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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. What in the absolute fresh hell is going on in here. In a neat bit of irony, the sanctimonious, self-satisfied, finger-wagging, fat-scolding being blared upthread makes PA's yucking LGR's stats-yum seem genteel in comparison. Full marks. I have one of those myself!
  2. I enjoy JFresh's content. But if #fancystats are extolling McDavid's performance in the SCF, then they don't square with the eye test, IMO. From where I sit (and watch most of the games) and excepting the Game 4 blowout, McDavid has not been able to step forward and assert himself in the way that the Oilers need(ed) him to. I concluded a while ago that he's injured -- something seems to be inhibiting his shot (a core injury? a wrist injury?).
  3. I thought I had our local provocateur settled down, admittedly taking a loser point -- but then someone here rousted him from his post-Ovaltine torpor.
  4. Re McDonough: “ESPN sources described McDonough as devastated that he’s been affected by the illness at a time in which he’s calling the Stanley Cup Final for the second time since the network reacquired its NHL rights in 2021. He has even gone as far as to consult with team doctors in Edmonton in an attempt to overcome the illness. The 62-year-old broadcaster previously missed the Game 2 matchup between the Florida Panthers and New York Rangers in the Eastern Conference Final on May 24. It is believed that McDonough’s current illness could could stem from his previous one, which may have worsened with the lengthy flight from Florida to Edmonton between Games 2 and 3 this week.“ http://amp.awfulannouncing.com/nhl/espn-confirms-sean-mcdonough-fighting-through-illness-during-stanley-cup-final.html What could he have going on over that stretch of time? Pneumonia?
  5. I recently inboxed him - hoping a notification would go through to an email account he still uses. I also took that opportunity to .pdf-spindle-print 20+ pages of inbox messages we had that contained our combined effort to gather information regarding the Pegulas. Still some fascinating stuff in there. Plenty of loose ends.
  6. Fair. (What's E to the 3? (Wait - don't waste your time on this).)
  7. And where this does not hold up when extended to those who drill into player stats and salaries is that the players' data - unlike the imagined ownership data - has a very direct correlation to what we see on the ice.
  8. I previously engaged with PA on this subject. I have nothing to add to that conversation. I will say: Griping about the owner is a fundamentally different pursuit than drilling into player data/salary, etc. You can remain essentially poetic when griping about the fat cat owner. Also, has PA in fact been a Pegula Deep Diver? Are we thinking more of @Ghost of Dwight Drane? I can't rightly recall.
  9. Yeah, for New York lakes, excepting the Greats, I'd roll with your favourite in the ADK. Mine's Sherman Lake in Warrensburg. There's a family horse ranch there. We vacationed there a couple times - years gone by. Special place.
  10. Deftly-managed. Both clever and obstinate. Full marks!
  11. Btw, @PASabreFan, the data can lead to revelation as well.
  12. As is the norm, if you poke and prod and probe (ooo la la) enough with PA, you reach something (arguably) beautiful. Maybe not correct. But artful and earnest.
  13. We wore onions on our belts! As that was the style. And we liked it.
  14. Binary compartmentalization is the hobgoblin of a stunted mind. Or this:
  15. It occurs to me: I often do the same.
  16. This isn't unfair. From a business development perspective, though, it's missing the mark. A league like the NHL should be doing everything in its power to cater to and grow the segment of its fanbase that is fairly rabid for the game (and all of its associated details). Call if their "small, weird cohort." The league stands to make an outsized amount of its revenue off that small weird cohort.
  17. Lol - I legit have no idea what the bleeped out word is. "Sonny Smell" has a certain ring to it, no? Also, do not come for my Woke Credentials, for they are impeccable. I chuckled.
  18. Compiling a list of the Pegula hirings with the Sabres would be a truly discouraging exercise.
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