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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. In the shart you must believe, in order to achieve.
  2. I stopped at south of the border once........ Once.
  3. Just passed South of the Border on I-95. 34 degrees!
  4. Imagine the that aud smell after we trounced those dirty russki's in '76.
  5. Not out of the question as far as I'm concerned, in fact I almost expect that at least one of the young untouchables (Gus, Risto, Zad or even Reinhart) is moved as GMTM moves from tanking into gathering proven NHL assets mode.
  6. Yep, Im pretty sure that I hate NC summers more than WNY winters. It's having a real spring and the gorgeous fall weather that makes NC appealing.
  7. I'm not sure why some find it so hard to believe that the statisticians have come up with some pretty accurate statistical models to describe the sport of hockey. I've come across papers in my time where there biostatisticians have developed accurate statistical models for far more complex biological pathways and processes like receptor mediated endocytosis or isothermal PCR reactions. The hockey analytics thing is not a huge stretch.
  8. Interesting, but still the Sabres 1st next year will be very valuable with those 3 chances to move up (or down) as a likely bottom five team and a lock for bottom 10 IMO.
  9. A balmy 11 F here in Research Triangle Park, NC.
  10. My kids' school was on a two hour delay this morning due to roads icing again overnight. So I got to school at 9:30 for the 10 am start and the carpool line extended at least a half mile from the school entrance. When I finally arrived at the entrance there was the problem in full view. The entrance driveway is on a fairly steep incline with a speed bump at the top, and for about 10 ft on either side of the bump it's completely iced over. So naturally the guy in front of me sees the ice, inches up to the speed bump and comes to a full stop in front of it. He's toast. I watch as he spins his wheels for a minute, then I get out and walk up to him to explain that he needs to back up to dry pavement (i had left him plenty of room) and then go back over the speed bump without stopping. He's reluctant to do that as he thinks he'll slide right back down the driveway into me even though that pavement is dry. Finally a few other drivers get out of their cars and tell him the same thing so he goes for it and gets over the bump. This complaint isnt so much about him and the other inexperienced winter drivers, but more about how the school opened without salting that problem area, WTF? It took me a full 35 minutes in that carpool line and there was still a long line after I dropped my kids off at 10:05.
  11. Yes, especially since analytics have been and always will be about getting a better understanding of how and why the final score is what it is.
  12. There very well may be something with Miller's game that causes his struggles with shots from farther out, but to me Drane's impaired depth perception theory doesn't hold water simply because that problem should have the reverse effect in terms of shot distance. As someone who is legally blind in one eye I can tell you that if you lightly toss me a baseball from five feet away, it will be a crapshoot as to whether or not I'll catch it. But throw me a heater from 60'6" and I'll catch it every single time.
  13. See I don't ever recall seeing that in my 30 years living in WNY. I've noticed people only clear a limited swath across the entire windshield and the back window neglected like you mentioned and leaving feet of snow on top of their car to eventually blow off in one big blinding chunk into the following cars, but to purposely leave yourself 3/4 blind on icy roads is idiocy of the highest order.
  14. So nearly everything here around Raleigh was delayed opening today due to roads re-freezing overnight. On my commute in to work I see a car where the driver only bothered to scrape off the ice from the driver side of the windshield. The other 3/4 of the windshield was still covered with an inch thick layer of sleet/ice. Are you fecking kidding me?
  15. And there you have the very simple solution that I adhere to. I don't watch. That way they can tank their hearts out without causing me frustration by playing putrid hockey in completely meaningless games against teams I hate.
  16. I agree more needs to be done, but to be fair its the current lineup plus McEichel, Reinhart and Kane.
  17. We are closed today, although I'll still be doing some reports from home today and I had off Presidents day yesterday. This all adds up to a four day weekend, three day work week and a week long Disney cruise next week for me. Nice.
  18. We didn't get the freezing rain as predicted here in Raleigh, but the inch or two of sleet has shut everything right down. Edit: current temp 20 F.
  19. The race for the Shart is indeed down to two or three teams. Toronto and others are too little too late and are merely jockeying for a bump in lottery odds at this point. Without that nonsense in December we could already be selling Eichel jerseys in the Sabres store.
  20. every other team to varying degrees. Every single one of 'em. No McEichel in the east other than Buffalo...you're crazy if you'd like to see that happen.
  21. Dominant in their rookie season? I don't think anyone expects that.
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