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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. I'm a big fan of rap and hip-hop. I don't have an ear for Kendrick. That said, the 20-somethings in my life were losing their ever loving minds. So - I reckon it wasn't for me.
  2. it’s a fair question. what do the fancy stat people say about blocked shots?
  3. I am sure he is. But he doesn't - as far as I know? - have the right to emblazon his merch with Bills trademarks, does he? The details of the Bills acquiring #BillsMafia "from him" remain murky to me.
  4. Cold as any stone. Btw, when those shirts get made ("be good, do good, god bless, and go bills" (with a portion of proceeds going to children's hospital)), I will buy a dozen.
  5. i have no idea what's meant by either of these posts.
  6. that dude is a wild mofo in the nfl media ecosystem.
  7. "Be Good Do Good God bless and Go Bills." Josh Allen 2-6-2025 Not even @Stoner's hardened heart can remain unmoved by this congrats video. (Okay, maybe PA's heart can withstand it.)
  8. the travolta pulp fiction gif fits nicely with the idea of young sabres looking for mentoring.
  9. Such a good take. The problem ain't any of the players in isolation -- okay, maybe a couple stink out loud -- rather, the problem is how GM KA built the team and roster.
  10. wait - is this a bit? i haven't been around enough to keep this sh1t straight.
  11. We wait. We are bored. ... In an instant all will vanish and we’ll be alone once more, in the midst of nothingness!
  12. a player for whom tage thompson once dropped the gloves.
  13. I prefer to keep using the phrase, notwithstanding the fact that I keep getting the same outcomes. it's a rancid pint container of shrimp fried rice that's been in the back of the fridge for 3 weeks. but it's food still, technically.
  14. My apologies for the confusion. I said Opie. Not Upie (sp?).
  15. I think I'm even more angry about the organ-eye-zayshun giving Samuelsson the cover of an injury designation for tonight's scratch than I am about anything else surrounding the Tage Thompson non-response. That's the root of the rot right there. And I'd bet dollars to donuts that Opie was involved in thusly sheltering his chosen, foundational steady d-man.
  16. Ding, ding, ding. That said, how pathetic is it that he's being given the LBI cover? Just say he's a healthy scratch. JFC. I'm open to the idea that Zucker was trying to be a paternal veteran and cover for the shmucks. Plenty of talent. Which is what makes the gutlessness so frustrating.
  17. He's a healthy scratch being afforded the courtesy of a phantom LBI designation.
  18. Like, what happened to you, dude? I'd lay even odds that some other hockey fan managed to hijack this account.
  19. Yeah. I don't think I'm talking about stats. But thanks for digging those up. He was on track to having a game that features real grit and snarl -- and an occasional spirited bout when circumstances required it. Not so much anymore.
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