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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. For all his coaching genius, the propensity for Belichick to play his stars when it serves absolutely no purpose is about as moronic as it gets. It hasn't bit him in the ass yet and I won't wish injury on anyone, but I'd be lying if I said I won't snicker a bit if Brady went down for the season playing in a game at the end of the year he had no business playing in.
  2. Report from my sister in law was similar to what others have said. An hour wait and so-so food.
  3. Yep. A six game streak in a rebuild/tank year tells us next to nothing about how our core will be in three years, especially since most of that core is still playing in the AHL, juniors or in other organizations currently.
  4. This isn't the first or last time that the CHL has crushed the spirit of some wafflers, only the truly dedicated shall be granted the honor of rasing the shart in victory.
  5. Not a single poster has ever said it's the only way, but for those who support the tank it's the preferred way. You'd think that nearly a year and a half into this thing that this straw man would be extinct by now.
  6. I could have written that article. Very well said, the only thing I slightly disagree with is that I'd be all for trading Enroth if he's able to sustain this level of play.
  7. Someone else can go back and look if they want, but I'm fairly certain during our 2006-07 season we had a stretch or two where we lost 5 of 7 or something similar, yet we still won the President's trophy. In other words, in a long CHL season this still only counts as just a blip on the radar. It really isn't time to freak out yet guys.
  8. I'm not willing to call how each game plays out, but I'm fairly certain that the final game will have playoff implications for the Bills, and none for NE. Yet we will still see Brady, Gronk, Wilfork et al because that's how Belichick rolls. Everyone knows how it ends from there.
  9. Yutes. Only the strong persevere in the CHL.
  10. Howard Stern played this song by Royal Blood a few days ago and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Two man band, just bass and drums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhgVu2lsi_k
  11. Not I. But mentioning playoffs for this team doesn't even register on the Jim Mora soundbyte ludicrous scale.
  12. Jeez...not much fortitude or mental toughness in this tank army. Man up soldiers and get in for the long haul, the CHL isn't for pussies!
  13. We will be hosting some family tomorrow, and that of course comes with the requisite headaches. But I have an out: I'm in charge of the bird. I'll be cooking it outside on my egg. At my man cave. With beer. And football on TV.
  14. Yes I do, but I ain't no grandpa!
  15. Yep, not worried at all. We are the worst and TM still has his finger on the torpedo the roster button, ready to push at any time he so chooses.
  16. I had him for physiology. After one exam the entire class was in full on revolt and he just got fed up with it and walked out of the lecture hall. A huge WTF moment for everyone. At the next class he apologized, but you could tell it was a forced apology by the higher ups as he was seething the whole time.
  17. I distinctly remember waiting after class to ask my professor a question in preparation the first organic chem exam of the semester, but there was a student in front of me who asked his question first.... student: Professor Smith, if you were me what would you focus on most in preparing for the exam? Professor Smith: Number one, I'm not you. Two, everything. With that I just turned around and walked out, there was nothing to be gained from interacting with that guy. After that first exam at least half the class got F's. I remember being thrilled with my C-. Professor Smtih stood stoically in front of the lecture hall, ignoring the sobs from many of the female students who probably never got anything but A's in their scholastic careers, and announced with no campassion whatsoever that if you failed this exam the road would not get any easier and he strongly encouraged these students to abandon their med school plans and pursue a different major. The guy was no nonsense to the extreme, he was like the GMTM of organic chemistry professors.
  18. For those out of towners with Sunday Ticket good news.. DIRECTV @DIRECTV ยท 5m 5 minutes ago Great News! NFL will allow Jets-Bills to air via Sunday Ticket live Monday Night 7 ET. If you're in New York/buffalo area, check CBS.
  19. It's been quite some time since my college days but as a biochem major I do remember organic chemistry and physical chemistry being quite brutal indeed.
  20. Like I said in my post there was no way the game was happening in OP because of these very reasons. My response was to those who saidthe Bills (and TP) were idiots for asking people to help dig out for only $10/hr.
  21. Yeah pretty silly. They need that guy or gal down here for when we get our first snow. Then can do their live shot where they crouch down with the camera to street level and point out to all the viewers that there is 0.25" sticking to the roads, thereby signalling to all that it's time to FREAK THE FECK OUT!!!
  22. Big picture is going back and looking at the 1st forward taken in the NHL draft the past 15 years or so. Not many 3rd line players do I see there.
  23. I don't think there is any question that the Bills will not be playing in OP this Sunday. If there are abled bodied individuals who can feasibly walk to the Ralph and help dig out the stadium for a few extra bucks then more power to them. I'm not certain what the concern is with wasting these "resources" on digging out the Ralph. Be a good neighbor and help out anyone around you who may be in need, but quite frankly I think local officials would rather have the bulk of clean up work left to the professionals.
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