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Everything posted by Preds

  1. And every BS diving call they make on us just further cements it in their eyes. We had the same issue late last season as well.
  2. See the link I sent you in the PM. Mike
  3. Sorry, only have 3 games left in the section 105 seats. 1/1 and 3/30 against the Islanders and 4/5 against the Bruins
  4. The ONLY negative to the 2006/2007 Sabres is the friggen slug. I don't understand how/why Larry Quinn convinced Golisano that the slug was superior to our vintage unis.
  5. I'll let you know when my jersey comes in. I ordered a blue vintage LaFontaine last week, and if has the friggen number on the front I'm gonna be royally pissed.
  6. Sorry I can't help you. My 1st available tickets are the November 15th game against Ottawa, where I have 2 tickets available in my section 316 seats row 3 seats, and 4 tickets directly behind them in row 4. About 2/3's of my tickets are now spoken for. I have 15 games remaining in my center ice seats in section 105, 18 games remaining in my section 316 row 3 seats, and 12 games remaining in my section 316 row 4 seats. Like I stated above, however, I don't have any tickets remaining prior to November 15th.
  7. I have tickets available to select Sabres home games. 1 pair is 100 Level Preferreds at centre ice section 105, row 7 (just 3 games left). I also have 2-6 seats for most games in section 316 rows 3 and 4. These are nice corner seats on the side the Sabres shoot twice (12 games left). Of my 8 tix, I'll be using anywhere from 3-6 tickets to about half the games, but will have the remainder available. Depdending on the game, quantities of 2, 4, 6 or 8 could be available. If you're interested, send me a PM or email me at sabrestix@gmail.com
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