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Everything posted by WanderingEye

  1. Ouch, that looks bad. I liked Stewart's game tonight even if he couldn't cash in on his chances, would suck to lose him already.
  2. I'm sorry to nitpick but does Porter really qualify as a "kid" anymore? He's 27 and in his fifth pro season with almost 200 NHL games under his belt. He's kinda struck me more as a Matt Ellis hard working journeyman type.
  3. Rolston's presser hissy fit was interesting to me, it felt a little like frustration stemming from the fact that he's probably hitting the unemployment line or going back to the farm after these last few meaningless games.
  4. Yeah he got significant playing time today and was doing pretty OK with it. He's at least not completely clueless with the puck when it comes to him. I was hoping he would get one, I like the big lug. The smile on his face after his first shot nearly squeaked past Garon was hilarious.
  5. I'm not really sure why they were saying that Ovechkin has 41 goals and Stamkos has 40, they both have 26 right now?
  6. I haven't been following the Amerks too much lately, do they even have anybody notable left on D or are we down to John Scott?
  7. I didn't hear any booing (since it's all Habs fans) so Steve Ott's feelings will be spared at least.
  8. They can't even get screwed out of a goal properly.
  9. Ott and Gudas "shoveling" at each other.
  10. Porter is the better hockey player but I'll miss Cody a little, he had some good fights. He had a pretty decent first full season here for a fourth liner too, too bad he was brutal after he re-upped. Kind of had the same appeal as Adam Mair to me, not a great player but sometimes it's fun to see a guy go out there and throw lefts like a mad man.
  11. I know I should be mad because they're losing as usual but I don't think the high from seeing Thornton get pummeled and knocked out will wear off for a while. It sounded like a funeral in there after he went down.
  12. Man I can't wait to see what Matt Ellis does stepping in for Thomas Vanek.
  13. We might as well start calling him Hodgsie since that is what his official locker room nickname will be.
  14. Not sure how I feel about this one, I wanted Kassian to be awesome but he wasn't really delivering. He didn't get a lot of time either. I'm glad MAG is gone too, I have no idea who Alex Sulzer is though.
  15. Great game, very fun game to be at. Looked grim at first but then they just clowned Weekes. They totally got into Jagr's head, too. You guys can say all you want about Peters, but the fact remains that the fans love him, regardless of whether or not Paille would score more goals. Hollweg is a wuss, seriously. He starts a scrum by hitting Campbell, then runs to the bench and leaves the rest of his line out with the tough guys for the Sabres, and Adam Hall ends up with his jersey over his face and a few knuckles upside his head as a result. Also, during the scrum, Sabretooth pounded on the glass so hard that he broke it and fell halfway onto the ice.
  16. Wow, I can really see how much faster the game is, especially when play is being stopped every 30 seconds for another penalty call.
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