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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. Jesus effing Christ on a gubdamn popsicle stick. GODDAMMIT. With the venting done, I know that my feelings and position haven’t changed: The local teams won’t truly get sorted out until he’s gone. There may be success while his involvement persists, but it will be in spite of him. He is the worst sort of toady. The worst.
  2. Fair. I make a living speaking for others. I’m confident I have his position captured here. I’m always years behind where I need to be. Maybe I lag PA? I scoffed at the tank detractors. Now? Not so much.
  3. Huh? It’s just boring to return to the “Pegula sucks” trope. If you’re cheering Marvelo’s content (I don’t see it), then I’m likely done here. This is just excellent. Way more nuts and bolts than PA would like, I think, but spot on.
  4. That is fair. I am interested in the notion that his apparent grumpiness, crankiness, which seemed to cloud his judgment at times could have been the product of his poor health and/or personal tragedy. I can't tell if this is serious or for yuck-yucks. In any case, Mr. Yuck:
  5. Quick aside: Wasn't his brother -- Griffin? Griffon? -- recently waived or something?
  6. His story is certainly a sympathetic one. I very much wish him well. The fact that the other on-air personalities all seem to like him (genuinely) confirms that he is, in fact, a good, good guy. It's funny. I can't hardly recall much of the specifics, but I know I had tuned him out because, I had concluded, his takes were so patently negative and narrative-driven. The Reinhart thing specifically, I guess. Well, well, well. Looks like I should've listened to Paul all along. I still think that a decent amount of how he views and understands the game is somewhat dated. But I now think he was right all along on #23.
  7. Jesus Christmas. It's as though FIFA doesn't even care that people will say that a fix was in to ensure Russia advances. Yep. I know nothing of FIFA rankings. D and H look gnarly. Frickin' figures that Argentina would get a tough draw, if so. I'm pulling for Messi.
  8. To which I said: And you added to the effect of: And then you said this about the end of that TL;DW video. Which tends to confirm (in fact, confirms) what Sakman said.
  9. I started watching the video, and it sounded like it might be sorta funny. But then it started to drag. You're moving on from being Pangloss and turning into Fox Mulder. Also, as I posed a few days ago:
  10. Good feedback. Thanks kindly.
  11. Is this a game that my young gamers might want Santa to put under the tree?
  12. You seek larger truths and significance where there are none to be found. That sort of activity is easily encompassed within the definition of folly. But, whatever. Folly can be fun. It can also be a waste of time.
  13. fwiw Lindy Ruff’s Tie @LindyRuffsTie 36m Replying to @LindyRuffsTie Let’s just say that Jack Eichel does an interesting impression of his teammates. and Playoffs!!! In 2025 @Husaria 30m So, how about that Ryan O'Reily impression from Jack Eichel, FOKLS
  14. Enough of that. For present purposes, anyway. I know he did a lot of poor drafting. But he also hit on a guy like Pominville in round 2 or 3, which is exactly what a team needs to push over the top. And don't forget the Miller lottery ticket.
  15. As someone who thinks he's seeing ROR as behind the play a lot (or at least not driving the play), I am interested to hear a take to the effect that all is well with the gritty toothless wonder.
  16. It occurs to me what the issue is with #23: He's missing ... THE D.
  17. This was a really good post - especially the items above. I got nervous when I kept reading the Tweets and articles about how errrwun (outside of Buffalo) was reportedly cutting weight before camp in an effort to be quicker and faster. We're still trying to emerge from the heavy (footed) model, I think.
  18. Be careful. You will summon him.
  19. The heart of the problem is that the franchise has not had a talented FO team leading its hockey operations for an extended period of time (say, like, 5 years minimum). That's it. I know that's not as metaphysical as some would like, but that's really it. Unless and until that comes to pass, the team is apt to stink (even while stumbling into a playoff spot here or there). It's incumbent on the Pegulas to put that team in place (and maybe they only need to make 1 key hire to make it happen (and maybe Botterill is that 1 key hire)) and then largely* get the eff out of the way. * Yes, some level of meddling is to be expected. But I really do think the Bills absord most of that energy nowadays.
  20. That was the beginning of the end for me with Reinhart, I think. It wasn't the end of the end, mind you. But his response to that situation was poor an unprofessional. Insolent. I brushed it off a bit, though, because Dreary Dan, etc. In hindsight, I think it was just as problematic as it seemed. Yep. And maybe don't stop there either. Move another slow-footed core piece and all the local Tim Hortons franchisees can breathe easier. Maybe. Dude. If that's the case, then the team really is hosed.
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