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Everything posted by MichFan

  1. It's no surprise to me that being so factually incorrect sounds familiar to you :rolleyes: .
  2. What control of the House and 60 in the Senate meant to the Dems was a big pork BBQ. They were empowered to lead like no party has been in recent times, and rather than providing straight-forward reforms and solutions they put on their bibs and starting pigging out. It was a disgusting display and Americans took notice. That is the reason for the correction in the 2010 elections.
  3. 1) You need to search a little harder than Wiki to get your numbers right. Factor in Franken, the two I's caucusing with the Dems, and Specter switching parties and you get 60. I guess that's more of the Dem inspired math that hides numbers when it's convenient... 2) Cornhusker kickback and many other pork deals were thrown in there, you're misremembering. 3) I'm less worried about Romney's spending. 4) I'm less worried about Romney starting a war than I am about Obama get us attacked again.
  4. They had 60. The delay was due to each of them trying to get as much pork as they could.
  5. Re: Michelle Obama's speech ... I fail to see how increasing our debt by $5.4 trillion is creating opportunity for our children. In fact, it is limiting their potential. Another four years of this kind of spending will be catastrophic. My concern is that debt will be accelerated even more in a second Obama term.
  6. How refreshing it was to have a President who didn't "lead from behind" when our national security was at stake.
  7. How about an inept national defense strategy that emboldened terrorists? Or the tech bubble bursting? Or a record gap between rich and poor? Or the foundation laid for high risk mortgages? Or not being able to properly transition into office because of the prolonged recount dispute and then an unwillingness of the Clinton administration to help their successors?
  8. Brilliant bit of writing here Waldo. The only thing I would add is that despite the terrible hand Bush was dealt, he refused to reduce himself to blaming the past administration. So we just hit $16 trillion in debt. Obama is directly responsible for over a third of this debt, and has nothing to show for it (not even "starting" and prosecuting two wars). Question: is money loaned and later repaid considered spent (a) when it is loaned, or (b) when it is spent after being repaid?
  9. There has, e.g., in 1992 Clinton won with 43% (Perot was a third party candidate and got 19%). Edit: Oops, missed the "two way race" part, sorry!!! wjag, I don't see how Obama gets there with 46%-47%, the way the battlegrounds are trending to the national poll and without a legitimate third party candidate. But I agree that it is possible (theoretically).
  10. Obama is stuck at 46%-47% in the national polls and in many swing states, after throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Romney. Romney has grown into a tie from 43%-44%. The trend is Romney's friend right now.
  11. When did I claim to be Independent or non-partisan? I am a proud registered Republican, no hidden agenda here.
  12. In my mind, I did.
  13. That would be quite a scene in my neighborhood... it definitely wouldn't end well for them.
  14. I honestly cannot believe I'm reading this or that someone who considers themself an American wrote this. I can do whatever I want with my money, and if I could keep more of it it wold be put to much better use and much greater benefit for the economy. I could care less about your opinion as to what is important to my family and our finances. The sure sign of an out of control liberal is when someone thinks others don't have the right to keep their money and spend it as they deem fit.
  15. SwampD -- I am what Obama considers a middle class person (family income less than $250K). I lose over 40% of my income to government. Add what my employer pays on my behalf and it is higher. This is obscene. But the Dems feel it is too low and are hoping for the day that they get at least another 5% to redistribute. If I had been able to keep another 20% -- my childrens' college savings funds would be complete, I would have granite in the kitchen (for my wife), and my church and local charities would be better funded.
  16. No I don't. One can make a coherent argument that the originators, other than through passing a Constitutional amendment, did not provide the kind of flexibility that would allow the Federal govement to behave the way it has in doing the things referred to as the European model. It's just that both parties have benefited from the bastardization of our Constitution, so they don't call each other on it.
  17. European model = Government control of large swaths of the economy, overburdensome taxation, soaring debts, out of control public sector, etc. It is coming largely from Democrats in this country, though Republicans' hands are dirty as well.
  18. Pretty sure they didn't intend to allow the USA to morph into a European model, as many of the afore mentioned wars were against European nations. And that's not just a minor detail......
  19. Our founders did have the same attitude as TheMatrix31. In fact, they were more extreme. Instead of merely suggesting such people leave on their own, they fought wars to get/keep them out.
  20. America has done a lot more than "some" exceptional things. I agree with you re: not subscribing to the idea that God loves American's more, or that He favors certain athletes/teams. I have plenty of humility, but don't use lowering my opinion of this country as a means of demonstrating it. Rather, I treat it as a personal belief for me and my countrymen, and I don't throw throw American exceptionalism in the face of people from other countries (in other words -- it's a belief, not a boast).
  21. Okay, then go find true happiness elsewhere. As I said before, life is too short. Stop settling.
  22. I would hope that anyone, regardless of where in the world they live, believes that they live in the greatest country on Earth. Life is too short to waste time living elsewhere. I suggest those who don't believe our country is the best place on Earth find their way to happiness elsewhere. There are millions of people waiting to take your place.
  23. You obviously haven't traveled very much beyond our borders.
  24. Congratulations to the RNC for an exclellent convention this week. It was inspiring to see the diversity and bench strength on display this week. Hope the DNC can offer a similar discussion of forward-looking solutions so that there is a true comparison of ideas. America is exceptional, I don't see why you think a statement like that that is deserving of the emoticon you used. If you don't believe this, I suggest you spend time living in countries that you think are more desirable.
  25. That's all we got for another $5+ trillion in debt? You find that "remarkable"?
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