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Everything posted by millbank

  1. There might be disagreement at how he is used and minutes played . Would prefer new Coach have fair shot and opinion . Coaching has not been a strength
  2. Might it at least be wiser to see if this new Coach has some answers and worst case trade him when return would be better given at this point his status considered trash . Just my opinion but Risto in a role with more realistic expectations can be a good player. He only 24 . It is said players at his position mature-the latest. Wise to let coach have a shot at that then a nothing return
  3. Assuming other GM’s are not drunk or on drugs and as so many say Risto sucks . What would he return in a trade ?
  4. My point was yes O’Reiily was good but expected to be Jack and many disappointed he wasn’t. Role he has now he part of the team not The team. Jack a elite player . Ryan a good player . Good players can produce great results . Give Risto a more suitable role without the unreal expectations and just maybe a good player will reap similar great results
  5. Agree with this . Place him in a realistic role he capable of . He is not a great defenseman reduce the expectations of greatness a role where he plays to his strengths not expectations very well may yield great results for many years. Expecting more than what players are does kill them. Many have gone elsewhere to success because the expectations they be part of the team that changes things not the single person making the change. Ryan OReilly having succes now a example of this .
  6. Thank goodness this speculation has ended with the hiring of Ralph Krueger
  7. What was being said here was Keefe had been extended with a out clause at $700k . This would be announced after playoffs or not if he chose to go elsewhere. It’s something that they can’t confirm until it a reality is
  8. There was talk amongst Hockey Night in Canada sorts the Keefe had been extended to be Coach of Marlies as highest paid at $700k. Along with the contract was a out clause that allowed him go elsewhere if opportunity he desired came up. The likely scenario I see is him either staying with Marlies or promoted to Leafs as assistant coach as both AJ Smith and I believe the mans name Hiller will be looking elsewhere. Given Leafs have Cap problems and look likely to be treading water orregressing coming season . Aobvious career path ahead for Keefe . Given relationship with Babcock and Babcocks relationshiptonewGM Holland one possibility maybe Keefe wouldfind Edmonton a interesting option . Holland a mindset of a long term Coach who would grow with team. Holland viewed amongst the very best of current GMs . Keefe could very well want a shot there.
  9. Have no agenda . Remember all of this well. Given I do think ultimately he will be Leaf Coach it all does give me pause . Kyle Dubas has given him a second chance aware of the past and has put his reputation on it. Be clear though there was a past and one can decide for selves if the Current man palatable. Some do come out of darkness to become fine people .
  10. Agree with this
  11. Sincerely hope not. Truth is there is much information on the subject some of it vile.
  12. My apologies did not wish to be rude or crude in any way. And will not extend the conversation farther other than to say anyone wishing to find the information can. Keefe and Danton did testify on Coaches behalf . Keefe did visit Danton regularly while in Jail andFrost called Danton regularly to get his loyalty . There are transcripts of phone conversations Frost demanding his loyalty and Love for him. It is part of Keefes baggage
  13. Frost was charged and Keefe and Danton did testify on his behalf . https://www.thespec.com/news-story/2092660-david-frost-acquitted-of-sexual-exploitation-charges/
  14. One comment . I think we all have met people be it alcohol, drugs, thefts dishonesty and more who did have a dark past who today are amongst the finest people we could meet. Have acknowledged past , gained victory over it . I think Dubas is one who is confident this the case
  15. One current question today not of past is that Keefes brother who has become Coach of year in Europe does still have a hockey and business relationship with Frost. Sheldon Keefe has said while he of course has relationship with his brother has had none for many years with Frost. If you believe that true so be it. Just my opinion but think Sabre’s hiring Keefe a moot point and not happening as he very possibly will be elevated to Leaf Assistant Coach this season
  16. https://torontosun.com/2015/06/22/marlies-coach-sheldon-keefe-can-finally-look-forward/wcm/57c2f9e2-cc14-4ccc-a18f-cd94629212b9/amp There really is much . Links to court case are available . It should be noted Frost was found not guilty . Keefe and Danton both testified for him. Judge found that prosecution did a inept job in the case with the three vidence they had available to them and simply non of the people involved could’ve believed a muddy result that Frost was not found guilty. It should noted that Keefe parents did find pictures , he and parents estranged from each other . Keefe says pics were misinterpreted . Keefe does saynow much of his hockey past he ashamed of and a married man who since coaching in Pembrooke . Sault St. Marie and Marlies has excelled through in coaching becoming his own person . There are many articles of the time detailing court case in lurid detail the happenings in the cottage in the end boys involved said of their own volition with no Frost influence. Thus he found not guilty. Its not arguable that there was baggage . What is how accountable was Keefe, he says he takes account for it and has grown become wiser and moved on. For Sabres fans perhaps the issue is are you comfortable with said baggage which he admits . It’s clear he has become a most successful Coach. Where does one set the bar . Is being a very good coach enough. Can a person move on from a ugly past. General manager Dubas has put his job on the line twice for him. Have no agenda but there is much to reflect on
  17. Fair question . Each can have their own opinion on that.
  18. Personally while I feel everyone deserves a second chance I would err on side of just not being sure my family most important and declining this man at this point . He 38 years old still young in my eyes much to prove yet
  19. All could be true . What is certain is Keefe does have some baggage . One can decide for themselves if he has moved on from those days in a clear fashion and now a happily married man desiring to be best Coach he can be . I haven’t a agenda just do ponder those issues.
  20. Yes that’s true
  21. As organization it would need be asked are you confident no Skeletons from past lurk. He has said there has been no contact in many years now and Frost not welcome . Dubas gave him a shot where nobody else would in both Jr and AHL . To this point all successful .
  22. There was a time he was involved with a unethically disposed player agent named Frost. Much of Keefe s career was shaded with that as player and as Coach . Current Leaf GM while Gm in took a chance on him iwith Sault St Marie and then with Leafs. His past is well documented . Both success and controversy https://www.sportsnet.ca/magazine/a-chance-at-redemption-sheldon-keefe/sn-amp/ This worthwhile as some background
  23. If you take it as fact and they wanting experienced NH L coaches . Why the waiting game unless others prefer elsewhere. There are a number of college coaches who would be excellent and as would have been Gronborg or Keefe. Just don’t see the safe old boys network way to go. Keefe would be great for instance . Guy has been successful everywhere and has some teeth. As Jr. player when receiving league championship trophy said to commissioner Branch “ This must really burn your ass”’ At memorial Cup dinner team walked out threatening to punch out the other team. As Coach has progressed and matured last number of years not a misstep . But there is passion
  24. He has signed with Swiss League for two years . The contract has no out clause. Certainly there have been a number of first time hires, this year perhaps it’s just current jobs open and their biases. Disappointed he was not given a shot . Sheldon Keefe would be great in my opinion but don’t think they had a shot at him. Not looking forward to a retread Coach .
  25. On Gronborg : Gronborg in a text: “The main reason that I signed with ZSC, besides being the top job in Europe, is that no NHL team wanted a coach with no prior NHL head coaching experience. … My goal is to coach in the NHL sometime in the future. Just need to get a chance.”
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