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  1. And every BS diving call they make on us just further cements it in their eyes. We had the same issue late last season as well.
  2. See the link I sent you in the PM. Mike
  3. Sorry, only have 3 games left in the section 105 seats. 1/1 and 3/30 against the Islanders and 4/5 against the Bruins
  4. The ONLY negative to the 2006/2007 Sabres is the friggen slug. I don't understand how/why Larry Quinn convinced Golisano that the slug was superior to our vintage unis.
  5. I'll let you know when my jersey comes in. I ordered a blue vintage LaFontaine last week, and if has the friggen number on the front I'm gonna be royally pissed.
  6. Sorry I can't help you. My 1st available tickets are the November 15th game against Ottawa, where I have 2 tickets available in my section 316 seats row 3 seats, and 4 tickets directly behind them in row 4. About 2/3's of my tickets are now spoken for. I have 15 games remaining in my center ice seats in section 105, 18 games remaining in my section 316 row 3 seats, and 12 games remaining in my section 316 row 4 seats. Like I stated above, however, I don't have any tickets remaining prior to November 15th.
  7. I have tickets available to select Sabres home games. 1 pair is 100 Level Preferreds at centre ice section 105, row 7 (just 3 games left). I also have 2-6 seats for most games in section 316 rows 3 and 4. These are nice corner seats on the side the Sabres shoot twice (12 games left). Of my 8 tix, I'll be using anywhere from 3-6 tickets to about half the games, but will have the remainder available. Depdending on the game, quantities of 2, 4, 6 or 8 could be available. If you're interested, send me a PM or email me at sabrestix@gmail.com
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