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Everything posted by will

  1. Eichel and Reinhart. Reinhart and Eichel. Reminds me of the Ace Ventura revelation. "Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle?" I'm happy with Jack, sad for Connor, and ecstatic for next season.
  2. Wouldn't it be weird if connor just thought, "I love it here in erie, I think I'll withdraw my name from this year's draft." I have NO idea if that's even possible, but it sure would be absolutely wild. Even better if it happened after the lottery.
  3. I can't be the only person who thinks the logic of moving towards more lottery picks is achieving the opposite of the NHL's desired effect (Which is to prevent tanks). If anything, you get what we have currently, which is several teams out-sucking each other (eewww) for a guarantee of the #2 pick. Making the top 3 picks a toss-up boarders on insanity, with the CHL's annual winner possibly never having a legit chance to dig out of the gutter year after year, especially if that franchise is saddled with a garbage front office. As a conspiracy theorist when it comes to pro sports, Bettman could be sending top picks where he feels they're the best fit (I'm KIDDING*). As someone mentioned previously, the NFL has had no issues with tanking and giving 1st picks to the worst teams. I wouldn't say that if the NHL did this you would have a perfect system (see this year's sabres of the season-long suckage, or the pre-sid penguins), but at least the crappiest of crap teams would be allowed to restock. Teams don't end up at the bottom, pissing off fans, for kicks...they are legitimately flawed. Solution? I don't have one. And it wouldn't matter if I did, I'm not an NHL official. But if the league is going to make the top 3 picks a toss-up, they should at least limit the eligible teams to the 3 bottom feeders. If Boston were to miss the playoffs on the last day of the season this year and land the #1 pick (which is an actual thing that could happen), I'm pretty sure I'd walk away from caring about pro sports**. *not really **not really
  4. never quite latched onto the comedy here, since a strike is only bad in baseball for 50% of the players involved, while the rest probably appreciate it. or did they mean a work stoppage?
  5. Well, the name of the city is actually taken from an algonquian word "shikaakwa." That being of native american origin, it's not entirely crazy that they use the blackhawk name and the head of a NA for their logo.
  6. your right. Back to lurking.
  7. Theories aside, say buffalo lands between 5 - 10, and the isles' pick is somewhere 11 - 20, would two #1s be enough to get the first pick, or an overpayment? Save the facepalm and head-shaking icons, I'm no draft pick expert. Just asking an honest question. Personally, I would think two #1s in those ranges would also require an additional pick the following year and maybe even a prospect. Am I way off base?
  8. Anyone considering Toronto's ability to somehow worm their way to the bottom 5 and surprise surprise land the next crosby in the hockey hub of the universe that is desperate for a superstar? I don't think anything is beyond their ability and the nhl's meddling to have that happen. I just have a serious ill feeling some nasty sheeite is gonna go down between now and the end of next june.
  9. But purse-strings! Internal cap! Broken fax!
  10. Every time I see "GMTM," my mind says GAMETIME! My mind has yelled "GAMETIME!" a lot today.
  11. If so, it's no wonder Toronto was their first potential trade partner. They goin' to be scary bad this season.
  12. Kid's already showing leadership by not alienating anyone he doesn't name. I wonder if this is part of the high hockey IQ the scouts are always talking about.
  13. Depends. Did the sabres win the mcD sweeps or get d!cked over the year before with a new lottery format and have to build a winner the hard way?
  14. define "breaking out," since he will be playing on predictably the worst Sabres team in franchise history.
  15. personally, I don't think the typical NHL fan is intelligent enough to realize that Bettman has actually improved the standing of the NHL,and is just booing out of habit, or thinks that's what they're supposed to be doing. Morons boo bettman, basically. though, after this draft lottery revision debacle, maybe it's deserved.
  16. Toronto tanks and miraculously wins the mcdavid sweeps. Ya heard it here, 1st.
  17. all things being equal (meaning talent level of those 3 potential picks), wouldn't it make sense that the 1 playing on the weakest team would contribute to more of the goals? In other words, there are less talented players around him that would also be scoring goals, which would reduce his contribution percentage. with no team-talent comparisons between the two Sams, their contribution percentages can't really be compared, I guess. just spit-balling, I could be wrong.
  18. Gotta hand it to darcy, that's a mighty long game he is playing, but he just might pull it off and put buffalo on top like he planned all along.
  19. Having never read the books, I am dying to find out if varys' testimony was some sort of ploy, cause he was always respectful and thankful for tyrion's contributions to keeping K's Landing in good order. To see him do a 180 at the trial stinks of a cover of some sort. Am I holding my breath for nothing?
  20. Hopefully we aren't sick of them all after three seasons (movies).
  21. Actually tthe cbc crew is giving darcy high marks for his boon on trade day. Mostly just ripping pegs' perchant for backing up the brinks truck for myers/erhoff bonuses...which were rightly unnecessary.
  22. it's 2 yrs., $8mil per...according to tsn.
  23. cody will have to give up the #39.
  24. no cause, yet. 51yo.
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