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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. My guess: He’s effectively a healthy scratch but is being given the cover of an LBI designation. Which is more mamby pamby coddling BS. that dog won’t hunt. it’s such a shame cozens got his face broken like he did — it changed him and his game.
  2. It’s wild to me that there are regular posters here whose take is - more or less - that the non-response isn’t actually a big deal and that getting 2 points off a good Devils team is the more important thing. I feel like - if you watched the game - the implications were clear. New Jersey (a not overly physical team?) demonstrated throughout that the Sabres can be bullied
  3. but it's not quite a fit. as someone pointed out upthread about deer -- the plural of deer is deer. it's the same with moose - the welcome meese/mooses yolk upthread notwithstanding. the plural of mammoth is mammoths. so it'd be funky to have it be just "mammoth." even so, the plural of avalanche is avalanches.
  4. None, as you noted (or was noted) above. Stanford Cardinal is the only sports team/program that I can think of that has a singular version of an animal as its mascot. Wait - isn't there a Lynx team in the WNBA? (If that counts.) I also like Mammoth because they can play on the word having become an adjective.
  5. I hope they go with Mammoth. It is a little strange, I guess. But what of Avalanche? Lightning? Kraken?
  6. I'm not suggesting he give up on the season.
  7. This is hugely important factor in how I feel about the incident with Thompson. Sabres hung on to win. But throughout the game they just got smacked around, physically dominated. No response. And again: But, yea, 2 points. That's the response. To that, I say: No it isn't.
  8. Is this an echo of what Zucker said? Count me out. Plausible deniability, I guess? I don't know why any fan of this team would extend a benefit of the doubt to this cast of characters. I just watched and re-watched the play. And I'm not buying it. The two D are on the ice, engaged in the play, they are seeing it develop. They are tracking the puck, sure. But don't tell me that they don't pick up on what happened in their peripheral (or in Power's case, his direct line of vision). There's an immediate groan of protest from the home crowd (good job, home crowd). The linesmen start sprinting in. And those 2 towering jamokes just look around, baffled -- they're apparently waiting for a plenary inquiry. Just fu*k that. Not a totally rational take, I will admit. It's a bit emotional. I wish more Sabre players were. I like the vibe of this and your other posts on this topic.
  9. This is a surprising reaction. The 2 defensemen had as clean and clear a look at the play as one could hope for. Well, that's just it - innit? The Devils had been running around, taking liberties prior to Tage getting that cheap shot. Quinn took a couple of rough hits - mostly clean, from what I can recall - maybe a bit late on one. But the Devils were just bullying the Sabres all over the ice. No response.
  10. I wasn't much online, but watched both games this weekend. The absence of a response to Tage being taken out disappointed, but did not surprise me. Chills bros are gonna chill. It's no small irony that if Tage is on the ice and someone else gets done dirty? He's apt to respond.
  11. you're obligated to keep the receipts, i'm afraid. please feel free to post all names and publicly humiliate those who thusly doubted you.
  12. He should be. He probably won't be. Terry mos def showed up for Miller's ceremony in January 2023. Then again, Miller's wife is both smokin' and of Asian descent. HEY-OH!
  13. brilliant! joe byron apparently sang that Weir version! Weir version O Canada! / Our home and native land / True patriot love in all thy sons command. / With glowing hearts we see thee rise / The True North strong and free! / And stand on guard, O Canada / We stand on guard for thee. / O Canada, glorious and free / We stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee. / O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! Ffs, Weir -- all that standing on guard.
  14. What'd I miss? I see some surmise here and there. I've yet to see any source saying that what Joe was singing in the video linked above was ever a known version of the song. But I'd be happy to be set straight! I've read a few. Is there any source that makes Joe's version legit? None better, really. This song was belted out toward the end of *many* weddings in my younger days -- just a bunch of sweaty dudes sharing a song and some love.
  15. What on earth. Are you serious? Gimme a link, fool! Faithfully perfourmed.
  16. I hear you. But "with ease?" Man, it can be hard to find them amidst the noise. Maybe if I stuck around long enough, endured enough noise, I'd pick up on them again. As it happens, I get satisfactory Bills talk here. (Although I know, I know there are some deep dive Bills nutters at TBD whose excellent content I am missing out on.)
  17. Including the possibility that ol' Joe Byron had a couple extra "ice cubes" at The Aud Club that evening before making his way rink-side to sing the anthems.
  18. I wondered if that might be the case. But I noodled around a bit and could find no indication that the song ever used those lyrics. I can't remember hearing it sung that way.
  19. no offence taken a'toll. i was just asking.
  20. I'll chime in. The guy's up front about his Evangelical Christian faith. But is it "over the top" for him just to mention it and state a summary of his creed? Btw, I ask this as someone who thinks most Evangelicals focus unduly (even exclusively) on Christ's death and resurrection, and the resulting salvation of people's souls, instead of focusing, y'know, on what the dude [reportedly] said and did, and just how he rolled generally (being poor and itinerant -- hanging out with people whom society shunned).
  21. Hilariously so! A bit of Leslie Nielsen creeping in.
  22. Are each of y'all too young to remember "tenor Joe Byron?" Nothing fancy. But put some respect on that man's name! ... Also. Wth?! These are NOT the words I recall from the Canadian national anthem.
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