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Everything posted by Screamin'Weasel

  1. I am so glad this thread was bumped. Since last Wednesday's episode of Glee, I cannot get this song out of my head. Also because of all the people that post the dancing baby video (and others using this song) all over facebook, I still can't shake it: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l2FTgQP85o[/YOUTUBE]
  2. This song is used in a WB or CW or whatever the hell it's called now promo commercial and it sticks in my head for hours afterward: qPshmjwhkPA
  3. Agreed. My complaint is that Crosby virtually assured Detroit of another Cup.
  4. #1. I had a complaint on Sunday and had to wait for Thursday to complain about it... #2. Why is it at Christmastime the world feels the need to empty all mental patients from thier institutions and hand them all drivers licenses on the way out? #3. Why does it take 5+ years (with no end in sight) to work on the stretch of Route 20 between 7 Corners and Camp Road? And why, after that 5+ years of construction, did they (Town of Hamburg, I think, or possibly the County) decided to add more by re-routing Rte 20a (Big Tree Rd.) out of 7 Corners and onto Rte 20, adding 2 more intersections to the mess, all within 100 yards of the 7 Corners intersection?
  5. I hate that I spent close to $200 per child for school supplies and still the school sends notes home asking for $5 for this or $10 for that at least once a month (and with 4 kids that adds up) through out the year. What exactly does the school provide since my school taxes are so high here? My oldest daughter is a junior in high school and every year during this first week she comes home to tell me, "I need $16 for this workbook that is required for class and $14 for this one." If it is required for class, provide the damn things! This is not a college that relies on tuition and book store sales to finance the school, it is a public high school! :angry:
  6. I am disappointed the Olympics are already over. I watched more tv in the last 2 weeks than I watched in the last two years. I am disappointed the summer is already almost over. I am sickened by the fact that for absolutely no reason I can ascertain I have been getting a total of 20 minutes sleep each of tthe last two nights. I just lie there awake. I get up to use the bathroom and check the alarm to see there is 30 minutes left on it only to fall asleep as soon as I get back from the bathroom...
  7. Team sizes are capped, as far as I know. However, playing devil's advocate, shouldn't the best in the world compete regardless of whether they come from 10 different countries or whether 9 come from one country and 1 from a second country? Onto your main point concertning amateurs: it won't revert to that regardless of what it was "intended to be." To be honest, that concept of "amateurs only" itself is out of date, too. The main reason for the change to allow professionals is, actually, beacause what it was "intended to be" was extremely inaccurate as time moved forward. When the modern Olympics were started in 1896, the thinking was that professionals were cheaters. People were supposed to participate to be part of the (Olympic) event, not to win. Professional athletes of the time were considered "win at all costs" and "practice makes perfect;" both of which were frowned upon by the founders of the IOC. How excited would you be to watch players that played pond hockey only compete? That is what the Olympics were originally "intended to be" by their founders. Not quite "the best in the world," which is what the modern Olympics are now. Another crucial point in the argument to allow pros was, as you mentioned, "full-time, state-sponsored" amateurs. It is not so much a question is how can true amatuers hockey players compete with the Red Army team, but how can self-financed amateur hockey players afford to compete with state-sponsored amateurs. Lastly, the IOC has kind of protected themselvs in this debate by allowing the governing bodies of the sports themselves decide, ie: IIHF, FIFA, etc. The only two (summer, anyway) sports that still do not allow pros are baseball and boxing. However, many governing bodies also place restrictions while still allowing pros. For example, FIFA allows pros, but only 3 per team may be 23 years old or older.
  8. Speaking of riding the brakes, I hate how so many people forget how to drive rationally and normally when that mysterious clear liquid falls from the heavens, no matter how hard or little. On that note, I also hate when people refuse to put on their headlights when it rains and is still daylight. I know you can still see the road, idiot, but it helps other drivers see you!! I also am getting sick of Phelps-mania. I like the guy and wish the best for him, but does NBC really need the blurb in the corner of the screen that says "Michael Phelps in 5 minutes!"? And why are they cutting away from a medal round of gymnastics to qualifying heats they know Phelps will qualify in? Also on the Olympics, is anyone else getting really sick of beach volleyball? Let's see some of the lesser-shown sports like handball, cycling, table tennis, etc. Personally, I really like the cycling event where they try to go as slow as possible for the first lap to force the other guy into the lead. That just is so crazy, it is something they should show: winning a race by going as slow as possible. Again on the Olympics, I know the "Redeem Team" is trying to get back to gold and show the world the NBA belongs at the Olympics, but does anyone else think the US men's basketball team is still quite a bit pompous and arrogant (like they almost always are)? China makes three pointers and slap each other on the backs and high-five. The US team takes the ball back down and slam dunks one and the player walks away - no, showboat stomps away - growling and snarling and beating his own chest. Lastly, and off the Olympics finally, am I the only one that thinks summer seemed to last so much longer as a kid than it does now? When I was a kid on summer vacation, it seemed to go on forever and now the months just blur together and it feels like it's been just a few short weeks...
  9. I had disc replacement surgery in my lower back six weeks ago from an auto accident that happened over a year ago and it still appears to be no better. I hate that it is raining on the day of my scheduled trip to the Fair. I am angry that Buffalo is on Forbes' list of Top 10 Fastest Dying Cities and the State's idiotic tax policies (amoung other idiotic moves by the state) recieves no blame. Any other complaints I have today (and there are many, trust me) I will simply sum up with: GRRRRR! Thanes, not sure if this helps with your complaint but the full episodes of the entire season four is available to watch on nbc.com.
  10. I hate that I need exactly 3 friends with me when I open a Kit Kat bar...otherwise someone gets screwed.
  11. :lol: Always worthy of complaint, that right there.
  12. Had back surgery 4 weeks ago due to an auto accident back in May '07 and nothing has improved.
  13. Exactly what I thought, but I added in the fact that a penalty at 2 seconds left in OT results in nothing negative for the shoot out. I mean, Max had his stick on him already, just tug harder.
  14. Marty's painted mask doesn't fit, hence the return to the white one.
  15. "In 1915 Prohibition began in Canada when public bars were banned in Saskatchewan. A year later prohibition was instituted in Ontario as well, affecting all 64 breweries in the province. Although some provinces totally banned alcohol manufacture, some permitted production for export to the United States. Labatt survived by producing full strength beer for export south of the border and by introducing two "temperance ales" with less than two per cent alcohol for sale in Ontario. However, the Canadian beer industry suffered a second blow when Prohibition began in the U.S. in 1919. When Prohibition was repealed in Ontario in 1926, just 15 breweries remained and only Labatt retained its original management. This resulted in a strengthened industry position." Labatt Brewing Company, Wikipedia Entry I had been curious about this before as well as the kidnapping claim, so I looked it up about a month ago.
  16. I heard on WGR earlier that the reason for the distinction is because a player (cannot remember the name) born in Europe and moved to Canada at age eight has more games.
  17. Anyone else think we should have kept the Congressional Medal of Honor recipient in the box longer? I mean the play looked slow and drab and the Sabres were down 2-0 and momentum was really swinging away from them. During the interview with the vetren, the Sabres scored twice, looked awesome and came back alive. The momentum swung fully back over to the Sabres with that interview. When the Sabres win, first star goes to the Viet Nam vet that did that interview.
  18. Thank God Knicks Gamenight/NFL garbage is back on! end: sarcasm.
  19. Yeah that bad bounce was horrible. However, if the refs called the blatant interference against Briere, the face off would have been in the Florida end.
  20. There we go.
  21. JuJu, your MoJo is broken. Sabres: 3 Florida: 2 All goals scored in the second period.
  22. They look good so far. On a slightly unrelated topic, I have a question. When we were outshooting NY 8-0, I had to wonder if there was any game ever in the NHL where there were no shots recorded by a single team? Also, would the goalie who faced no shots get a 100% Save percentage stat, a 0% or no stat at all as a result?
  23. I just placed a call to the arena and asked them to have the ushers tell those fat-arsed, ugly, two-toned Torontonian women in the front couple of rows by the face off circle to Miller's right to keep thier maple leaf loving fat in thier seats instead of waving at the damn camera every time the action is in front of them. I find that "wave-at-the-camera-everytime-the-action-is-near-your-seat" thing phenominally annoying.
  24. And did you see the look on the woman's face when they called the Bruins for diving? She looked confused and in utter disbelief. She looked like she needed someone to tell her how on Earth a Bruin can dive since that is only in Buffalo's bag o' tricks. I found her wondering look very humerous for some reason. I did like her husband's very vintage looking Bruin jersey with the 75th anniversary patch on it.
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