Plus actually does work a bit better for the things I do regularly. Additionally, it has iTunes built in, so I can carry all of my music with me all the time AND when I buy new music, it updates automatically. (I had all of my music on a 64GB microSD card in my Galaxy Note 3, but the interface while playing the music was much clunkier than iTunes and I had to update it manually). So, for now at least, I'm an Apple user. (The one area that Apple needs to address is cost - they are WAY too expensive compared to Samsung, HTC, etc.).
  5. So, if we decide to pay student athletes, how much do they get paid? Does a football player at Michigan get paid more than one at Boise State? or San Jose State? Do star players get paid more than bench warmers? Do men's basketball players get more than women's teams? If various schools do have different pay scales, do we allow athletes to be "free agents" at some point in their college careers and market their skills to the college that pays the most? Paying college athletes would open up a huge can of worms. The NCAA has enough trouble trying to enforce the rules they have in place now. That being said, I do think that college athletes should have control over their own names and likenesses. The original law suit that brought this whole question on was filed by a former college hoops player who saw his likeness being used in an NCAA video game. He never gave his consent and was not getting a dime from the video game company OR his university. That is flat-out wrong. There is no reason why the NCAA can't come up with a list of allowable instances where compensation can be offered to athletes if their name, likeness, etc. is used in a profit-making deal. Maybe that sounds contradictory to my other point, but I kind of see them as separate, but related, issues.
  6. It's hard for any fan to want any kind of jersey for a team that stinks like a moldy gym bag. News flash, Ted. Put a decent team on the ice and the jerseys will sell themselves. I am stunned that a guy in Ted's position isn't smart enough to come to this conclusion on his own.... Kind of makes you wonder.....
  7. What makes you think that the Sabres will be able to "get their act together" next season (or any other after that)? It's awfully tough to turn around a losing philosophy once youve been driving down that road as long as the Sabres have been. The stink that permeates this team is going to hang in the air for many seasons to come.
  8. Yeah, that's it. I got some dust in my eye, too..... :cry:
  9. Ceres prefers to be called a "little" planet and is insulted by the word "dwarf". :blink:
  10. I know it is just semantics, but there is a difference between "greatest Sabre" and greatest person to play for the Sabres. Hasek was the greatest player for the Sabres, but the greatest Sabre was....someone else. :blink:
  11. I didn't like the Andrew comment, either. That was a horrible storm and obviously it had much more far-reaching effects. I don't take any natural disaster lightly.
  12. Neither Andrew or the recent snowstorm are funny - and the snowstorm WAS a natural disaster as well.. I live in one of the areas hardest hit by the snowstorm. I was stuck at home (I stop short of using the word "trapped") for five days. It's easy to poke fun at snowy Buffalo when you've never had to dig five feet of snow out of your driveway. Aside from the deaths attributed to the storm, the cost of the cleanup plus the damage done to buildings, trees and property will run into the millions of dollars. That snowstorm was no joke, son. Shame on the Panthers. Maybe Pegula overreacted a bit, but that doesn't mean he was wrong.
  13. Don't forget, most of the effects in the original three movies were not CGI; they were computer-controlled cameras skimming past models of X-wings and the surface of the Death Star. I think they look more realistic than any of the CGI in Episodes I-III. Except for the haziness under Luke's Land Speeder.... :(
  14. Is this thread referring to the 2014-2015 Buffalo Sabres? I thought so.....
  15. McDavid and Eichel will be like Moses and Ramses - one will lead his team to the promised land, the other's house will be afflicted by seven plagues. Guess which one the Sabres will end up with?
  16. I miss Ted Darling saying the puck went "up and over the glass and into the crowd. A fan from (insert WNY locality here) caught that puck." When I was a kid, I wondered how Ted knew where the fan was from - now I know he just picked the name of whatever town he wanted to shout out to.
  17. Wegman's seems to be the choice of the Upper Middle Class here in WNY - I like their products and all but their stores are just too big. Plus, I hate the way they are laid out AND they are always very crowded even early in the AM. I shop at Tops, which I believe also made a foray into PA (although I don't know if they made it to your part of the state, bio). My parents are from Western PA, and I used to visit relatives down there often. There was a Riverside Market right across the street from my aunt's house. (It is a Giant Eagle now) God, I miss Riverside....
  18. Getting Tim Horton to play in Buffalo was no mean feat. He was at the tail-end of his career, but he was still respected (and a little feared) by every team in the league. Adding him to the Sabres' blue line gave the expansion team immediate respectability. He did mentor the young D-men on the team; in fact, Jim Schoenfeld eventually took on Horton's role with the team and played just like him. Anyone who saw Tim Horton play would not doubt his value to the team. At the time of is demise, I think most people knew that the accident was likely caused by alcohol. But, that was a different time - such things were not spoken (or written) of publicly. His jersey was retired because of the major influence he had on getting a very young Sabres' team to mature, and yes also because he died as a Sabre. He should not be remembered for what happened on the QEW that night, but for what he did for the Sabres organization as well as the contributions he made to Toronto's last Stanley Cup winning teams. His donut shop franchise was not really known outside of Canada at the time - it was nowhere near as popular or widespread as it is now.
  19. Funny you should say this - next year, watch the Little League World Series. (Not just the final game; they play for over a week before that). Their games are much shorter and the field is smaller (of course).These little guys (and gals, too!) play great baseball at a much faster pace than MLB. I watched some amazing plays in this year's series. As for the majors, niggling little things keep chipping away at its popularity. Steroid use (no matter how you feel about it, the adverse publicity drags the whole sport down), slow play, huge salaries... Back in the day (say the 1920s up until free agency came in), the average ball player's salary was about 6 times the average working stiff. Joe Lunchbucket could still identify with the players. Today, the disparity in average salaries is through the roof. Also, with no salary cap, a team like the Yankees spends more on players for one season than the federal government earmarks for cancer research drug trials. That is scary....
  20. I think it is hysterical to have heard nothing but the "T" word all summer and now that the team is actually doing that, we're complaining mightily that they're playing badly. Boy, we sure blow hot and cold..... :blink:
  21. And the Sabres currently have no problems whatsover... :blink: . I'm sure Hasek is about as thrilled with this "honor" as he would be with a letter of recognition from his middle school for Outstanding Achievment. Plus, doing it on a night when the opposing team is the one Hasek jumped to is rubbing salt in the wounds on both sides. To me, this "honor" has all the appeal of watching eye surgery. Well, I suppose it's a way for the Sabres to sell out at least one game this season. :rolleyes:
  22. Again, so this is the show with the zombies and people are trying to "kill" the zombies (who are already dead !?!?). Right. Y'all know that zombies ain't real, right? And that showing someone blowing a living human being's head off is horrifying and immoral, but doing it to a zombie is OK 'cause they're already dead (!?!?!). Check. Also, just so you know, I may be dressing as a zombie for Halloween, so please, don't mistake me for a real zombie (?!?!) and try to blow my head off. My creditors thank you. :P I'm just pulling y'alls leg(s) - I'm going on vacation tomorrow and feeling a bit giddy....
  23. Perhaps us anti-tankers are just tired of having the whole tank issue brought up constantly. It's all out of our control anyway. I just think it's silly to put all of your eggs into one very small basket. Time will tell. Signing off - over and out. :yawn:
  24. What possible difference does it make? It's like asking if the deck chairs on the Titanic look better all in a row or set up in a semi-circle.
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