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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Swords looking much better this period.
  2. Cromrie is an enigma. Makes incredible stops on breakaways, but pretty meh on ordinary shots, even when he should have a pretty good look at 'em.
  3. D-zone play was horrific, but it was also a pretty soft goal to let in.
  4. Get one of our guys a hattie. Hell, get both of 'em hatties!
  5. About once per performance, I think.
  6. Ya got a little dew on the lily there....
  7. You could do one of all the times his floating led directly to the other team scoring, but you'd have to edit it way down to fit in the available time slot... 😈
  8. "Pluperfect for carom, I think." --RJ 😂
  9. I've been pretty impressed by Anderson so far. Way better than I expected.
  10. Nope. Shatner played Bob Wilson in 1963...
  11. How would we know if he succeeded?
  12. I took my kids to Glen Park last summer. It's still a nice walk by the creek. The cider mill is, sadly, defunct. (That apple cider was the bomb. Used to freeze gallon jugs of it to have cider all winter/spring/summer.) I remember the roller coaster (Comet?) at CB to be terrifying the way it seemed to swoop directly towards Lake Erie, and then took a very hard turn.
  13. I have no idea why, but of all the bourbons in the world, that's the one that kicks my ass consistently.
  14. I remember that game! I was in the Orange section with my Dad...
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