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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Eyes dead set on the Shart! Did anything about your feelings on the Sabres this season change when they won 10 out of 13 games? "No. I think that we played well. I think that we played hard. But the analytics were basically all the same. Our shooting percentage got higher in those wins. I don't want to think completely on that, but the numbers were pretty close to the same as when we lost other than save percentage and shooting percentage.
  2. I appreciate the craft beer explosion in the US as much as anyone, but Heimdall is in Belgium ladies and gents. Fargin' Belgium!!! It's the Disneyland of the beer world.
  3. Chuck Paganos dad with the stogie...awesome!
  4. Marv was most definitely not a splashy, big name hire when he replaced Bullough mid-season. He definitely had a track record of success as a ST coach, but not head coach really.
  5. @viccarucci The #Bills have "every intention" of keeping DC Jim Schwartz, just told by high-ranking team source. Huh?
  6. This is what I meant, yes. We aren't suddenly a playoff team next year, and very well may end up with another top five pick, but it won't be by design like these past two seasons.
  7. Absolutely. That's child's play for the Peaky Blinders! http://en.wikipedia..../Peaky_Blinders
  8. No doubt it will be. Nobody said winning the Shart is easy, we're going to need to be at the top of our CHL game and have some bounces to go our way to win it. I believe and trust in GMTM, even if it takes some of the most brazen tank roster manipulation we have yet seen.
  9. The hottest team in the CHL...your Buffalo Sabres.
  10. Speaking of alternative viewing in lieu of the rest of the tank.....Peaky Blinders. Must watch Netflix show. Awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w0vy8f_O0I
  11. The solution is simple for me. I don't watch. I had center ice ever since I moved to NC, but the decision was easy not to order it knowing what was in store for these two seasons. The only fans that I feel bad for in all of this are the season ticket holders. If it didn't constitute a public admission to tanking and that fan suggestion box was still open to Ted Black, I'd submit that all season ticket holders who endured through the two full tank seasons should be heavily compensated. Even if we fall short of McEichel and with a top five looking like a lock, I'm certain the tank in Buffalo is done for a very long time after this year.
  12. We're now officially into the last 1/4 of the tank. Everyone climb on board and let's see this thing through to the Shart.
  13. This is the first Sabres game I've watched in months. We've gotta be shart favorites.
  14. Look down and to your left into section 214 in the Champions club. I'll be sitting with 3 other 40-something guys. We should be easy to spot. I usually wear something Sabres related, but I'll probably low key it tonight in the spirit of the CHL. Regarding the 300 level.... I've been on record as saying that the the Canes fans blew all the Sabre fan bad behavior stuff way out of proportion, until the one time that I sat up there for a Sabres game and I could kind of see their point.. ###### faced Sabres fans and redneck Canes fans is a friggin powder keg I tell ya. I wouldn't worry about it tonight too much, it's been tame everywhere in that arena for these games for a few years now...unless Drunkard is there that is. :P
  15. Flu? It's rampant here in NC and I came down with it just before Christmas, but I got on Tamiflu within 12 hours of the symptoms starting and I was only really bad for about 48 hours. Otherwise it's been putting people down for the better part of a week. Poor match for the H3N2 strain in this years vaccine.
  16. Enroth has put in some big performances here in Carolina over the years.... that does not bode well for those of us in the tank crowd. Although Neuvirth played out of his skull, 51 saves IIRC, in a loss here late last season. Let me know if you end up getting tix.
  17. I hope that package wasn't on dry ice...
  18. I'm still on the side of suspending all raping, pillaging and baby eating for the CHL season. If however you still have a fondness to engage in such activities, I feel that the pickings will be slim. Bitter cold + CHL marquee matchup + weeknight game + canes fans in general = actual crowd in the 6-7k range.
  19. Yvon Lambert, mainly for the RJ goal calls.
  20. It's Buffalo cold here in the Triangle this morning.... 12 degrees when I got in my truck. A perfect day for this huge CHL matchup.
  21. Most of you guys likely follow the rest of the league closer than I do, but how has Florida done with FA, trades for NHL established talent and spending to the cap? This is something I'm assuming the Sabres will move towards after this season (the tank) is over, and I don't think is as realistic for other teams.
  22. How pissed would all Sabres fans be, tank and non-tank alike, if we spent two seasons successfully tanking and then traded the holy grail away? Exactly. The same would be true for every other team. It ain't happening.
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