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Everything posted by will

  1. makes rough and tumble d-men and guys like kaleta a bit more valuable. also leads to a more diversified lineup.
  2. all signed up. just a quick question, though...with the limit of 2 moves/wk in the gold, would more bench spots be preferred? not 6 or anything, but at least 3, eh? thanks for setting these up and catering to the whiniest of us. ;)
  3. irony.
  4. i lost my only sibling to a motorcycle accident 9 years ago. coincidentally, he was t-boned while pulling into his driveway by another cyclist, who was drunk. i respect all motorcyclists on the road at all times, helmet or no helmet. they are definitely living their lives on their own terms, and i always wish them well, but if you're still on the fence about buying and learning, realize that you are taking your life into your hands every single time you get on. the same is said about autos and aircraft, but the reliance on others to be careful is not only out of your hands (as in all cases), but the risk factor is so much greater with the lack of protection. good luck, whatever you decide.
  5. on a major swedish-pop kick these days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiQj0o8BOYw
  6. '02 ranger. ranger rick.
  7. i think a season cap on moves would be best. numbers for you: the four semi-finalists all had 100+ moves, with "nobody" leading the pack at a staggering 190. not coincidentally, those were also the top 4 seeds in the playoffs. the next closest mover to the heavy hitters had 42 moves. average number of moves was 45, but without the top four busy-bodies, it plummets to 14! to be fair, three owners made 5 or fewer moves. even still, if you drop the four rarely active owners, the average is still only 20. my major gripes with fantasy sports in general are those leagues that don't promote team identity, and that's also a reason i prefer keeper leagues with move limits. i've been in a baseball league for what will be our 9th year, and we've had a firm limit on transactions (35) every season after the first. that was brought about by one guy who went hog wild on the waiver wire, even picking up and dropping players within minutes just to relegate them to waivers where they'd be untouchable for a few days. i realize everyone in the top four were doing what they did based on actual legitimate reasons, but it turns this into a league where everyone literally has to sit by their computer just to compete.
  8. i've had this riff rattling around in my brain for literally 25 years not knowing what song it was or who sang it. when i was 10 years old, it ruled my world. i heard the last wordless 15 seconds or so on a columbus, oh radio station in october of '97 (that's how bad i've wanted to figure out who it was..i can pinpoint it's occurrence in my lifetime), but the dj never indicated the title or artist. a couple of weeks ago, it came to me again in the shower, and a few days later, it got played on a station here in boise, idaho! i was shocked, but was able to scribble down some words, look it up, and it's been stuck in my psyche ever since...and now i share it with you all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHoPYLQvnQM
  9. those kids look like a teenage version of our lady peace (minus the old dude). it's uncanny.
  10. sirius believed my theft story and actually refunded a large portion of my multi-year deal. no replacement was offered, though. WTH?! <_<
  11. i got my sirius radio taken out of my truck last summer, but aren't they technically theft-proof since they require a code to activate? it's basically a paper-weight otherwise, isn't it? that's just a stupid thief if you ask me. yeah, i hate being a victim of theft (f#@kin' dallas stars).
  12. i know it's late in the day, but my complaint is waking up with a single line of what is usually a random song in my head that won't stop repeating. it lasts from the moment i'm aware that it's morning, throughout my shower, and only ends, i think...when i pour a bowl of cereal or start cooking eggs. i even try to actively think of other songs, but they won't push the random one out of my head. is this a sign of getting old or what?
  13. not that i feel drastically either way, but my preference is pretty traditional. H2H categories being the favored, followed by roto, and finally the current points based system. whatever happens, i refuse to get left out of the playoffs on a tie breaker!!! again. thanks, zambones
  14. 55 people one section away...holy sh!t. the chant is going to sound a lot louder to me this time.
  15. section 330, row 1...briere black goathead. i still have two extras in the same spot if anyone's interested. i'm a bit skeptical on how loud it's going to be. if the bruins wake up and care about this game, they will try to set a tempo of toughness early, which would get the crowd into the game. but after 3 goals in 4 games, i'm guessing the crowd is going to be waiting before showing any enthusiasm. i hope i'm wrong, because i like close games where those in attendance are kept on the edge of their seats with a little back and forth on the ice. 7-5 sabres with an empty netter by tallinder trying to clear it from behind their own goal line. and i finally get to see a game this season (third here in boston) without thinking "huh...peters is on the ice...oh well..."
  16. nope. but he's capable. that's all i'm saying. i'd rather have him as a backup than 90% of the other backups in the league. conversely, would you say biron is not a capable backup goaltender? my take is: i am willing to bet that if given regular playing time, he would have better statistical numbers than he does now, the "soft goals" would evaporate, and his record would still be well above 0.500, as it is now. he keeps enough pucks out of the net to put up more wins than losses. that's great for me when miller's on the bench.
  17. doesn't matter. i said he's "capable," not chris mason. relax. as long as a guy puts wins on the board as a backup, i'm happy.
  18. 9-4-1 looks capable to me.
  19. biron to get the start tonight and possibly thursday. nice to have a capable guy when the #1 needs time to get his act together.
  20. pm or email me at bill"two""three" (that's "23") at lovely ol' gmail. i paid $90 each. that's all i'm asking.
  21. i mentioned in another thread that i was undecided about going to this game. i got a call at noon from my friend who scoffed up some fourth row tickets on the cheap ($45/ea.!!). got there right when savard scored, but was able to catch everything else up close...including those three lame SO attempts. with each shot, i kept wondering what the hell they were doing. seemed weak at the time, but if they had a plan like everyone is speculating, then i guess that's a different story. seeing miller's save from about 50' was a moment i'll never forget. everyone in the arena was going bananas. i think i heard RJ from 7-8 stories above me. ;) paille seemed to be the hardest working sabre on the ice. drury was a close second. it might not show up on the score sheet, but i thought they were both putting some great effort in. afinogenov on the other hand, seemed to whine every single time someone touched him. granted, i think he took a stick to the face at one point, but even before that, he kept looking at the refs each time there was contact with another player. it's hockey, you know...play though it instead of wasting time looking for sympathy. he sure is fast, though...sheesh. briere, too. man those guys can fly. a fun afternoon, anyhow. a good opportunity to wear my new lafontaine jersey (vintage, white) outside of my apartment. the "let's go buffalo" got going at least twice that i can remember. the bruins fans booed that, but were otherwise pretty relaxed...it was family day, afterall. jesus, i love hockey.
  22. the only game i ever went to in buffalo was a 9-3 pasting of the whale at the aud the night before the bills hosted the broncos in snow-filled rich stadium. what an awesome weekend that was. every other game i've gone to has been on the road (ottawa a few times, montreal twice, boston a bunch of times). i'm "this close" to making the switch to directv to see the rest of this season's games.
  23. just for kicks, i listened in on the preds broadcast. top notch stuff. lots of good things to say about the road-team. glad to see the 2 for 8 on the PP. the call-ins after the show are hilarious with the accents. but the on-air guys answering are doing exactly what they should be...educating folks on gameplay.
  24. "I hav them muted and listening to rick on a major internet delay but have it synched pretty well with the DVR" that's some hard-core dedication.
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