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    Mechanicsburg, PA

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  1. Would anyone that is going to the game tonight be willing to grab me an extra Hasek banner that they give out? I'd be willing to paypal the shipping cost.
  2. Luke Adam reminds me a bit of Alexandre Giroux. Very good AHL player, but not quite good enough to make that transition to a full time NHL player.
  3. Daycare. My son is running around outside for an hour in 100 degree heat, comes in from lunch and eats too fast. He chokes, and spits up his food. (he's 5). I get the call at work that he threw up and I have to come and pick both my kids up from daycare. I understand rules are rules, but for crying out loud. When I got there, he was crying because he didn't want to leave, and that he felt fine.
  4. yeah, he wasn't much bigger than me. Jokester, though. Playing the puck from the bench, holding jerseys, he grabbed me once and pinned me against the boards while Lou Francshetti was tripping someone 3 or 4 times in a row in front of the net
  5. I haven't been too active on the boards this season, my wife and I had our second child in October, so that has kept me fairly occupied. Thought I would share this, though. Yesterday, I had the privilege to be a part of "Take a Swing" at breast cancer, an annual event put on by a gentleman named Jon Jehrio down here in central PA. It is a charity hockey game with NHL alumni. Jon is from Buffalo, and has done a few of the charity events up there with former Sabres. We crossed paths earlier this season while I was refereeing one of his adult league games, and he got me involved to help referee this event. There were 4 teams, each with a few alumni, and a total of 6 games on Saturday. I took part as a referee, which was very cool. Got to joke around with the NHL guys, and have a great time, as well as get some pictures and autographs with the former Sabres that were there. Darryl Shannon, Craig Muni, Richie Dunn and Grant Ledyard were on hand sporting Sabres Jerseys. Overall it was a fantastic and rewarding experience. We get paid all year long to referee games, it is nice to take a day and give back. Here are a couple of the shots: Me and Darryl Shannon: Group Photo: Alumni in the picture above (Standing, left to right): Grant Ledyard, Richie Dunn, John Wensink, Phil Bourque, Francois Leroux, Craig Muni, Frederic Cassivi, Darryl Shannon (Not sure who old man with Sabres jersey is...back of it was Uncle John, #70) (Kneeling, left to right): Lou Francshetti, Dennis Maruk, Brian Propp, Terry Yake
  6. Used to live in High Point.
  7. It wouldn't be a team's choice in that second situation, Lucic would have to come out. The player with the least amount of penalty time would come out of the box.
  8. Just the announcer during the slow-mo replay..."uugh." That sums up my feelings exactly.
  9. The last punch of this fight, especially in slow motion was the scariest thing I have ever seen. I don't know who he is, or what kind of minutes he will play, or even if he is worth playing more than a few games a year...but I am glad he is on our team.
  10. Just finished "Wherever I wind up" by R.A. Dickey while I was on vacation this week...pretty amazing story.
  11. Right at the beginning of the last episode, I actually said to my wife, "God, why can't somebody kill Dale already?" That is one character that I am glad to be rid of. Your list sums up my feelings exactly.
  12. I had a couple of those last weekend... In a very close league game (Pee Wee) I called two checking from behind penalties within 12 minutes of each other....basically, the kid barely got out of the box from the first one and someone else committed a 2nd one. They weren't even borderline ones either, where you might have been able to get away with body checking, interference or even boarding. These were full on checks to the back on defenseless kids 2 feet from the boards...the latter of the calls was a 5 and a game because the other kid went head first into the boards and got injured. All this coming from a team who 5 minutes into the same game, the coach was on me because two kids collided in the middle of the ice by obvious lack of skating ability and gave me the ol' "Hey Ref, you know there is no checking in Pee Wee, right?" After all that, they still only lost by one goal...just stupid. A good coach takes the kid aside, tells him what he did wrong (as if he didn't already know) and makes sure it doesn't happen again...instead, this guy and his two other coaches (who were way more clueless than most) did everything they could to yell and scream about how bad the calls were. Settle the team down, and get them back to playing hockey the right way...leave the crap out of it.
  13. Yeah, our leagues down here I am pretty sure they have to be 4, so he will be able to play next year. We don't have as much interest in hockey in this area, so it's tough to get enough players together to do anything at all. I do want to get him skating lessons though. When he was two, Target was selling off their entire stock of hockey skates, and they had the kids ones for 8 bucks a pair. We bought 8 sizes, I think, just in case. He really likes going, which is half the battle. He also runs around the lobby with the skates on just like they were shoes...but when he hits that ice, his legs turn to jello, and he won't put any weight on them. It's just going to take some time, I think. But I would love to have a skating buddy.
  14. Been a great week thus far... I won a raffle with the pro shop at my local rink and won an Easton E700 helmet. Got it in Matte Black, looks very sleek. Taking my 3 year old ice skating for the third time tonight. Hoping he will skate with the little chair assist thing by himself. Last time we went, he was not interested in putting any weight on his feet at all.
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