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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. I've seen a Vegas Golden Knights game. The on ice production is absolutely incredible. Love what that team is doing.
  2. Chilly


    Last night was my first Sabres game in Buffalo in years. It sucked.
  3. Why did you call Jim Nill a moron? His team won the West two seasons ago and they had one of the best off-seasons of any team. I'm very intrigued to watch the Stars this season.
  4. The Mass Effect series is my favorite series of all time and I loved ME:A. It lacked some polish but it was such a great game.
  5. I can't stop playing Mass Effect Andromeda. Absolutely LOVE it. JuJu did you back Psychonauts 2? I can't wait!!
  6. Bought Zelda today for Wii U. About two hours in and love it!
  7. Think we can get a good case of beer for him this week?
  8. What if we got Brodin back?
  9. https://twitter.com/EricEngels/status/836015295210881025 "From what I've been told, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Minnesota picking up Evander Kane between now and Wed. #NHLTrade"
  10. I think the vast majority of people didn't play Ingress so it's new to them
  11. The latest Zelda for the 3DS was pretty awesome. You're missing out if you haven't played it. In the old NES style.
  12. We definitely need some offense and some wingers - I suspect we'll go after Kucharov or Okposo and then if we can also sign Vesey it'll be the icing on the cake. It's not like we don't have the cap space. And then we can use some of the other assets to hopefully finalize shoring up the D - I'd love to replace Gorges/Fransen.
  13. I'm addicted as to Overwatch. Add Chilly#11361 on PC if you're playing on it.
  14. I've got a feeling next year is going to be a lot more fun. Can't wait to see what we buy this offseason.
  15. Was just coming here to post this. So annoying.
  16. My feeling on the offseason so far:
  17. Haha, I don't really. The Wii U is pretty much just for Nintendo Exclusives, the Xbox One is mine, while the PS4 is my wife's. We're both into gaming, and have two TVs mounted side by side so we can play at the same time. Decided to go with all 3 instead of like 2 Xbox Ones so we can play all the exclusives.
  18. I have all three consoles and a gaming PC. Personally, I don't see much difference between my Xbox One and my PS4. I'd go with whichever system has the most friends playing (if you like multiplayer) and which one has the better controller for you. The Wii U is fun for Nintendo stuff, but I honestly kinda prefer playing the 3DS. As far as PC vs Console goes, for me it really depends on the type of game. I use my PC for PC-Only games and MMOs mostly; a lot of times I just prefer sitting in my recliner playing on a 65" TV with Surround Sound.
  19. I believed in them to complete the tank. Did you?
  20. I'm neutral on this. I think it's worth it if he becomes a top-10 goalie over the next couple of years, and the success rate of Pick #21 isn't that high (only 20% chance to become a top 2 line player). My opinion is I'm OK with it but Tim Murray better be right.
  21. I love New Vegas. Obsidian is just better at story telling to me. Kotor 2, New Vegas, Obsidian has that Bioware style of storytelling down.
  22. I already went to SXSW in March, going to ACL in October, and Holy Ship in February. I'll probably go to some other random shows as they happen here in Austin, because that's live here.
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