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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. There is no reasoning with the rabid idiocy of the anti-vaccination cult. When their nonsense turns up on my FB feed I used to respond with peer reviewed scientific data, but all I ever get in response is personal attacks. I've given up.
  2. We still may be CHL hotshots next year, but it won't be by design. Ted Black speak notwithstanding, its right in there that you cross over the threshold from tanking to rebuilding.
  3. Depending on how bad it was he likely either has a gas bubble or silicone oil in his eye to keep the retina attached. Then depending on where the detachment occurred he will need to stay in a certain position nearly 24/7. For me it was face down....brutal doesn't come close to describing thhose weeks of my life. I was strongly warned about no heavy lifting or vigorous physical activity as a strong risk factor for recurring detachment. So he's going from an elite pro athlete to couch potato for awhile. Yes, 6 to 8 weeks sounds like an almost impossible time table based on my experience, but I really hope they are able to save his vision first and then worry about playing hockey again. Berard was always an amazing story to me. That he could come back and play at the highest of levels with one eye having such limited and essentially useless vision was incredible.
  4. It's close, very close. But for me the getting caught cheating twice thing swings it in Manning's favor.
  5. Man that sucks. I suffered a deached retina years ago and clung to some vision through six surgeries but it wasn't meant to be in the end. I really hope things work out for the kid.
  6. The stench at the top of the CHL standings has been known to render even the strongest of constitutions woozy, but hang on we must.
  7. JB Smoove on Howard just now.. "You pass when you have to, and you run the GD ball when you're supposed to." Amen.
  8. Complete stupidity gives the Pats* the Lombardi and costs me hundreds. Fukc!!!!!!!!!
  9. You can describe my outlook as an older fan quite simply: It's binary. There's winning a cup, and then there's every other type of season, including this awful one, that results in no cup.
  10. Was just at the original haufbrau haus in Munich yesterday. This will be fantastic for canalside even if its only half the experience that the original is. Pork knuckle, sauerbraten, sausage, dunkel, helles ......so awesome.
  11. Nice. People have been saying the same thing for a few tours now, but this really might be the last tour.
  12. They are doing exactly what they set out to do, why in the world would they be embarrassed?
  13. I can smell the shart from Munich. Keep it up boys!
  14. Finnish cuisine is impressive, my favorite so far has been cold smoked reindeer blinis.
  15. So I'm in Helsinki, Finland this week for work and as it turns out the company we are visiting is across the road from arena for the Espoo Blues of the Finnish Elite league. So naturally I had to check out any Sabres connections to this team.... It's the last professional stop in the career of Christian Ruuttu in 98/99. Goalie Tom Draper played here during the 01/02 season. Ted Sator coached here in 2003, and was replaced as coach mid season by former Sabres blue liner Hannu Virta.
  16. A fairly egregious error with some text on the stub.
  17. Does anyone see it? I didn't catch it at first when he showed me.
  18. So I was out last week in Buffalo with a friend who went to the Hasek game, and he showed me his ticket stub...I guess there wasn't a whole lot that they didn't screw up that night.
  19. Good stuff. I love the Academy of Hockey concept. On my flight back to Raleigh on Monday there was a young team from Colorado on my plane that had just played there.
  20. Anywhere but Carolina for McEichel.
  21. You mean the bronx cheer when Kenneth Davis made it 35-10? And I wanted to leave..I had walked halfway up the aisle at 35-3, but my Dad convinced me to stay "until the Oilers score again"....
  22. If I understand correctly, and I may not, each team brings their own balls for use on offense, so Luck would have used the Colts own properly inflated balls?
  23. Spygate, Peyton Manning refusing to discuss strategy in the locker room and accusations of shenanigans with the wireless frequencies at Gillette and now this. A bunch of cheating shady ###### in NE.
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