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Sabre Dance

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Everything posted by Sabre Dance

  1. Our group's grant is up next year - we've reapplied for a new one, but the preparations that we have to go through for the site visit on top of our regular work (which has also increased to make the numbers look good for the grant proposal) are burning me out faster than a VW tail light bulb :) . I took a week off at the beginning of September and it already feels like that was six months ago. Our site visit is in November, so perhaps when the holidays arrive, things will finally begin to slow down. I'm already considering asking my Harley dealer if they have a sales job open (except that because the economy sucks, not many people are buying motorcycles). Oh,yeah - the weather has sucked so bad it's been almost two weeks since I last was out on the bike. Lately, riding's the only thing that has put a smile on my face...... Is it Friday yet?
  2. My local supermarket has "No parking or standing" signs out in front of their store, each with a nice soft black rubber base. When I see the inevitable jerk parked there right next to the sign, I generally pick one up and put it on the hood of their car. :angel:
  3. Talk radio by nature is designed to raise hackles and get people like this to call in. And the hosts fan the flames. I cannot listen to talk radio for more than 30 seconds because it makes me want to smash the radio with a sledgehammer. Grrr... :angry:
  4. The fact that I scheduled my vacation next week, when the weather has been perfect THIS week. (Latest forecast: Showers next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.) :wallbash:
  5. Not to mention elevator etiquette (allowing people to get off the elevator before trying to force your way on), cell phone etiquette (too many to go into) and parking lot etiquette (tearing diagonally across an empty portion of the lot while some of us are driving between the rows). Ughh! :doh:
  6. Those who drive their cars in the rain with NO headlights. Hmm...gray car, gray clouds, gray road, gray spray. Yep, I'll leave my headlights off so I can drive in stealth mode. It's not only a really good idea to turn your headlights on when the weather sucks, it's the law. (Maybe it's the same group of people who are texting while driving...) :rolleyes:
  7. I hate thinking about Sabres hockey in the summer...too many happy things to do outside. Maybe after the draft, I can put the Sabres sad situation in a dark, dusty corner of my brain until October....
  8. Why do the majority of my support calls come between noon and 1:00 when I am at lunch (well, supposed to be, anyway)? I've had days when my phone rang ONLY during that hour. (Yes, I tried taking lunch later but the calls shifted too - I swear!)
  9. The other day when it was sunny and 72 degrees (with low humidity), I saw people driving around with their car windows up and (I assume) the air conditioning on. What? We wait all winter for a gorgeous day like that and then you don't even open the window for fresh air? Oh wait...that's because the wind noise will disrupt your cell phone conversation. Which is illegal. And annoying. Yeesh!
  10. Kind of on this topic, I heard a great line from a local comedian (first name Bob, last name lost to the dim recesses of my brain...and that's pretty dim!) He was in the rest room before a show and he accidentally splashed water on the front of his pants while washing his hands. A fellow comedian dared him to go out on stage like that and come up with a punch line to explain it. The dare was accepted. Bob goes out on stage, apologizes for his appearance and says he was in the rest room and had to leave quickly. He was standing there taking care of business when a guy walks up to the urinal next to him, looks over and says, " Nice d**k". God, what a great line...... :lol:
  11. The only ones who give me the time of day are ones that look like my great aunt Blanche....horrifying! :blink:
  12. If I had the $$, I would certainly share. I feel exactly the same way. Everyone has something for me to do that is more important than what I'm already working on. I wind up with umpteen unfinished jobs, a headache and everyone in the office ticked because I didn't address their request first. I've bought more lottery tickets in the last three months than in the previous ten years. At least the weather is going to be nice over the weekend!
  13. I'm taking a left turn in this thread, but I just had to say - despite the fact that we won, I still friggin' HATE the Flyers. Oh, and their bloodthirsty, unsophisticated fans, too. Boors. Grrrr. OK, it's out of my system, now.
  14. The team obviously listened to Lindy when he said the games in October are just as important as the ones in April. Dang! :D -Ed
  15. The game is on "Leafs TV", which I guess is a cable dealie up there in Ontario. For us: nada. I think the only locally televised preseason game is Sept. 30 (which I have tickets for, anyway....) BUT! We have hockey! I can't wait to hear RJ reel off his first "he SCORRRRES!".....ooh! Goosebumps! Let's Go, Buffalo!
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