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Everything posted by Swedesessed

  1. Some thoughts: 1. I was a Kane supporter, but let's be fair: Was Kane going to stay in Buffalo with UFA on the horizon? The odds were very high that he was going to leave Buffalo, so I won't completely fault JBot for getting something back for a player who was most likely leaving town. 2. Lock Room Culture: The Truth? Stanley Cup winning teams all the way down to the Sabres have moments where the lock room culture is good, and then not so good, there are flows to it as the season goes on. When a team is winning, generally any issues are squashed because winning does that. Ever notice how bad teams always seem to have some locker room issues? Why? Because when a team does not win, it comes out. Plain and simple. Notice how EK9 isn't an issue with San Jose right now? 3. Name me one really bad team where it was said consistently 'oh the locker room culture here is so good' Its rare, if at all. Winning helps create culture. Always thought this angle was very overrated.
  2. Out of the box thought for a goalie for the Sabres: Given the struggles of Cory Schneider, and if the Devils believe in Kinkaid, what if the Sabres could get a guy like Schneider who has shown he can play at a very high level, a look via a trade if it is cheap?
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: THIS!
  4. Player development and Rochester Obsessions. That should cover it.
  5. Playoffs?
  6. So, when does Richie sign with New England?
  7. Sell Mortimer, sell!
  8. 404 Error - Page not found SORRY, the requested page does not exist! Kind of ironic given we are Sabres fans :w00t:
  9. I agree completely with this: Show Low Energy Phil the door and say thanks for the memories
  10. Good speech and I agree: Any fans that are still here after finishing dead last 3 of 5 years can never have their fandom questioned. At the end of the day it's still watching a NHL hockey game, on a TV or streaming, under a roof, and we are all lucky and fortunate for that. Let's finish the season strong and bring on the draft and let's win this lottery for once!
  11. Fair points, but the regression in many other aspects give me pause about Housley: Can't really fire him now (although if there was a clear cut cant miss choice available I would) but Phil has a lot to learn and prove in 2018-2019
  12. 3 of the 6 'NBC 6' (Chicago, Rangers, Canadians and Red Wings) and with that 4 Original 6 teams in the Lottery: That 18.5% chance is a facade. Gary is salivating at the possibilities.
  13. So, who are the Sabres taking 4th in the 2018 NHL Draft?
  14. Agreed, Also see why the Bills wont be able to get their franchise QB. New arenas move mountains in sports.
  15. Russ owns the city of Buffalo, or has compromising photos of the Pegulas. Only true explanation.
  16. The tank is irrelevant for the Buffalo Sabres: If you think the Sabres will win a lottery with 4/6 of the Original 6 in the lottery: Think again.
  17. I will say the 1st part is a legitimate question, even as myself being a man of faith I would have to question the Pegulas if this was the basis for their decision making in terms of winning football games.
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Also Rinne and the Rangers backup goalies were strong in two of those games. Players have off nights sometimes as well, And coming back from injury has to be a factor.
  20. The game of the century. I am counting down the minutes to this epic clash
  21. Agreed, but LA is catching up fast to NYC's dirty ways
  22. http://mcubed.net/nhl/tor/buf.shtml The next time a Toronto fan or media person tries to trigger you about their cravings to make Buffalo fans feel inferior: Send this page and drop the mic.
  23. I personally don't even view Toronto as much of a rival. It's been too one sided historically for Buffalo to consider Toronto as a rival.
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