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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. I went to 6 games last season. This game is worse than all of ‘em.
  2. Kane. Get out of Eichel’s way.
  3. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick with the offsides call. The team is dead.
  4. It is true: Lots of passengers. No jam. No urgency. Also: Eichel is a god.
  5. Like. I was NOT prepared for the team to be demonstrably worse than last year. Sorry. I’m comparing this team to the team I watched live last season. This team is way worse.
  6. At the game. The Sabres are effing terrible.
  7. But maybe too simple. We also saw the stat that the team is out-chancing its opponents like 3 or 4 to 1 when he's out there, but shooting below 3% as well.
  8. Anyone hear Hamilton opine that Risto is going the way of Myers? It made me so irrationally angry to hear that. Mostly because it was just so lazy. "Myers started out good, and then sucked. Same pattern with Risto so far."
  9. Gabriel's Gate is still where it's at for wings, in the city. And then you also have the option of having wings there, and then rolling down the street to Allen Burger Venture for gastro-pub burgers (if you so desire) and a huge beer selection. I'll concur with the Elmwood Village scene. Many watering holes available. As for Ming Tei in Fort Erie, it remains good (and you cannot beat the view) but it is not what it used to be since the principal chef and artist sold to employees and retired.
  10. As am I. I had to be talked into it (because I'm old and tend to be tired on Fridays), but I'm sure we'll have a good time. Hopefully, the team contributes to a pleasant evening.
  11. This was good work, sir.
  12. Ahhh, the season starts NOW. NOW! MODO! Thank you, sir. And may (your) (G/g)od continue to bless and hold your family.
  13. As I think about it more, I tend to agree that a failure of proper preparation falls on the players more than the coaches. These guys are professionals. If they’re not sufficiently self-directed and focused, that’s on them.
  14. Fair. That should not be a problem, I reckon. But, having said that, WTF? What's with this core? Remember when Reinhart was benched last year? Is our young wizard-vision-2nd-overall-pick little more than a gee-I'm-just-glad-to-be-here putz?
  15. If a behavior is dysfunctional, it’s dysfunctional. You’re not being hard on your team — not in a productive way — if you're being dysfunctional. I’m not sure that’s a fair characterization of what PH is doing in talking so bluntly to the media about his players’ failings and shortcomings. If he says precisely the same things to the players, then I guess maybe it’s okay. I’m just not sure. And I’m concerned with whether this crew has it in them to be great, given that sort of criticism.
  16. I think this is largely right. But I also tend to agree with d4rk: There's only so much a coach can do. Literally. He only gets his players for certain windows of time. Maybe Housley is referring to the fact that players are doing what's required of them, strictly speaking, but not the extra stuff that created a winner in NSH. I am starting to worry about whether the new core is charting to be a swing and a miss in terms of attitude. The differences between teams are mostly so slight nowadays -- it really is that strong aversion to losing, and the behavior and habits it begets, that can make a team a winner. Good post.
  17. Those are strong words. And they're specific as well. Maybe a little weird (and counter-productive) that he's airing it through the media, though.
  18. We need to bring that beat back, man. #eggsinthebasket
  19. well, like all such things, it's predictive not determinative.
  20. Interesting. And also good news.
  21. As someone for whom weed did nothing good or enjoyable (and, in fact, only seemed to make me moody and lethargic), I can identify with this. And agree with this.
  22. [PA voice]: Go on ... ftfy
  23. Very interesting. Many of us begged, pleaded, and prayed that Reinhart would be allowed to center his own line. And, yeah, he's not been given much to work with, but if they keep him away from Eichel and outside the top-6, what will come to pass? Is he going to show himself as the sort of player who can do quite well if paired with a locomotive sort of player, but who can't do much to force the issue on his own? Or, do we already know that that's who he is? The decision not to re-sign him this summer is starting to seem like a no-brainer.
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