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    Niagara Falls
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  1. Dig the Topic, growing up in a hockey crazed enviorment as i was. My father, brother and I would pick a player on the Sabres each game and would write down all the stats these players had goals, assist, hits, and fights. and at the end would total them all up at one pont each, and whoever had the most points won, the loser however either had to cut the grass or shovel the driveway the next day. i just cant wait to start this tradition with my own boys, although i have a way to go seeing they are one 4 and 1. oh and for the last 10 years or so my house has become playoff central with my family and friends due to me always having the bigest TV. love it though the sabres need to be in the playoffs more...
  2. I think someone should rename this thread to... 2012-2013 Complain about Trade Rumors thread
  3. he was right about Semin. well before the TSN crew.
  4. Thanks Claude, but no worries. I post on here every once in great while with something that excited me, i really could give two squirts of __ of what d4rksabre thinks of what i posted. oh and thanks for the tip of not copy/pasting, i will keep it in mind.
  5. Sorry, I posted something i shouldn't have so i replaced it with this!
  6. I Got it! ASAP stands for ALL ContractS Approved through Pigeons
  7. yeah but it still works!
  8. Sure he does! ASAP is what Darcy calls his fax machine.
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