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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Ha! I knew someone would bring that up. Obama has taken it farther than Clinton did, and it's not a criticsim of either president. I know why they do/did those types of things.
  2. i know they did, my criticsim there was more about how Obama has chosen to pursue the hip, cool president image in a lot of ways including late night TV in a way none of his predecessors did. Even though he's canadian, that article is a perfect example of the "it's only bad when the other side does it" mentality that has enveloped our polarized electorate.
  3. He implies that this is something new with Obama. The example of the woman at Duff's calling him a "hottie" is weak too. Obama has brought a lot of that type of non-partisan disrespect on himself by trying to be the hip president with the late night TV talk show appearances and the like.
  4. The disrespect for the office predates Obama. Utter crap.
  5. Yes. We must hope to welcome Garth's Goobers as Shart enhancers.
  6. Although I haven't had to switch my doctor, our already meager plans where I work are being phased out over the next few years so my company can avoid the tax on 'cadillac plans'. If those were considered cadillac plans...sheesh. We are in open enrollment and I'm just going to bite the bullet now and go with the high deductible plan that allows for me to have an HSA. I'll just max out my HSA every year (diverting some from my 401k), pay for health expenses out of pocket up the to the high deductible if necessary...and hope we stay healthy as a family.
  7. I'm shocked that a massive piece legislation that was passed with legislative chicanery and had leaders telling us that it needed to be passed so we could know what's in it, resulted in some "unintended consequences".
  8. Everything that has or will be done this year is with this in mind. Everything.
  9. Strive for the 20% and ye shall be rewarded. The collective CHL also rans are the enemy of the the Shart winner, still we must trust in the way of the Carrion. #believe
  10. #171 at my polling place this morning. Simple voting strategy: National elections, no D or R under any circumstances. State and local elections..if you're in...YOU'RE OUT!
  11. The Shart winner is granted the most favorable of the long shots at the top prize. This is the way of the carrion. #becauseitstheshart.
  12. I agree, last year the tank was about finishing last in order to guarantee a pick no worse than second with no clear cut McEichel as the prize. This was said ad nauseum from October right up until the lottery, yet still when the Sabres didn't get the first pick we immediately had all the told you so and woe is us posts.
  13. I can guarantee with 100% certainty that if the Sabres win the Shart and then the odds play out as they should with no McDavid in blue an gold, there absolutely will be long time posters here both lamenting our "bad luck" and those telling everyone "see the tank didn't work". It happened last year within seconds of us "losing" the lottery.
  14. I can only speak for myself, but when I say "eyes on the prize" I mean the CHL championship, aka DFL or The Shart trophy, which in turn of course guarantees a piece of McEichel.
  15. It's been brutal with this Hagan Tillis race and neither will be getting my vote. All the other races on my ballot are GOP vs. Democrat and I'll be leaving those blank.
  16. This. I expect that those who are tired of hoarding picks will not be disappointed this offseason. Finish the tank and then move on to this next phase of the rebuild.
  17. McDavid. Insane. http://fat.gfycat.co...fulWhichEmu.mp4
  18. Not sure how I feel about this in terms of our biggest CHL rival. Semin to be healthy scratch.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-KqHXL0l0Q
  20. Just like in the NHL where they don't award the President's trophy in October, the CHL's Shart must be earned over the long haul. It will be a tough road, but we lack all the key pieces on the ice to help us earn the coveted Shart in the end. We want the Shart!
  21. Is it safe to say that he's in contention for both the Buddy and the Richart in the CHL? edit: after reviewing the official CHL award criteria, his demotion to 4th line will hurt his Buddy chances and eliminate him from Richart consideration.
  22. If he's helping with the tank, then he must stay right here.
  23. Even if we don't land McEichel the tank is over as far as I'm concerned. We're taking our shot at the top end talent for two years and once the chips fall where they may that era of Sabres hockey is in the history books.
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