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Sabre Dance

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  1. This team reminds me of an inexperienced hiker lost in the woods without a compass (or GPS). They know they are in trouble, but don't know which direction to go to save themselves. Everything they try to do to rectify their situation makes things worse. It's hard to imagine a worse scenario to start off a season than what is going on now...although I fear there may be much worse to come.
  2. Fall faves: College football Mayer Bros. cider + donuts Multi-hued foliage Halloween Wearing my leather bomber jacket My birthday (65th next week!) Cool nights and warm (not hot) days Yes, autumn means winter is on the way, but that's one of the great things about living in WNY: all four seasons. Each one has its own charm.
  3. For me, neither. Hate the Yankees; have been a Red Sox fan for years. (Went into hiding after the Bill Buckner incident - came out again when the Sox won their first World Series in decades). Made the pilgrimage to Fenway for a game several years ago against...the Blue Jays. Waiting to see if the Red Sox will be coming to Buffalo for a game.🤞
  4. At what point do we change the title of this thread to "Free Agent Fizzle"? Just sayin'.
  5. Hmm...impatient? So, I've been a Sabres' fan since day one. That's 50 years, y'all. I watched an expansion team in 1970 make it to game six of the Cup Finals in 1975. We're now in year 9 of (what should have been) a 5 year rebuild. Patience? How much more should I have...or need? Fortunately, I have plenty of other (and more important) interests than NHL hockey. When the Sabres finally get around to working out all of their issues and become relevant again, let me know.
  6. I know it is gray, sleepy winter's day but you'd think that one of these two teams would wake up. I need some more excitement ; I am going to go watch some paint dry.
  7. It's easy to support a winner. Where was all the love for the Sabres the last few years from the "true" fans? (games where the KBC was half full of visiting team fans). That's when the team really needed the support. (See Websters under "Fans, Fair Weather"). By the way, the arena in Raleigh looks pretty full (and raucous) so far in these playoffs. Perhaps they caught the hockey bug since 2006...
  8. I never minded the whole playoff beard thing, but now there are players who wear beards all season long (Burns, ROR, Thornton, etc.) Once the playoffs roll around, whose beard is a "playoff" one and whose is just a beard? It's too confusifying...?
  9. Almost right - talent by itself does not win games. Applied talent wins games. The NHL has seen many players with modest talent become stars. It has also seen guys who drip talent from their pores fail to make it. The key is to find players who can maximize the hockey skills they do have and get results. No really good team is made up of all first round picks. There are always the third-rounders (and a free agent or two) who just plain work hard and that is how they make their mark in the game.
  10. UB basketball fans! Welcome to Springboard U.!
  11. OK, so we all pretty much agree this kid's got IT (whatever it is). Now what? He's a very bright spot on a very lackluster team. (It's like having a great set of wheels on a beat-up used car - yes, the wheels look great and the potential is there for the rest of the car to improve, but....now what?)
  12. Well, they are our "sister" team, also coming into the league in 1970. Maybe that was just a bad year to start up a new pro hockey team... Frankly, I don't know where the Sabres are headed. I already spent all my frustration with them over the last decade; now I'm just weary. I used to have a tingle of excitement in September when training camp was about to start. Now, I just sigh...loudly.
  13. I have no idea who the author of this article is, but what he is saying is a pretty realistic (but perhaps blunt) assessment of the Sabres. Us fans tend to be a little too subjective at times (myself included). However, the easiest way to judge the reality of the situation is to have someone from the outside comment objectively. That seems to be the case here. No one likes to read that "their team" is no good. (No parent likes to hear the Little League coach say their kid isn't that good). I think if we all take a step (or two) back, the reality of the situation is that, yes, this Sabres team is not good. Yet.
  14. Thanks for this post - you eloquently stated everything that I have been thinking for the last few months. Amen!
  15. For cryin' in the sink, someone please invent a time machine so we can actually see these match-ups. Otherwise, it's all innuendo...or is that outuendo?
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