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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. That's a look I routinely have.* Come at me, bruh. *Not for any good reason**; just because I don't have the time or energy or inclination to do something different. **Although maybe the fact that I don't want tufts of my chest hair featured in an office setting is a reason.
  2. Brady’s gonna play until he’s 50.
  3. Ya, okay FGMTM sucks at talent evaluation too. Ha. I dunno. I read his resume at one point with all his hits (and purported should’ve hits, but his guy wasn’t chosen), and it was pretty impressive.
  4. Yes. Because Sean the Wrestler has cracked The Matrix code.
  5. This is a great point, and one I've heard made from time to time. It really is staggering that, in the modern parity-rich NFL, a team could manage to stay out of the increasingly inclusive playoffs for THAT long. It's nothing short of remarkable.
  6. I hadn't realized that's the ratio so far. It may be unsustainable over a long stretch, but maybe the Bills can keep whistling past the grave yard for the next 9 or so?
  7. Eeesh. This is not only unduly harsh, but it's analytically flawed. From what we learned, the guy damn near died a few months ago. I'm eager to see him return to form, but the fact that he hasn't is very much understandable.
  8. I'm beginning to think maybe not. The contracts given to Moulson and, to a lesser degree, Okposo are not good. His abilities as a talent evaluator, I'm sure, are good to very good. But I don't think he really knew how to manage assets and cap space.
  9. I have no independent recollection of wha happen there, but I'll accept that as true. I reckon it goes to prove the point: You gotta be good, and then you gotta be lucky. (I also reckon that, if you're great, you don't need to be as lucky.)
  10. I don't disagree with any of that, but the reality is that the Bills have caught a LOT of breaks so far this season. If the same breaks were more against them, they are probably 4-3 or 3-4. But, hey - I'll take it. I know there's an expression about how you make your own luck with how hard you work, etc., but, really, when it comes to random-ass-sh1t like fumble recoveries, you mostly just need to be lucky. I can't find any reason to deny that the Bills are a good football team.
  11. Haha - seriously?
  12. I am very much enjoying the team's success. That said, I am mindful that the likely difference between 5-2 and 3-4 is catching the breaks. Fumble recoveries, and things like that. Whatever, though. The team needs to play well enough to have the breaks matter. This is fun.
  13. Precisely. Taro said it as well: If Dareus were performing near his capabilities, this would’ve been a different proposition.
  14. ^ There’s (financial) pain associated with moving Dareus, for sure. But the team is preaching accountability and maximum effort and such. He had to go.
  15. For what this regime is trying to do, it was imperative that they move him.
  16. I read the reports as indicating that the team gains modest amounts by trading him — it’d have cost more to keep him.
  17. Appreciate the content upthread, but I still don’t understand the practical upshot of this deal’s cap implications. In any case: I love this deal. Ahh. Never mind. I get it now.
  18. Getting Okposo back on track may be the single most important thing to getting the season headed in the right direction.
  19. The idea that Eichel doesn’t need a high-end (i.e., jigh-performance) pairing seems misguided to me.
  20. Agree with this to a point. But, as for 28 and 29: Perfect complements? I'd definitely say "serviceable" and even at times "good." But if this team is going to accomplish anything, they need to find Robin to Jack's Batman. Hot Daniel was sure that Reinhart could be that Robin. There had been hope for that Swedish prospect whose name, honest to God, I can't recall right now (I ate a big lunch). And if not either of them, perhaps Casey?
  21. Jesus. 43+ weeks? I believe that'd be referred to as post-term. As I understand it, after 42 weeks that glorious temporary organ known as the placenta starts to break down.
  22. Holy smokes - 4 weeks early and weighing in over 6#?! Oof. Had your mom gone full-term, I'm guessing ... I dunno. 9-ish, at least, I think.
  23. Yeah - if you're into that 35-36-week range, complications tend to be far fewer and far less serious. Although boys will tend to have a rougher go of it. Our preemie was earlier than that 35/36 threshold, although in the realm of preemies she was "a giant" (just shy of 34 weeks and weighing a bit over 4 lbs.). I've since read that the Thomases were about 17-18 weeks along in this pregnancy -- well before the range of a viable premature birth (but so painful and sad just the same, we can be sure).
  24. Dear God. I'm blessed to be the dad of a healthy, vibrant young woman who was born quite prematurely. My heart brakes for the parents.
  25. I feel badly for Flacco, of course, but dammit all if I didn't see that hit as a close call. Flacco slid late, Alonso was trying to prevent a first down. It looked awful, but it was not a predatory hit.
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