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Everything posted by millbank

  1. Boom boom 0-2
  2. I wonder if it's possible the owner decides on a experienced sports executive Like Tim Liweke to become CEO of the owners sports enterprises Leiweke is credited with the hires of management of soccer team, hockey team and basketball team . Leeweke would sweep clean both floundering groups
  3. Thank you for your kindnesses during what was a difficult season for the team . Let us hope for better days for our teams They have both floundered far to long .
  4. It hurts to see lose . will admit to not watching a minute my nerves and anxiety get to me . It blows to lose but they are getting better and there be reason for hope . Can't ask for more than the effort they gave
  5. My team no matter what, has far exceeded expections It has been a fun and good year watching them play
  6. Wasn't that terrible lol
  7. I am more than pleased with how the Leafs have played no matter what happens They playing with found money
  8. Overtime in Edmonton
  9. 2-1 Ducks wow how quiet it gets
  10. Oilers score 1-0
  11. Montreal - New York my goodness , Rangers looking stronger in first overtime
  12. Clearly not very nice
  13. 1-2 Washington
  14. 15 seconds Sharks score 0-1
  15. Rangers win series tied
  16. A slang term for cigarette is a " dart"Funny guy , during overtime in Washington he was asked why he didn't light his smoke " it's #%*#'n tied 3-3 in overtime for Christ sake " He certainly getting his 15 minutes of fame lol
  17. With all the long playoff battles yearly , world cups, Olympics, ect I think Hawks players worn down . Years of playing max games going to take its toll
  18. Ducks win up 3
  19. Flames Ducks tied , more overtime coming perhaps
  20. High stick goal it now Flames 4 Ducks 3, 8 min remaining
  21. Another overtime coming up[quote name=
  22. Nashville score 2-1 Hawks now
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