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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Nuh uh. I didn't get a flu shot for years and never had a heart attack, then one year I got the shot and I'm sure I had a myocardial infarction. :nana:
  2. Yep. In the interview he said it was always a problem he was embarrassed by throughout his career.
  3. Yes indeed, and this right here should mark the end of this thread.
  4. So Bernie Parent was on Howard Stern the other day to talk about his life long struggle with man boobs and the non-surgical procedure that cured him. Howard knows next to nothing about hockey and can't properly pronounce Parent, but still a pretty good interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzrUQHdYAM0
  5. We had the wave going in a 1/2 empty barn in Carolina tonight. #CHLrocks
  6. I'm monitoring this CHL affair from 10 rows deep at center ice. The stench is there, but waning.
  7. NFL draft and NHL draft are two completely different beasts.
  8. Uh huh. Its not different, until its different.
  9. It may be a shame to some, but I look at it another way. If this is indeed the plan then they are executing it beautifully, as opposed to the half measure approach to team building used for the majority of the history of this franchise. If you're going to be bad then go balls to the wall with it.
  10. This team has no chance and never did under any scenario the past two years no matter what. Do you really believe otherwise? This method has been used successfully before, so I don't know how "unfair" it is to anyone involved. It can blow up in our faces no doubt, but we've been over all this before now haven't we?
  11. Entirely possible and a risk I'm willing to accept for the potential payoff. If this franchise spirals into oblivion I'll have zero regrets about throwing away two seasons that weren't amounting to anything regardless.
  12. An NHL season is a marathon, and the isles achilles seems to be their lack of depth. Garth and the boys didn't utilize the fluffers and are shooting their load early. I still believe in Tank II.
  13. They absolutely didn't, and this is a big part of why im on board with it. We've tried all the other ways, I like a fresh approach.
  14. Someone needs to create a similar fancy graphic outlining the plans for the previous eras of Sabres hockey. You know, the plans for which we already know resulted in jack squat.
  15. Pretty much irreversibly intertwined topics at this juncture wouldn't you say?
  16. I think most pro tankers accept that this franchise risks falling into oblivion by pursuing this avenue. I also think most are 100% fine with that risk. Shoot for the stars (Shart) and let the chips fall where they may. Those guys traditionally have not wanted to come here. For many Buffalo and free agency is a complete non starter. Something tells me they'd be willing to listen at least with a chance at "mentoring" a talent such as McDavid.
  17. Thank you. I've yet to hear any reasonable non-tank plan that could have done anything but deliver a 20th place finish (again) at best. Do you want your ###### sundae with two scoops or one? That is the only choice. Man up and choke down your two scoops Sabres fans.
  18. The fear of all true Shart contenders. You need to be a special team to earn the Shart, just like the Cup for NHL squads. We must trust in our players, coach, GM and the bounces to deliver us salvation.
  19. The tank/suffering/shart will be worth it for either kid, with McDavid being the holy grail. That is all.
  20. Great work boys in vanquishing a big CHL rival. I'm proud.
  21. Actually I have only paid for hockey tickets once in Raleigh since the spring of 2006. And that was only because I was part of a group buy for my sons Y Guide's tribe, otherwise my streak would be intact. These will be good seats to watch the CHL suckitude. Center ice, 10 rows up.
  22. I was just handed tickets to the big CHL match here in Raleigh on Monday. Flames @ Canes. Calgary on CHL life support.
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