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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Nonsense. We're breaking out of the CHL, right into the NHL and making the playoffs!
  2. I'm still with you brother. The Shart is not lost!
  3. The point if the tank is to finish DFL, yes. Supporting that approach isn't one and the same with saying we are doomed to a cup-less existence if it doesn't work. Perhaps if we explain this 100 more times it will sink in....maybe?
  4. Refreshing. Please feel free to keep repeating this nonsense if you wish, it will never make it any less of a straw man.
  5. I don't rejoice when the Sabres lose or get pissed when they win. Almost 40 years a fan with zilch to show for it has made me a detached observer. And this detached observer believes we are indeed the worst and therefore stand a good chance at getting rewarded handsomely for being the worst. That is all.
  6. Even when you're on a big losing streak, a CHL ticket is a tough sell.
  7. Bills going blue on blue http://blogs.buffalo..._medium=twitter
  8. I will remain 100% committed to pursuing the Shart until we are mathematically eliminated from contention. I still believe we are the worst and that it will show over the course of a full CHL season. We haven't driven the tank this far down the road only to turn it around in pursuit of yet another useless DR-like no man's land finish. In GMTM I trust.
  9. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the CHL is no place for pussies. There are just a handful of posters left (<5?) who have yet to waver in their dedication to the pursuit of the shart.
  10. Interesting..###### gets filtered, but one of my all time favorite underground bands Snatches of Pink does not.
  11. Yes it would be, but I still trust in GMTM and know that he realizes this to be the case. He will not abandon the tank. In the shart I still believe.
  12. I guess this goes here. Cam Newton in car wreck
  13. Agree that there isn't an anti-Bills conspiracy, but I'm very skeptical about the unintentional bias against long time doormat franchises like the Bills when it comes to the subjective calls. For example, is there any universe one could imagine where a flag is NOT thrown against the Bills in this ultimate of crucial situations? Not a chance in hell. http://www.canalstre...-junior-galette
  14. I admit that I'm not up on the letter of the rule, but the hit was clearly shoulder to shoulder to me when I saw it in real time. If they are splitting hairs with glancing blows from the helmet after the brunt of the force from the hit came shoulder pad to shoulder pad then I guess it was the right call (and a terrible rule). I understand the need to prtect the safety of the players from the head hunting, but at some point the league still has to allow these guys to play football.
  15. I think you're being facetious, but I think this is absolutely the case. I expect these horrible calls to continue to happen on crucial plays that in return cause fans to question how things might have been. It's never going to change. For example, the Pats suffered from an even worse call than any that went against the Bills yesterday that negated a fumble recovery interception for a TD. They won anyway.
  16. Just like the vultures that search out the carrion from the skies, being a CHL die hard requires that you take a high level view of the big picture at all times.
  17. Got down big last week on Thanksgiving and crawled out a huge hole by taking GT over Georgia on the money line. Go ACC!
  18. More Royal blood. For the first time in forever, a song I first heard on the radio led to me buying an album. It hasn't been out of my player all week. Also, Foo Fighters were on Stern this week and Royal Blood will be opening for them on their upcoming tour. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ere2Mstl8ww
  19. Have no fear my friends for the putrid stench of the carrion will soon be in our midst once again.
  20. So I was put in charge of coordinating the inventory of all the equipment in our department that requires calibration. Over 1000 pieces of equipment, most of them micropipettes. We probably have 30 pipettes for every lab worker in our group. It's completely unneccessary and wasteful to have so many, try to keep them current and have nobody ever use them. Of course I've received very little response from people who I asked starting last week (and three emails since then) to go through their labs and tell me what they can find. Why I got stuck with this nonsense and not some QA lackey I'm not quite sure. The report is due tomorrow and it's going in as is along with all the ignored emails I sent. I found all the ###### from my labs, everyone else who didn't bother to respond can deal with whatever comes down. Between this, all the purchasing crap, expense reports and mandatory corporate training BS I'd say I probably only spend 70% of my time doing what they actually hired me to do. When I started here they had other staff to take care of this stuff. Yeah for innovation.
  21. For guys like Brady, Manning etc. do you really think a little extra rest matters at this point in their careers? Those guys don't miss a beat. If anything, it makes more sense to give the back up who never plays a full taste of live action in case he's needed in a playoff game.
  22. I remember all to well about the Bills/Pittsburgh game and it has nothign to do with the Bills. They are going nowhere. It has to do with it being a moronic decision for an otheriwse hall of fame genius coach to continually make. Obviously you can't bench all of your starters, but to play Brady and his already injury prone main weapon in Gronk would serve no purpose other than to risk unneccessary injury to both. Dumb to the nth degree.
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