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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. Very interesting. Many of us begged, pleaded, and prayed that Reinhart would be allowed to center his own line. And, yeah, he's not been given much to work with, but if they keep him away from Eichel and outside the top-6, what will come to pass? Is he going to show himself as the sort of player who can do quite well if paired with a locomotive sort of player, but who can't do much to force the issue on his own? Or, do we already know that that's who he is? The decision not to re-sign him this summer is starting to seem like a no-brainer.
  2. Yeah - ROR needs to get off the schneid like a mofo.
  3. I don't know a thing about the guy (Bryant), but I truly dislike how the use of marijuana (even persistent or chronic use) suggests someone's a bad guy. I know we've kicked this around before, but the effing NFL is more than happy to push liver-killing painkillers (like the 'profens) and life-threatening opioids on its players, but heaven forbid those players use a far, far less harmful substance -- whether recreationally or, far more likely, to help manage the pain and anxiety such a violent game produces in them. Eff the effing NFL.
  4. There's literally nothing (more) to be done about it, though. Thanks for the explanation above. The amount of fluids that these guys swap, the physical intimacy they share, are quite unlike just about every other work place you can imagine. When's the last time you and a co-worker used the same towel to wipe down after working yourselves into a heavy sweat? Wait - don't answer that. Water bottles are one area where I have noticed some changes having been made over the years. I think some teams (players) try to have water bottles labeled for individual players (with numbers on them). I think that can get scuttled during games, though, when players end up in different areas of the bench. But maybe trainers assist with that (moving Jack's sport drink down to the end where he's bound to return?). I don't think so, though -- seems like too much work. One tweak you definitely see is in the NFL -- only the bottle-assistants handle the Gatorade bottles (squirting the drink into waiting players' mouths). The fewer hands that touch those bottles, the better.
  5. I am perhaps unnaturally focused on the team's need for this win. I don't want the Sabres to suck this season. Their not-sucking is dependent on righting the ship ASAP. So, with the help of the power of positive thinking, I'll call a 4-2 win. No EN - the Sabres will be up 4-1 and the Kah-niggits will get a late one.
  6. Worthy of discussion: Would you rather go (as a non-lawyer) to contest a traffic ticket in a rural, busy justice court (say, the Town of Ellicott) or get a case of the runs for a day?
  7. I'm apparently under-read and/or under-informed. Wiki'd it, and I can see why this was a gap for me: The guy appears to have done his misdeeds during a period of time when we had several kids under the age of 4 in the home.
  8. In that event, the timing and number of players affected would tend to be different.
  9. Huh? I've always understood that standard GI bugs are quite contagious.
  10. That a key USMNT prospect has bomb-ass pedigree? Or were you alluding to some other fact(s)?
  11. Oh, man. Bleckh. This not only changes the way I think about Hodgson, but it gives me pause on how I tend to complain about players generally. OTOH, this made me chuckle.
  12. Hey - it's our annual attempt to disambiguate those 24-48 hour GI bugs from influenza! There are some fairly lengthy articles out there explaining how and why these confusing usages arose (and stuck).
  13. Yeah, okay. I see that now. Maybe it is more a matter of him being healthy-ish.
  14. I thought the same thing. To Flagg's point, I'm not so sure. The guy's healthy now. But does McDermott think he's the right type of player? I'm thinking maybe not.
  15. Glad I stopped in. Dudacek, that right there is easily, readily one of the top-10 posts around here of all time. Probably top-5. Shoot - it's 1B to the 1A of PA's story about Lindy in retirement.
  16. Is that Jack's cousin shown dancing at the 1:01 mark?
  17. What's the proverbial/cliche' thing about a team needing a west coast road trip? That.
  18. C’mon boys — two points! I’ll call a 4-2 win. Eichel with a Gino and an Apple. Pominville with a EN to seal it.
  19. I need that /missed the point/ .gif . He’s capable of reasoned thought. But then arrogance creeps in and lays waste to everything.
  20. Everyone? Do you mean no one? Because I literally know no one who thinks Eichel signed for a bargain. Otherwise, I found the post a bit strange. I do agree that finding Eichel’s principal winger is big on the to-do list.
  21. The Penguins, maybe? And, yes, it is early with regard to McDavid. With as incredibly fast as he plays, I fear for his well-being, especially long-term.
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