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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. like most communities, online or otherwise, Sabrespace inevitably devolves into psychodrama.
  2. That carny's got jam, man. Jokes aside (I suspect he'd punch me in my fat face if I called him a carny): I just love watching him play. Dude's got that it factor. He will be a crucial factor the next time the Sabres win a playoff series - calling it now.
  3. What a great post. This bit especially is just gold. I appreciate this perspective on Kiper: Dude is largely responsible for a huge NFL-centered industry. Of course, what he's doing is trying to read tea leaves. But he does it in such an intense and engaging way, that I still enjoy watching and listening. Also: I heard on a podcast this week - from someone who works with Kiper (Daniel Jeremiah possibly) - that Kiper has no cell phone and has as many as 5 separate landlines in his home. There was some confusing talk about how you can send a text to Kiper -- I didn't quite understand or catch what was said. My sense is that he has computers/laptops (tablets?) and does some sort of IM's through a service or application. That would be a very tidy outcome.
  4. Lol — you sure? I take your issue here to be principled and generalized (“don’t lie to your team’s long suffering fans”), not personal. As stated, I’d urge you to a more practical view, but I won’t drag for the passion or zeal with which you’re making your point. Keep on rockin’ in the free world.
  5. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to chill, Daddy. Lol - I never miss a chance to deploy that meme. Anyway, to me, it's just not a big deal. He probably did speak to 10+ "people" about the job opening. One of them was probably his dog, Tinsel (she was a Christmas gift a few years ago). Idk. It's just puffery, like I said. Benign, at that. Adams will be gone soon enough. The "shallow approach" seems dead nuts. Like, he knows the buzz words, but, it's also like, don't dive in, baby. I don't much care whether they're going to BS us a bit. Emphasis on a bit. That's par for the course. We're not really allowed under the tent to see how the sausage is getting made. (Sorry to mix metaphors.) I only care that the team notch ~95 points next season. That's all I care about.
  6. What was the lie? Nah. He was puffing. I think Adams is in way over his head and may actually be a dummy. But I don't object to him saying he spoke to "double digits" people about this job opening.
  7. That's the commonly received wisdom, for sure. WGR had an interesting conversation on this topic the other day. Could that thinking be shifting to allow for a big WR splash if your team already has its franchise QB? This is what the Falcons did to get Julio (and, I presume, already had Matt Ryan).
  8. Actually, the guy named Adonai would probably be my first bet. I just get a feeling about him when he's mentioned. But BTJ would be my next best guess.
  9. Odunze (sp?) would take a Julio Jones type trade. I'd be excited, sure, but also pretty nervous. The guy would HAVE to hit and hit pretty big to make it worthwhile. If I had to wager on anyone from the field, I think I'd bet "BTJ." Moving up that far shouldn't cost next year's first.
  10. I keep coming back to that reasoning. OTOH, if the Bills have 1st round grades on, say, 23 players, there's a good chance that several would still be there at 28. Question being, though, at what positions. If there's no WR or DL available at 28 whom they gave a 1st round grade, then a trade-back would be desirable (question being: available?).
  11. Can’t tell if @LGR4GM is yacking at my take or Sal’s.
  12. Sal mocked the itty bitty burner from Texas to the Bills. Worthy. 165 lbs. No thanks. Everybody wants the next Tyreek Hill. They’re more apt to get the next Tavon Austin.
  13. Your antipathy for Ladd ThaHonky to Buffalo only assures us that (1) the Chiefs will instead grab him at the end of Round 1 and (2) ThaHonky will post a 9-85-1 line against the Bills in next year's postseason. Hmm. So maybe available at 28?
  14. It's the old joke about the old bull and the young bull standing atop a hill, gazing down on a pasture of cows that are "in season." Except in this case, Lindy's both the old bull and young(er) bull. And he's not looking to literally shtup anyone, afaik. Someone here posted a stat about how Power's long pass completion rate from the d-zone (or something) was near the very top of the league this season.
  15. Read the story that PA wrote in May 2006, linked above.
  16. The lore is out there. But not the video clip.
  17. Hello, friend. I tried using Google to locate the video. I searched "sabrespace" "lindy" "stick" -- but got too many hits. As an unexpected reward, though, I also got this as a first hit. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favour and read it now (or soon). And excuse the formatting glitches that time has visited on the post.
  18. Anyone know where to locate that video of Lindy instructing Sabres at a practice by, among other things, taking his stick and whacking it against a player's helmet? (Taylor Pyatt, maybe?) It was the subject of some debate here, years gone by. As I recall, Lindy's actions seemed to have been triggering for a former regular poster here.
  19. Gotcha. I'd be surprised if Lindy had 3 or more years left on his Devils deal. My guess is that a no double dipping clause would, if carefully drafted, anticipate a scenario where the remaining term on a Devils deal could outlast the term on a subsequent deal (and then likewise wipe out the Devils' obligation to pay in that event). YMMV, as @Taro T often says.
  20. Good question. I'd guess no more than 2. There should be (?) setoff/offset language in the Devils' contract (i.e., no double dippin'). Also: Shoutout to a DEAL WITH THE DEVIL.
  21. A 2-year deal? That's interesting, actually. You hear that coaches don't want to be lame ducks. Isn't that what happened with Granato when he got extended in early 2023 through 2025-2026? Lindy will start out in the penultimate year of his deal. Hmm. Bets being hedged? On both sides?
  22. Right on. I just confirmed that we got our pig cuts from Native Offerings. Now, do yourself another favour and take a listen to the mighty Del Paxton (the members of whom are likely now your neighbours). No idea what this music video's about, and I sorta like it that way.
  23. Lol - ironically, with our household now being much smaller, we don't subscribe like we used to. Our produce farm share was always through our church -- it was from the Porter family farm in Genesee County. I think they've since branched out to doing meats as well. They may be WNY's "OG" CSA. I would vouch for them, for sure. When the kids were young, we would visit the farm at some point following harvest -- just to catch a vibe. https://www.porterfarms.org/about-us We also used Native Offerings at times - some produce, some beef. I'll have to ask my wife where we had our pig share for a few years. Because that was my favourite CSA we ever participated in -- loins, tenderloins, chops, bacon -- good lord.
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