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  1. That guy is an a#$^$#!e. I hope the league suspends him.
  2. Why are they wearing the home throwbacks?
  3. I have a feeling Carolina will win tonight, but if the Sabres can stop themselves from committing penalties the will have a fighting chance.
  4. 7-2 Buffalo
  5. I'll be at the Pizza Plant on Main Street with a few buddies if anyone wants to come along for good beer and Sabres fans...and food. That is, if they're open. I better call them.
  6. Holy smokes, after the goal did you hear a "YOU GOT SLUGGED!!!!" chant?
  7. Yes, but this question now begs to be asked...WHEN exactly do we use it? After a spectacular hit? A goal? A win? Or all of the above? Does this also mean people will be bringing in bottles of orange hair gel and wiping it on white poster board to signify a slime trail? I can see it now...kids with poster boards with the logo of the opposing team, with orange hair gel or newly made (but not congealed) orange Jello, smeared across the logo.
  8. Wow, I am totally all for the "YOU GOT SLUGGED!" movement. Press on!!!!!
  9. Does anyone feel the way I do today? Rhetorical question, I know. But for me, this game has the same sense of urgency as it did for Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Maybe we're not playing for the Cup tonight, but we're playing for pride. I'm hoping tonight's game is a cathartic experience for those of us who are chomping at the bit to show the Hurricanes what the Sabres are all about. There's no excuses tonight. No D-line injuries, no crappy ice, no nothing. In the words of Marv... "Where else would you rather be than right here, right now?"
  10. Today's going to be a looooooooong day at work.
  11. According to http://www.wgr550.com/sabres/schedule.php you can hear the game tonight on WGR550.
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