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Everything posted by Sabre Dance
Sorry, I have to throw the grammar flag - poultry refers to chickens and other birds raised for food, paltry means insignificant. If this was a simple misspelling or was done for effect, I withdraw the flag. Otherwise... :oops:
The conflict will end permanently when both sides have decided that enough children have died and neither side has the desire to prolong the killing. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be any time soon. :cry:
I haven't worked in a histology lab for well over a decade, but I've no doubt that I can still cut sections at least as well as someone currently working in the lab. So, perhaps Trottier (and TN) are more of "character building" coaches than Xs and Os guys. If they hire another assistant with more current NHL experience, he brings Nolan and Trots up to speed and now we have something. It's not like NHL hockey has changed THAT much in the last 15 years. Actually, maybe "old school" is the way to go. Secondly, what happened to all of the tank talk? If we want the team to suck, they could hire Captain Kangaroo as an assistant. (Yes, and the Captain is still dead).
You really can't explain Python's humor - you either think it is funny or you don't. Back in the day, my girlfriend (at the time) said that she thought that Monty Python was stupid. I agreed, but I said it is funny because it IS stupid. She just didn't see it. Oh, well....
I've always found this interesting: An automobile is not a weapon (although it can and has been used that way). Before you drive one on the open road, you have to obtain training and take a test (written and practical) from a state agency. If you pass, you get a license to operate said vehicle. Then, if you want a vehicle, after buying it, you have to pay for insurance in order to register it with the state and get alpha-numeric ID plates that have to be affixed to both ends of the vehicle (so you can be identified in case you run someone over or blow through a red light). To buy a rifle or shotgun, you have to be over 18 and have a photo ID. That's it. No training, no testing, no license, no insurance. Yes, you have to pass the background check, but apparently once the check has been done and is approved, your data is purged from the system (if I understood the clerk at the gun store correctly). I'm not coming down on one side of the gun discussion or the other; I just find it fascinating that a deadly weapon can be obtained so easily, but a mode of transportation requires so much red tape. Maybe it's because there is no constitutional guarantee for motor vehicles....
I'm sure it may be posted up-thread somewhere, but for reference purposes, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Just 27 words, but hundreds of interpretations.
Hey, those black helicopters are real! I bought some ammo for my (NY SAFE Act-registered) assault rifle on Monday (because it was on sale, not because I'm planning any crazy stuff). For the last three days, a dark sedan has been cruising past my house. When I pick up my phone, I hear an odd buzzing. I think someone is...bzzzbzbbzbzzpp :ph34r: Hello, everyone - SabreDance here. How about those Sabres, eh? Please return to your normal discussions - nothing unusual going on here.
My complaint is that now at age 57, three drinks (two while dining) give me a hangover. Dang. :cry:
Halt! Animal anatomy police here - the tail of a whale is called a "fluke", not a fin. Fish have fins; whales have flukes. We now return to our regularly scheduled discussion... :rolleyes: As much as I hated the Whalers as a team (and even more when they moved to Carolina), I did like their colors, logo and jerseys.
Well...there are those pesky Maple Leafs. :(
If there are too few months left on the lease (varies according to leasing company, but generally 6 months), they won't do it. Too much paperwork for too short a period, I guess...
Some years back, Hart Skis put out a bumper sticker that read, "Ski with a Hart on..." Harrumph.
Even though I despise the team and their fans, I always thought their logo was cleverly designed. It's a P with feathers (Flyers, eh?) and the upper part of the P looks like a hockey puck (or a faceoff dot). It is also boring.
Their logo was nothing special, plus who wants their team named after a monster storm that kills people and floods homes? The original Anaheim Mighty Ducks logo was just embarrassing. The Quebec Nordiques logo was odd. Up close, you could tell it was part of an igloo with a hockey stick, but far away it looked like a goofy elephant.
Lake Street Dive at Canalside this Thursday (free!) Also, Heart at Artpark in August. I was supposed to see Lady GaGa last Monday, but she's not the phenomenon she was a couple years ago. Sold my ticket.
LeWho? :yawn:
Is it wrong that I find that....miildly stimulating? (Well, not the Conan part...) :blink:
CPAP machines. Everyone I know who has done a sleep study now has to use one. I wonder how the human race has survived these many thousands of years without these devices. (By the way, for those who do need to use them, this blurb was written for entertainment purposes only. ZFG)
Frickin' computers... I have a laptop that I don't use much. I haven't turned it on for about 45 days. I turned it on this morning at 8:00 and it is still updating (15 updates before the first reboot, 59 this time). All I wanted to do was update my iTunes and here I am 4 1/2 hours later still waiting for the frickin' thing to get done. (Yes, I work in tech support and I know I should be turning the thing on more often. It's just that I use my tablet much more often...)
I've read all of the above comments and I have a couple of comments/questions. So, you are Ted Nolan. On the first day of training camp, what do you tell your players? "Boys, we all know what we need to do this year. Don't exert yourself..." Really? You just brought in the CAPTAIN of the Montreal Canadiens, and you're first instruction to him is to slack off? Hmm... These players are professionals (and that doesn't just mean they get paid to play hockey). They all have SOME level of pride. They don't want to play to lose, they want to win. It's very easy for fans to talk about "tanking" (which, to me is as bad as throwing a game on purpose for money). Anyone who is expecting the cosmic tumblers to fall into place and drop McDavid or Eichel into our laps ...well, go buy another Powerball ticket. You can make your own "luck" - the Sabres have amassed a large number of picks in next year's draft. So, when the draft lottery takes place and the Sabres don't win it, you trade some of your higher round picks (and maybe a prospect or two) for the #1 overall. It can be done (and if anyone can pull it off, it's GMTM). This tanking business is the bunk.
Well, this may be appples and oranges, but there is a well-known electronics retailer in NYC whose owners are Orthodox Jews. They do not allow work during the Sabbath (you can visit their web site on Saturday morning, but you can't place an order since that would qualify as "work"). So, if an employee wanted to come in Saturday morning and start unpacking a large shipment that had arrived Friday afternoon, they could not since the religious belief of the owners of the company prohibits this. So, in fact, the employees ARE beholden to that belief. In the case of Hobby Lobby, they are not stopping the employee from obtaining the contraception, they just do not want to pay for it (well, through paying for the insurance). Yeah, not the best analogy but there you are....
Well, they did hire Regier..... Maybe they won't be trying to tank on purpose, but with Darcy on board, it may well work out that way... :rolleyes:
So, how do you feel about an organization like Catholic Health? Their hospitals do not perform elective abortions nor do they perform sterilizations (tubal ligations or vasectomies). Should the government force them to offer such services? (Obviously, there are options in a larger city but if you lived in a community where the only hospital was Catholic and elected to terminate a pregnancy, could you sue the hospital for not offering that service?) It would be one thing if the owners of Hobby Lobby simply felt that one of their employees seeking contraception was against their ideals. However, if they have to pay for the insurance that enables that employee to receive that contraception, they are actively involved in the contraception being obtained. THAT is where the line is drawn. And don't forget, working at Hobby Lobby is not like being sentenced to prison for 30 years. There's a Jo-Ann fabrics on the other side of the parking lot - I'm sure they would hire an experienced craft store employee. (Yes, I'm being overly simplistic here, but I'm just trying to make the point).
Is that your nightstick or are you just glad to see me?